Real World: Back to Las Vegas - Spoilers

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Trailers usually come on about a month before the actual season, so im guessing it will air sometime in March. I guess it depends on how long "I used to be fat" lasts..
[QUOTE=InfamousJoks;229486]RealWorldMTV just tweeted that the trailer wont be out until feb :( so far away[/QUOTE] [strike]no its not. january this here this weekend after all.[/strike] No it's not. It will be January next week.
RealWorldMTV just updated their twitter page with a Las Vegas theme.. it has all thier twitter acounts on the background, like they did for New Orleans. I'm guessing that the mtv website will be updated soon too. But I noticed on the background it says both Heathers twitter accounts , and wasn't one of them a replacement? I just figure that they wouldnt want to reveal her before the season starts
I have been gone for a week, so maybe someone posted this, but I did just see that it starts in March.
Anonymous's picture
[url=]MTV’s Real World finds a home in Vegas for the second time | Las Vegas Blogs[/url] Group job/internship: "Aside from indulging in the city’s generous nightlife offerings the roommates also participated in an internship program with the Hard Rock’s marketing department. Through their internship the roommates were able to work with a local charity called Make Music Matter that helps provide instruments to the students in Vegas schools."
Here's a little bit more of what they were doing, thanks to icubaby. [url=]Dailymotion - 'Let The Kids Rock' Roller Derby At Hard Rock - a News & Politics video[/url]
Good video. The blond Heather seemed a little uncomfortable being on camera which is odd. Her eyes were all over the place. Since the video was recorded/posted in January, I am glad to see they went back to do this. Dustin is a lot taller than I expected unless everybody else is a lot shorter than average.
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;235715]Good video. The blond Heather seemed a little uncomfortable being on camera which is odd. Her eyes were all over the place. Since the video was recorded/posted in January, I am glad to see they went back to do this. Dustin is a lot taller than I expected unless everybody else is a lot shorter than average.[/QUOTE] Well Heather M and Naomi are incredibly short, but the other Heather is listed at 5'8 on her bio from Loyola.
One blogger's take on the cast: [quote]Dustin Zito- For the interviews they had him paired up with Heather Marter in the living room, in a fantastic semi-circled couch. Dustin seemed to be the kind of guy who seemed very open, but was actually heavily guarded. Heather Marter-She has very small features and is very pretty and soft-spoken. She seems to be more into the back end of the experience, but she and Dustin seemed very cozy, and I suspect they are a couple now. Heather Cooke-the missing roommate was not present at the press day. In fact, she wasn't spoken of or mentioned by anyone at all. Interwebs are buzzing and saying she replaces Micheal Adam Royer after he gets kicked out. Only time will tell! Michael Adam Royer-He goes by Adam, and he seems to fly by the seat of his pants and is nothing but positive about the experience, even though rumor has it he didn't last 3 weeks in the suite. I heard (also from the interwebs) that Hard Rock actually kicked him out because he had caused too much damage to the suite and hotel. Judging by how he was in the suite with the rest of the cast, and they all seemed to be getting along just fine, I'm apt to believe that it wasn't the roommates that actually kick him out. Leroy Garrett-According to the cast mates, the phone [I]belonged [/I]to this kid. Everyone answered the phone "Leroy's answering service," and he made everyone else answer it so he could screen. He's not really sure what's he is going to do after the experience, but he doesn't seem overly worried about it. Michael Ross- He and Leroy were tight while they were living there, and they really seem like two peas in a pod. I can't wait to see their friendship on screen. Out of all the roommates, he seemed the most "real" to me. Everyone else seemed to be watching what they were saying. Nany Gonzales and Naomi Defensor- These girls have to go together because they almost spoke as one person while being interviewed. They said they were very real in the house, and had great communication, and that's why they got along so well. Well, there was some major drama amongst the boys, although no one will state what. I noticed while hanging out in the suite with the cast that Leroy and Michael had no problems with Adam, but Dustin seemed to stick with Heather. However, like I said, everyone was keeping pretty mum about what exactly happened in the house.[/quote] [url=][via][/url]
I wish Leroy and Adam got along more than Michael. Michael seems like he'll be boring. Same with Heather M.
[QUOTE=Old Friend;235874]I wish Leroy and Adam got along more than Michael. Michael seems like he'll be boring. Same with Heather M.[/QUOTE] Not sure about Heather but 100% agree on Michael.
I think every season needs the rational (not necessarily boring) character. Key West had Jose, Brooklyn had Baya, Cancun had...anyways, yeah. I'm interested to see how Micheal fits into this party cast.
I think Michael will be good for some laughs. He seems very sweet and funny.
I am guessing Michael is either the wide-eyed "Aw Shucks" choice or the guy like [strike]Derrick[/strike] Derek from Cancun where you see him all the time but he does very little other than occupy space while others talk or rant or whatever.
Cookie really looks like Ayiia but sounds like Deena(Jersey Shore).
[QUOTE=Npresh24;235928]Cookie really looks like Ayiia but sounds like Deena(Jersey Shore).[/QUOTE] Cookie?
[QUOTE=gamer73;235943]Cookie?[/QUOTE] Heather C.
Looks like Mike was dressed up as his roommate, not Charles Woodson as someone previously said... [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Okay, need to rant. After reading the article posted in the non-spoiler thread, I have to wonder WTF BMP was thinking sending people with these backgrounds into Vegas. I am inclined to believe based on some of the things posted here, that Adam may have been derailed by the whole experience. I am starting to wonder if BMP set Dustin up to be outed about his past during production for the drama of it all, especially considering in past seasons it has been said that the internet was filtered to keep casts from using it to google each other and in the trailer where whichever Heather I think is talking about Dustin being all over the internet. I am all for some good TV, but it is starting to feel to me like these kids were lambs sacrificed for a renewal contract.
Anonymous's picture
The person who exposed Dustin could easily be BMP, for all we know (although the mods may know more). I think Heather saying it's all over the internet could easily be what friends and family saw online and told her by e-mail or on the phone, similar to DC Josh's gf being upset about him with a girl, which she knew about from @realworlddcnewz
[QUOTE=SeanDaniel;235979]especially considering in past seasons it has been said that the internet was filtered to keep casts from using it to google each other and in the trailer where whichever Heather I think is talking about Dustin being all over the internet.[/QUOTE] the internet was still probably filter, thats doesn't stop one of the casts family finding out and telling them the info over the phone.
Having read the bios, I really wish they weren't so obvious. [quote]With a city notoriously known for crazy stories, time will only tell how long it takes Adam to walk too far into the bright lights.[/quote] About 3 1/2 weeks. [quote]With no real idea of what to do after high school, Dustin accepted an opportunity in Los Angeles to be a cast member on a web site that featured an uncensored look at a house of attractive guys living together. It's something he has kept secret until now, but has come to Vegas, to be open about it and hopefully put it behind him.[/quote] That's a nice way to put it, and clearly he was not open about it with his roommates, specifically the one he was sleeping with. [quote]Recently single, Heather hopes to enjoy the best guys that Vegas has to offer, but stay away from entering a new relationship, especially with a roommate.[/quote] Yeah, ok... [quote]Although Nany has a boyfriend she's been seeing on and off for 6 years, the relationship is rocky. Arriving in Vegas she just wants to let loose and see what the city has to offer.[/quote] A hookup with a roommate, clearly shown by the trailer. [quote]Naomi is completely open about her life. She says she's had twelve sexual partners since attending college, and doesn't regret any of them. With her arrival in Vegas, could number 13 be far off?[/quote] Probably not.
Not really so much a spoiler, but I noticed that Mike and Dustin pretty much follow all their other cast members on Twitter except each other. Makes me anticipate some drama between Mr. Pumpkin Lover and the ubber conservative.
I think the bios will draw a lot of sympathy and some admiration for the cast members. The one thing they have in common is that they all came out of some sort of rotten situation and have so far done more than most in those situations would have. All except Leroy, I believe, have gone or are going to college. Quite admirable considering their backgrounds! I think BMP knew these guys were real American stories in the old fashioned sense but also had the ***** and passion to offer us some interesting viewing. In other words, they have the old fashion drive to succeed but they still love to party it up like many of today's brats. So they're like Abe Lincoln and Charlie Sheen/Lindsay Lohan all wrapped up in one. And I don't think BMP picked Las Vegas to intentionally test them, they knew these guys had been tested and rose above it, I think they knew it would make for an interesting mix and Las Vegas was a successful location for them in the past. I for one, am looking forward to it. Hot chicks and gutsy guys! P.S. I also like the cultural and racial mix. A real melting pot!
Your cast for the first aftershow: [url=][img][/img][/url]
I'm glad they're doing aftershows again. I think they only stopped because the ratings wasn't all there and they didn't wanna waste money, but now that the ratings are climbing back up, they don't mind filming aftershows again. (Well that's just my thought, I don't really know what goes on)
[QUOTE=Clarke;237947]I'm glad they're doing aftershows again. I think they only stopped because the ratings wasn't all there and they didn't wanna waste money, but now that the ratings are climbing back up, they don't mind filming aftershows again. (Well that's just my thought, I don't really know what goes on)[/QUOTE] I am looking forward to aftershows again. I like them better (and I always assumed that they stopped doing so many because they are produced by MTV not BMP and MTV recognized a few of the more recent seasons were ****** out of the gates). Since MTV is actually promoting this season well in advance and regularly, it makes me hopeful this will be the first worthwhile season since marginally okay Brooklyn.
Awesome news. Any idea on when they (the aftershows) begin? [QUOTE=g30068g;235981]The person who exposed Dustin could easily be BMP, for all we know (although the mods may know more). [/QUOTE] I seriously doubt, BMP would need to expose him. Over thousands of people keep up with Frat Men and other groups of online pornography so maybe somebody in their production or Dustin himself, did it.
I noticed on Adam's facebook that he's headed to Las Vegas for the premier party. He also said earlier this week that he wasn't banned from the Hard Rock anymore! Wow, how did that happen?
[QUOTE=pokerface11;239185]I noticed on Adam's facebook that he's headed to Las Vegas for the premier party. He also said earlier this week that he wasn't banned from the Hard Rock anymore! Wow, how did that happen?[/QUOTE] He also said but he also wasn't allowed to consume alcohol on the premises, so I think they basically said "You can come back long enough to promote the show and our hotel, but you are gone if you break anything." I guess it is like in college when people get banned from the dorms but not from the classrooms.
