Survivor 22: Redemption Island - Spoilers

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I think Russell told missy all of that and was put up to it by CBS. Maybe missy found some new sources?
TDT has identified David Murphy as a cast member and stated that he starts off on Russell's tribe, along w/ Stephanie Valencia [IMG][/IMG] Also on his [URL=""]Survivometer[/URL], TDT has Russell, "Rooster," and Krista in purple, so those 3 along with Stephenie and David are likely purple tribe members. Rob would be on the orange tribe, called Ometepe, but it's not clear who else might be on his tribe. ETA: TDT only has 5 of the 11 cast members listed on his Survivometer, but he does have graphics of the others uploaded to the server. Mike is in purple, and therefore a 6th member of Russell's tribe. Ashley, Andrea, Natalie and Matt do not have tribes identified. [img][/img]
Anonymous's picture
Rob's tribe so far has Matt Elrod, Ashley Underwood, Andrea Boehlke, and Natalie Tenerelli. Russ's tribe so far is Rooster, David, Mike, Krista and Stephanie.... With supposedly Russell, Rob, Stephanie, Ashley and Krista all making it post-merge. 18 players probably 10 at merge, which leaves only 5 more players making it post-merge with them.
Cast member number 12 is 36 year old Sarita White, on Russell's Zapatera tribe: [IMG][/IMG] Per TDT, the cast is 18 total people. There's 3 women and 3 men left to find - the women's first names start with F, Kr and J, and the men's first names start with G, P and S. Per Sucks poster smokeitgood (who has good credibility in the past and seems to actually know the cast), only about 1 of the remaining cast members is under the age of 30. Mike & David are 30 and 31, Rob is 35, Sarita is 36, Russell is 37, and Rooster is 45. So despite the relative appearance that the cast is filled with 23 year old models/actresses/pageant queens, the cast should shape up more well-rounded once we have the other 6 revealed. Missy is also really playing up Ashley Underwood on twitter - and basically confirmed that the "assclown troll" as he keeps referring to Russell as, was the one who gave him the erroneous Carrie Prejean/Kimbo Slice spoilers. Missy believed Russell after he correctly spoiled all of seasons 19 and 20.
Anonymous's picture
Ashley probably takes down Russell, thats why she is being played up.
Missyae has a new facebook group, called "Survivor Whispers," to promote the podcast he will suppposedly be doing with S21's Shannon Elkins every Wednesday night. His podcast will, among other things, give spoilers, and crown the "assclown of the week." On his facebook he says that the 16 new players for season 22 were picked/at casting finals at the same time as the players from 21 so the people from 21 know a bit about the cast of season 22. Nothing else to take special note of, but missyae is awfully brazen in the midst of being a defendant in a lawsuit by DJB Inc (owned by Mark Burnett). Good for him I guess.
Number 13 is Francesca Hogi, on Rob's tribe [img][/img] Per Sucks, her mother declined a Facebook event invitation for an event scheduled for September 25. She declined on September 5, day 21 of filming, and stated that she could not be there 9/25 because she would just be returning from an overseas trip. On day 21, the family visit is still a long ways off, but she may have received an initial invitation and was planning on going of Francesca was still in the game? September 5 is also the day that Blackwhale cites as the day Russell was likely voted off. BW also states that Ashley & Rob alligned and Ashley outlasted him. TDT has first names of the rest of the cast members (orange is Rob's tribe, purple is Russell's): [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
Twitter conversation between missyae and S21 Shannon: [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Can't tell if Shannon is saying Krista outlasts Russell? Krista and Ashley are really the only 2 people that Russell talked about when he came back from season 22 - he told missy about them and threw in the Carrie Prejean & Kimbo Slice BS. So I'm guessing Krista played some sort of noteable role if she was one of the only 2 cast members Russell ran his mouth about. Blackwhale also stated a few days ago that Ashley & Rob allign and that Ashley outlasts Rob. Missy verified on twitter that they allign. BW also stated a belief that Krista & Russell allign. Krista really is a Natalie White clone - right down to the same job of pharmaceutical sales rep, being southern, etc. My guess is that she got under Russell's skin because she rode his coattails and then squeaked out ahead of him when Rob's tribe voted out Russell. Probably pissed him off in that he feels she did nothing to get to the merge on her own and that she needed him. Maybe even gets to the finals like Natalie. There has to be a reason she was one of the only two he bothered to mention to missy.
Anonymous's picture
Krista is more athletic than Natalie though. BTW blackwhale over at Sucks has been hyping up Krista hinting she goes far. Also Sucks is currently in meltdown...Francesca is said to be a premerge boot. For some reason thats a huge deal, over there, when the African Americans get voted out eary. Also blackwhale stated that Stephanie wont last long, as she doesnt get along with Russell.
Missyae is now taking credit for this entire season concept. He claims that CBS originally wanted to do a full All Stars w/ Russell and Richard Hatch picking tribes from a group of 40 past contestants, but due to the rigging scandal with Erika Shay setting up the Parvati/Russell alliance before the game, CBS wanted to put that in their past and not do an All Stars with Russell again. Missyae says he told Russell to pitch a 1 v. 1 season to CBS and they decided to go for it. Missy has an interview coming up w/ Andy Denhart of Reality Blurred - sounds like it was already conducted and will be posted soon and missy is bragging how he sold out Russell for all the spoilers he leaked out and how he tried to implicate innocent players, and also might touch on all of the idol rigging that has been done for Russell over the years.
Also more spoilers from BW: Ashley alligns w/ Rob - outlasts him Krista alligns w/ Russell - outlasts him Francesa premerge - later half of premerge Stephanie premerge after clashing w/ Russell Rooster fights w/ Russell at tribal council and is voted off Kristina does not last long David does fairly well - might be with Krista/Russell Rob & Russell both make jury - Rob outlasts Russell and they don't faceoff at RI Two people come back - one male one female, one at merge one at the finale Phillip is premerge Julie is premerge and clashes w/ Russell Russell gets an idol and is blindsided Mike makes merge Steve is premerge but "shouldn't be counted out" Natalie is one of last two girls standing No Rob/Amber reunion
[URL=""][URL][/URL][/URL] That is the transcript of missyae selling out RH (look for posts next to the name Jim Early). Also makes reference to "overzealous cameramen" pointing out the idols to RH, and the first time an inside source has referenced the Shay/Shallow/Hantz alliance scandal. Additionally, missy gives an S22 spoiler that we have heard many times before - and says that Russell "can't outlast Rob."
More from BW: Rob makes family visit (but not with Amber) Natalie/Ashley allign Matthew is part of the core Ometepe alliance which does well Missy also stated that Jeff Probst gave us the first boot in his cast assessment video (Stephanie). Also confirmed that Rooster will have an explosive tribal council. Missy's interview w/ Andy Denhart is out, nothing too earth shattering, the same stuff he's repeated on Facebook: [URL=""][url][/url][/URL] Also he gave a PDF of the lawsuit that was served on him, pretty interesting read, [URL=""][url][/url][/URL]
Are we to assume the spoilers for this season are wrong? [SPOILER]I really can't imagine Natalie and Ashley as power players. They seem like they wouldn't be able to function without Rob or some other man to leech on to.[/SPOILER]
Looks like the call sheets that were leaked were legit...the tribe name (Murlonio), last week's immunity challenge ("Bone to Pick"), tonight's duel ("A Leg Up"), and the final 4 challenge ("Meso Maze") are all correct. Preview for tonight's Duel: And the rehearsal for the final 4 immunity challenge:
At least it's for sure the final duel. Here's to hoping someone other than Matt wins. Wouldn't the challenge be for 5 people? It must be the second immunity challenge if it's not.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;246939]At least it's for sure the final duel. Here's to hoping someone other than Matt wins. Wouldn't the challenge be for 5 people? It must be the second immunity challenge if it's not.[/QUOTE] There is another challenge on the call sheet titled "A Numbers Game", so that's got to be the final 5 challenge.
Call sheets were the only accurate spoilers this season.
I actually really enjoyed going without spoilers for once. It's been interesting to say the least.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;246949]I actually really enjoyed going without spoilers for once. It's been interesting to say the least.[/QUOTE] I also enjoyed going without spoilers, it just sucks that the season was so predictable.
