Survivor Nicaragua: Ep 13 - Not Sure Where I Stand

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Survivor Nicaragua: Ep 13 - Not Sure Where I Stand
One castaway must choose between two alliances in order to secure his place in the game...
Interesting picture choice...
Kind of pumped that I don't have to see Na Onka or Kelly Purple again tonight!!! Good Riddance. Hopefully someone can finally get rid of Dan...
Sash is an idiot. Why play the idol just to get rid of it?? Only use it if they are possibly voting for you. Duh.
Oh my gosh, Dan didn't make it past round 1. I am shocked.
[QUOTE=molds13;225513]Oh my gosh, Dan didn't make it past round 1. I am shocked.[/QUOTE] I had my money on him. Geez...
Aw, I don't like it when they get to see themselves before they get out of the game. I think one of the funniest parts is watching their reactions when they look in the mirror.
I love that they named the chicken KellyNay and then slaughtered it later in the episode.
Oh the chicken. I hope it's not horrible that I was laughing when Jane was crying over it.
Fingers cross they somehow decide to vote out Dan, even though they haven't really talked about him at all in the past few episodes.
Benry continuously saying "as long as I'm not going home" gives me a bad feeling.
I want Jane to go home, even more than Dan. Dan is clearly worthless and he can't win. Jane is being sold as something else and it would cap a nightmare season if she was in the final two and won.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;225529]I want Jane to go home, even more than Dan. Dan is clearly worthless and he can't win. Jane is being sold as something else and it would cap a nightmare season if she was in the final two and won.[/QUOTE] That would instantly drop this season down to worst 5 of all time (not that it's far off, anyway...) Still bitter that Kelly and NaOnka get a vote.
"And our two quitters." You know Jeff will rub that in at all possible opportunities.
[QUOTE=molds13;225527]Benry continuously saying "as long as I'm not going home" gives me a bad feeling.[/QUOTE] That normally seems to be a nail in the coffin, only second to "I feel safe." [QUOTE=Bacchus;225529]I want Jane to go home, even more than Dan. Dan is clearly worthless and he can't win. Jane is being sold as something else and it would cap a nightmare season if she was in the final two and won.[/QUOTE] Yeah I think Jane in the final 2 would be horrible. I'm already hoping that next season will be so much better.
The dirt squirrel himself has fallen, *Skeet* *Skeet* *Twiddle* *Twiddle*
Give me one more dirt squirrel, Benry!!
[QUOTE=molds13;225537]Give me one more dirt squirrel, Benry!![/QUOTE] That would have been fantastic!! Maybe he'll say it in his final words or possibly at Ponderosa. I can only hope.
Normally I am hanging around CBS to watch next week's preview and the last words...I missed both this time around. Just wasn't paying attention. This season is losing my interest, and fast.
[QUOTE=molds13;225540]Normally I am hanging around CBS to watch next week's preview and the last words...I missed both this time around. Just wasn't paying attention. This season is losing my interest, and fast.[/QUOTE] It was a snoozer. He was "surprised" that he got kicked off...*yawn* - no dirt squirrel. Next week, stuff happens on a beach with boring people that is for the most part, inconsequential. ;)
[QUOTE=molds13;225540]Normally I am hanging around CBS to watch next week's preview and the last words...I missed both this time around. Just wasn't paying attention. This season is losing my interest, and fast.[/QUOTE] The season is almost over... a little late for interest being lost. I actually don't like this season at all. And I made that clear many times. I watch it because 1) it's a filler and and 2) For OCD purposes, so I can say I watched every single episode of Survivor. Sash looked like death tonight. He looks skeletal and sick. I honestly wonder why he took out Brenda. I feel like Him, Chase, Brenda, Holly and Jane would have been fine. The icing on the cake will be if Dan wins!
I have mixed feelings about this season. I like that for the most part it's been unpredictable when it comes to who's going home (I don't mean that in editing, but more so how it's not just alliances picking the outcasts off one by one), and also that everyone's gotten a decent amount of airtime (minus Kelly who is worthless and doesn't deserve to be on the jury). Oh, and as I mentioned in the last episode's thread, I'm a big fan on how this season's finally racked up some decent female players for future All-Stars seasons! What I don't like is basically the cast. I really don't have a favorite at this point. No hot girl to root for and the only hot guy left (Chase) is a *******.
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;225894]I have mixed feelings about this season. I like that for the most part it's been unpredictable when it comes to who's going home (I don't mean that in editing, but more so how it's not just alliances picking the outcasts off one by one), and also that everyone's gotten a decent amount of airtime (minus Kelly who is worthless and doesn't deserve to be on the jury). Oh, and as I mentioned in the last episode's thread, I'm a big fan on how this season's finally racked up some decent female players for future All-Stars seasons! What I don't like is basically the cast. I really don't have a favorite at this point. [B]No hot girl to root for [/B]and the only hot guy left (Chase) is a *******.[/QUOTE] You don't think Jane is a hottie? I bet Chases biggest dream was to take a nice hot shower with both ladies (Holly and Jane)
[URL=""]Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Nicaragua': Episode 13 | PopWatch |[/URL] [center][/center]
[QUOTE=molds13;225956][URL=""]Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Nicaragua': Episode 13 | PopWatch |[/URL] [/QUOTE] Once again a great blog-cap from Jeff. I think my favorite part was when he was talking about Jane. [QUOTE] I was actually surprised when I saw this moment. I figured Jane was the type of woman who killed chickens on a daily basis.[/QUOTE] It really made me laugh for some reason. I know I'd be one of the ones that would for sure kill that chicken, especially if I wasn't awesome enough to go on reward.