The Island: Kenny and Johnny Caught Stealing?

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The Island: Kenny and Johnny Caught Stealing?
Any one know of a rumor going round about Kenny stealing/taking food from production members. It's being said he was fined instead of being disqualified, although I doubt he was fined much monetary value.
[quote=StonedWorld;32203]Any one know of a rumor going round about Kenny stealing/taking food from production members. It's being said he was fined instead of being disqualified, although I doubt he was fined much monetary value.[/quote] This rumor has reached my desk a few times. I can't confirm it from a reliable source, but it does sound plausible.
[quote=Bacchus;32218]This rumor has reached my desk a few times. I can't confirm it from a reliable source, but it does sound plausible.[/quote] Are we talking about Kenny stealing their early morning bagels or him just taking large amounts for himself? Lack of food can make you do some crazy things and I wouldn't be that surprise if it were true.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;32222]Are we talking about Kenny stealing their early morning bagels or him just taking large amounts for himself? Lack of food can make you do some crazy things and I wouldn't be that surprise if it were true.[/quote] I doubt this will be addressed on the show, but the rumor circulating states that Kenny and another cast member had their way with a production food store and were caught, fined.
This is the reason why no one likes those darn Fresh Meat kids! Lol, JK. =P
Anonymous's picture
I don't like this thread. lmao
From production's cooler. Fined $1500 is what info came my way from a usually reliable source. Stonedworld, I've been looking at all your posts and you're far better connected than I think you want people to know. ;)
damn it. Why couldn't they have just DQ'ed them? If that food gave them the energy to win, then clearly $1500 fine is worth it. And it would have gotten kenny's face off my tv.
[quote=Moonpaw;32270]damn it. Why couldn't they have just DQ'ed them? If that food gave them the energy to win, then clearly $1500 fine is worth it. And it would have gotten kenny's face off my tv.[/quote] SRSLY.
[quote=Moonpaw;32270]damn it. Why couldn't they have just DQ'ed them? If that food gave them the energy to win, then clearly $1500 fine is worth it. And it would have gotten kenny's face off my tv.[/quote] Because although Kenny is krass and sometimes cruel, he makes for good tv, good clips, and good sit downs. Kenny is a ****, on the island he along w/ Johnny completly took over the whole game, and abused the power he was given by his castmates as king of the cool kids. That being said, Kenny's a good guy when not on a deserted island.
Personally, I'm not surprised about this at all. Kenny seems like the perfect candidate to do something like this.
if by him stealing the food gave him energy to win a face off then that's not fair. kenny needs to go. he got a unfair advantage
[QUOTE=luvbb#1;32292]if by him stealing the food gave him energy to win a face off then that's not fair. kenny needs to go. he got a unfair advantage[/QUOTE] Past tense perhaps; "needed to go" would be more accurate since they taped the show over three months ago.
Anonymous's picture
I like to stop by randomly and upset the masses by spewing PRO KENNY love. :) Who wants to hug Kenny today?
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Moonpaw;32270]damn it. Why couldn't they have just DQ'ed them? If that food gave them the energy to win, then clearly $1500 fine is worth it. And it would have gotten kenny's face off my tv.[/quote] You said exactly what I was thinking. Apologies to Insider, as I know you know him....but if this is true, he [I]cheated[/I] and had a completely unfair advantage. With all the conflict surrounding food, energy, people's hunger, he went and [I]stole....[/I] and BMP let him get away with it? I smell a fix, and it smells like crap. :ireful1:
Yup....he shouldve been DQed. Why take money from him? Well, yeah...contracts, etc. They shouldve just gave him the boot.
[quote=Insider;32309]I like to stop by randomly and upset the masses by spewing PRO KENNY love. :) Who wants to hug Kenny today?[/quote] Hey, Like I said.. Away from deserted islands Kenny's a good guy.
Anonymous's picture
SW. What is your connection to Kenny? [size=1][i]Posted via Mobile Device[/i][/size]
i'm sure they were fined possibly because of details in their contract.
In regards of that photo. That is the most beautiful piece of steak I've ever seen. Or maybe I'm just hungry as hell right now.
LOL Bacchus and V1 are like the VEVMO CIA!!!!! That's ****** hilarious!!!!
[QUOTE=therealdeal2;33186]LOL Bacchus and V1 are like the VEVMO CIA!!!!! That's ****** hilarious!!!![/QUOTE] Well, during a past life....
Anonymous's picture
[quote=jamie27;33181]i'm sure they were fined possibly because of details in their contract.[/quote] Who's "they"?
[quote=Insider;33213]Who's "they"?[/quote] Kenny and the other person. :wink2:
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Bacchus;33215]Kenny and the other person. [/quote] Yeah I reread what you said... lol I think I tied my sleuth shoe laces a little too tight this morning... :blush:
On Derrick's latest podcast, him and Kenny interview Abe (part 1) and initially they discuss this whole situation on the island before talking about cut throat. Originally Abe had stolen food by himself, small amounts here and there, and shared it with the rest of the cast. When he quit, everyone was upset because their source of actual food was gone. Kenny and Johnny they decided to be the new heroes, however instead of being smart and taking small rations like Abe, Johnny had the genius idea to steal an entire cooler (not just the contents but the legitimate entire cooler), and rip a fence (separating the cast from production), dragging the cooler leaving clear evidence of theft. Although Kenny was able to steal more food (brownies on a tray leaving the tray, etc., 'smarter theft') they were obviously caught, and as stated fined. They did state they shared the food with the rest of the cast though, so any advantage they were given was not large.
Haha should have known the 'other' person was Abe and then that fat-*** Johnny!!! Too funny!
This is the funniest thing I've read on here in awhile.