Two and a Half Men

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Two and a Half Men
Charlie Sheen drops the beer and picks up a pen!. [url=][img][/img][/url] [QUOTE]Charlie Sheen tells TMZ he's writing a tell-all book about life on the set of "Two and a Half Men" -- with details about what led up to the final implosion -- and he wants at least $10 mil for the publishing rights.[/QUOTE] [URL=""]via[/URL]
DING **** this show is dead! [url=][img][/img][/url] It's not that selfish on Lorre's part because now the crew is free to find paying work just in time for pilot season. If they had done nothing and kept the show in hiatus, all those crew members would be out of work and not be getting paid. Now Charlie can go do whatever he wants and hopefully everyone else can move on, without him.
I don't watch the sitcom, but the "reality show" it has spawned is very entertaining! :devil2:
Not really, that's very scary to see someone on the verge on a nervous breakdown on live television. I knew right from the jump this was gonna happen. I thought I hate this show but after sitting down and watching it its not bad. But he's oversexed on the show.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;238135]I don't watch the sitcom, but the "reality show" it has spawned is very entertaining! :devil2:[/QUOTE] Here are some fun and games! [url=]Quiz: Charlie Sheen or Muammar Qaddafi?[/url] How many can you guess correctly? [url=]Open Call for Charlie Sheen Memes[/url] [url=]Charlie Sheen out of Major League 3 after meltdown[/url] NOOOO! Not [I]Major League 3[/I]! [url=][img][/img][/url] And my favorite: [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=Old Friend;238138]Not really, that's very scary to see someone on the verge on a nervous breakdown on live television. I knew right from the jump this was gonna happen. I thought I hate this show but after sitting down and watching it its not bad. But he's oversexed on the show.[/QUOTE] He's been "on the verge" for years. This was a long time coming and he has pretty much used up all of my sympathy for him.
[QUOTE=tatertots;238141]He's been "on the verge" for years. This was a long time coming and he has pretty much used up all of my sympathy for him.[/QUOTE] Exactly. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for a spoiled multimillionaire drug addict who has a thing for **** stars and beating up women...
You might as well not even do another "Major League" if you are not going to have Wild Thing or "Willie Mays" Hayes...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;238145]Exactly. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for a spoiled multimillionaire drug addict who has a thing for **** stars and beating up women...[/QUOTE] Well, it's not that I sympathize with him, don't get me wrong. He's just out there. And anybody who leaves Denise Richards for **** stars has issues. [QUOTE=Bacchus;238146]You might as well not even do another "Major League" if you are not going to have Wild Thing or "Willie Mays" Hayes...[/QUOTE] I take it thats who he played in the movie? And why they wait so long for another ML movie? lol.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;238146]You might as well not even do another "Major League" if you are not going to have Wild Thing or "Willie Mays" Hayes...[/QUOTE] Bernsen or bust!!
Tater, who gave you permission to post a gif of me doing my dance after finding out this show was going down the toilet?
SO happy this show is dead!!!! One of the worst sitcoms to ever air, ever. And yes, even compared to Full House ;)
Anonymous's picture
I've been waiting for this show to be officially canceled for the longest time. I've seen a few episodes and most of it is sexist commentary and how many women Charlie's character "entertains" in one episode. I feel bad for the other cast members, though. Charlie went and ruined a good paying job for the cast and crew.
[QUOTE=SPK713;238158]SO happy this show is dead!!!! One of the worst sitcoms to ever air, ever. And yes, even compared to Full House ;)[/QUOTE] Well that's not fair, because Full House is awesome. But yeah this show sucks.
[url=]YouTube - family guy two and a half men[/url]
That sums it up well, lol.
Bahahahahahaha ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Anonymous's picture
I enjoyed this show. I'm sad to see it go. Farewell, Duckie.
[quote]Sheen said he would go back and finish the season of "Two and a Half Men," which CBS halted last week after Sheen called a radio show. But, he said, because of his psychological distress, he wants $3 million per episode rather than the $2 million he was making. "I'm tired of pretending I'm not special," Sheen told NBC. "I'm tired of pretending I'm not *****ing a total freaking rock star from Mars. And people can't figure me out. They can't process me. I don't expect them to. You can't process me with a normal brain." He later said he has "tiger blood and Adonis DNA."[/quote] [url=][via][/url]
Lol wow a million more for psychological distress hes entertaining lol. Cant wait to see what he comes up with on NBC's Today show today haha.
Anonymous's picture
He gets two million an episode? That's ridiculous. I won't be surprised if he starts telling people that he was prescribed cocaine for his 'psychological distress'.
[QUOTE=TheSeenScene;238366]He gets two million an episode? That's ridiculous. [/QUOTE] Ditto. That's crazy too considering the show isn't even that good though not terrible. I remember when they said people from Friends were making $120,000 per episode and even then I thought that was a lot.
Charlie Sheen is going absolutely "fruit loops" on TMZ live right now, haha.
he forgot to say Woods inbetween tiger and blood
[QUOTE]"I am on a drug," Sheen said. "It's called Charlie Sheen. It's not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."[/QUOTE] Classic.
Wait? Will my face melt, or will my body explode? And is it an explosion or more like spontaneous combustion? I have so many questions before I decided to take "Charlie Sheen" and get that magical experience he has been boasting about!
Anonymous's picture
After seeing that quote, I'm a little concerned for his sanity now.
[QUOTE=TheSeenScene;238426]After seeing that quote, I'm a little concerned for his sanity now.[/QUOTE] Just after that quote? I think his sanity should have been questioned ages ago.
LESSONS FROM CHARLIE SHEEN: 1. When you’re with Charlie Sheen, you’re a winner. 2. Ambien is a bad drug with a half-life of 22,000 years. 3. Children should drink beer at home so as not to appear to be “amateurs.” 4. “Rock bottom” is a fishing term popularized by Jimmy Buffett. 5. “Comfort” television programming should never be “snatched away.” 6. Charlie’s stories are 2 hot 4 “Two and a Half Men.” 7. Actors are mere puppets. 8. Once Mr. Sheen existed on a single piece of bread for three days. 9. Children are “awesome;” also “different.” 10. Fair interviews are only held in the dugout of Yankee Stadium. 11. The coolest party in the world happened 22 years ago. No proof exists. 12. Michael Jackson’s fatal error was doing hospital drugs in a casual manner. 13. Hoard “wisdom stories.” 14. Don’t be too “terrestrial.” 15. “Sail across the winds of the universe” whenever possible. If feasible, bring along goddesses in sunglasses. 16. Goddesses struggle to make instant coffee because they are confused by the instructions “mix the powder with water.” 17. Don’t have “burnout” in your “gearbox.” Just have “go.” 18. The score card doesn’t lie at the end of the game, so prepare your apologies to Charlie Sheen, because “defeat is not an option” for a “man of his word, unlike everyone else in the mix.” Don’t buy into the “voodoo talk,” just look in the mirror and vow to “behave differently.” ([URL=""]via[/URL]) #8 was my favorite.
Lol he also said he has tigers blood in him haha.
