The Challenge: Spring 2011 - Wild Cast Speculation

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[QUOTE=rwdenverfan;232100]Im confused about what TJ said.. So he said hopefully there will be another challenge and hopefully he can do it, but then he said hes going to give it a shot. So he his going to be the host?[/QUOTE] Same here...still confused.
[QUOTE=rwdenverfan;232100]Im confused about what TJ said.. So he said hopefully there will be another challenge and hopefully he can do it, but then he said hes going to give it a shot. So he his going to be the host?[/QUOTE] One must remember that the MTV position, and therefore also BMPs position and that of their employees, is something like this: "Challenge? What challenge? If we wanted you to know something, we would tell you." TJ is not going to confirm anything beyond his desire to be well enough to host a challenge, if there is one. He really would like to keep the job, so talking "out of school" is not on his agenda. Call it survival instinct...
If one were not going to be on a challenge then one would not be contractually prohibited from saying they were not going to be on a Challenge since there would be no contract to break so it would be nice if some of these people would just say--"Nope, not gonna do it" or "didn't get asked" and stop playing games with it.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;232199]If one were not going to be on a challenge then one would not be contractually prohibited from saying they were not going to be on a Challenge since there would be no contract to break so it would be nice if some of these people would just say--"Nope, not gonna do it" or "didn't get asked" and stop playing games with it.[/QUOTE] Yes, but then it would be too easy to narrow down who is on the challenge.
[QUOTE=CharR;231844] Looks like Evan and Mark are also participating, although I think Mark has already been ruled out and [B]there is some evidence Evan won't be on it either.[/B] [/QUOTE] I think Evan is been a ***** as usual. If it's the frenemies challenge, I don't think BMP can resist another JEK and Wes storyline: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
I don't think it'll be a frenemies challegne. Like V1Man has stated, it would be really hard to find replacements for every single frenemy, in case one of them had to drop out. It just doesn't seem likely.
[QUOTE=Youssarian;232414]I don't think it'll be a frenemies challegne. Like V1Man has stated, it would be really hard to find replacements for every single frenemy, in case one of them had to drop out. It just doesn't seem likely.[/QUOTE] Perhaps one should consider that if one person were to drop out, then casting would have a standby pair ready. One out could equal two people not going, which would suck for someone. I've heard that Survivor did similar casting for their "all stars" version, according to someone who was "cast" but didn't actually make into the game.
[url=][img][/img][/url] I know we've already ruled Katie out for the next challenge, but there had been speculation if Trichelle would do another challenge w/ or w/o Mark being there...
Looks as though Katelynn can be ruled out. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Since they only film through mid-March and Katelynn recently left her job per her twitter, I would not be too quick to rule her out.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Highfive to me for figuring it out. Thanks to whoever posted how to upload. [url=][img][/img][/url]
[B]Here are two no's.[/B] [url=][img][/img][/url]
[url=][img][/img][/url] Looks like no JD
[IMG][/IMG] Aw, poor Andrew lol
[url=][img][/img][/url] Hmm hoping this doesn't count out KellyAnne
Cara Maria posted on Twitter twice that she was taking a break from all social networking, then went back and deleted the tweets. Is it about time for them to leave?
[QUOTE=jesses_girl;233118][IMG][/IMG] Aw, poor Andrew lol[/QUOTE] Hopefully Andrew means IRS Form 1099-MISC which must be provided to contracted cast members. There is no IRS Form 1089.
[QUOTE=llcooljonas;233130]Cara Maria posted on Twitter twice that she was taking a break from all social networking, then went back and deleted the tweets. Is it about time for them to leave?[/QUOTE] They are leaving in early February.
[QUOTE=VCR14;233125][url=][img][/img][/url] Hmm hoping this doesn't count out KellyAnne[/QUOTE] It would be unwise to think she was ever "in" for the next one, and perhaps not for any other one...
You know what this means! [url=][img][/img][/url]
Ayiiia tweeted "& i lost my passport :( all i cared about was my stamps!!! :( i was on a roll. [URL=""]#isuckx2[/URL]" - Does that mean anything?
[url=][img][/img][/url] So Ayiiia's a [B]no[/B] then? She has the Cancun curse.
Erika had been posting a TON about working out on Twitter. I didn't post anything right away because I just was keeping an eye on it. It appears it was a New Years Resolution for her, but her comments towards Emily and Katie made me feel this was at least worth posting to bring to people's attention. On a sidenote, looking through her tweets it also appears that she had recently sang the National Anthem at a Lake Erie Monsters game (Cleveland's American Hockey League team). Congrats to her! [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=Clarke;233277][url=][img][/img][/url] So Ayiiia's a [B]no[/B] then? She has the Cancun curse.[/QUOTE] In emergency situations, you can get a replacement passport pretty quickly and easily.
[QUOTE=llcooljonas;233292]In emergency situations, you can get a replacement passport pretty quickly and easily.[/QUOTE] Can't say I've ever heard of it being done in less than three business days.


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