Survivor: Redemption Island - Matt Elrod

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Survivor: Redemption Island - Matt Elrod
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [B]Name (Age)[/B]: Matt Elrod (22) [B]Tribe Designation[/B]: Ometepe [B]Current Residence[/B]: Nashville, Tenn. [B]Occupation[/B]: Pre-Med Student [B]Personal Claim to Fame[/B]: My decision to lead my own life. [B]Inspiration in Life[/B]: I think that there are so many people worthy of being deemed "a hero" in everyday life that are overlooked. So, I'm going to say people who put others before themselves. [B]Hobbies[/B]: Athletics, reading and exploring. [B]Pet Peeves[/B]: People who act out for attention. [B]3 Words to Describe You[/B]: Mysterious, impulsive and deep. [B]SURVIVOR Contestant You Are Most Like[/B]: Any contestant who has played the game with honesty and integrity. [B]Reason for being on SURVIVOR[/B]: I've always wanted to live off the land and I think it would be a fun experience to compete on the show. [B]Why you think you'll "survive" SURVIVOR[/B]: I know what it takes to be a winner. [B]Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR[/B]: I'm athletic, amicable and intelligent. I can also hold my own socially. [center][/center]
Fabio anyone?
[QUOTE=TheVegas;231246]Fabio anyone?[/QUOTE] I was thinking that at first, but then I saw the chest hair and thought that this guy must be able to grow a beard within a week.
Maybe a little more like that Max guy from TMZ. Anyone who describes themselves as "Mysterious, impulsive and deep" isn't any of the three IMO.
Do we really need another Fabio?
[QUOTE=TheVegas;231246]Fabio anyone?[/QUOTE] He even seems to have the same personality and will start off playing the same way. I'm already rooting against him. I don't want a Fabio repeat win...
I thought it was Fabio's brother at first...