Real World: New Orleans - Episode 10

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Great-great episode! Bye Bye Ryan! Good drama, but too weird and annoying. Oh yeah, and he was an ******* and a liar.
[QUOTE=jjlucash;204188]Look, no one's here force everyone to agree but it's easy to claim that someone on a reality show has no personality...without wondering if [I]you yourself[/I] would make a better replacement. You know, hypothetically speaking.[/QUOTE] Seeing as I'm too young for the show I can't put myself in their shoes. But I can assure you I am definitely more interesting than Eric/Ashley/Sahar
[QUOTE]Shrugging off their pleas to talk with him in a simple house meeting was more ridiculous. If he was so above discussing it in a meeting with them, then why is he even living there in the first place?[/QUOTE] Because a meeting was never needed. They just wanted to create an environment where all their hoopla was justified. Several people saying something stupid has an effect of appearing to have more merit than one at a time. [QUOTE]Knight suffered from pill problems. And for all you know, any of the other roommates could have known a friend or family suffering from the same issue. It's not something to scoff at and go "seriously?" at.[/QUOTE] I was saying, "seriously?" at the beer comment. One person who shows up late and brings a beer will not reflect on the group. Just the usual condemnation from that group. Having a beer in the afternoon during an boring, informal lecture would certainly help him deal with being in that situation. "Waaaah! He's playing tic-tac-toe with himself! omg." Really, who wouldn't be? [QUOTE]Maybe they weren't expecting to live with someone as self-absorbed as Ryan. How were they supposed to remedy the issue, ignore him? He admitted it himself, he was being a grade A d-bag to purposely **** them off for no reason, since they "hated him for no reason".[/QUOTE] I see Ryan as a fun, outgoing dude (generally). Again, he has some problems, but this really can't even be discussed in detail because we don't know him, or what really happened between him and the room mates. From my perspective, knowing his eccentric tendencies, it just seems like they are pulling a lot of straws trying to find things to dislike about him. So yes, he is being a jerk, but from everything that's shown, I can see why he would react like that. There is a very judgmental spirit in the air with the people in that house and I think it's because they are being filmed. When that happens, most people become much more aware of how they act and the things they do, and become judgmental of themselves. This mentality is then easily placed on others, and when you have someone like Ryan who isn't filtering himself, who is perhaps behaving worse than he did at home, he becomes an easy target for someone with nothing interesting going on *cough* Preston's accessory, Ashlee *cough* and a beacon to express unwarranted disdain towards.
I am so ecstatic that Ryan is gone - he annoys me more than anybody in the history of this show - even more than Joey (Cancun) - I just cannot handle people like this - they are what makes other people turn violent!!
[QUOTE=Xeri99;204212]Because a meeting was never needed. They just wanted to create an environment where all their hoopla was justified. Several people saying something stupid has an effect of appearing to have more merit than one at a time.[/QUOTE] Had anyone other than Eric approached him individually, they would have gotten the same response he gave them about the house meeting. [quote]I was saying, "seriously?" at the beer comment. One person who shows up late and brings a beer will not reflect on the group. Just the usual condemnation from that group. Having a beer in the afternoon during an boring, informal lecture would certainly help him deal with being in that situation.[/quote] He could have finished it before arriving, instead of having it out there. He was going to a lecture, not a frat party. Drug abuse lectures arent BYOD. [quote]I see Ryan as a fun, outgoing dude (generally). Again, he has some problems, but this really can't even be discussed in detail because we don't know him, or what really happened between him and the room mates. From my perspective, knowing his eccentric tendencies, it just seems like they are pulling a lot of straws trying to find things to dislike about him. So yes, he is being a jerk, but from everything that's shown, I can see why he would react like that.[/quote] I'm sure he's quite fun in real life, but that's not the relevant issue here. The issue is his inconsideration for the people he's living with. His response to everything was "No! I don't wanna do it, you can't make meee!" Would talking out the issues in a group meeting really hurt him that much? They weren't asking him to step into the ring with them. [quote]There is a very judgmental spirit in the air with the people in that house and I think it's because they are being filmed. When that happens, most people become much more aware of how they act and the things they do, and become judgmental of themselves. This mentality is then easily placed on others, and when you have someone like Ryan who isn't filtering himself, who is perhaps behaving worse than he did at home, he becomes an easy target for someone with nothing interesting going on *cough* Preston's accessory, Ashlee *cough* and a beacon to express unwarranted disdain towards.[/quote] The same could be said about Ryan. His "eccentric" tendencies seem to be at their peak when the cameras are rolling. That screams camera-***** to me. If that makes him more interesting than Ashlee, than more power to him.
[QUOTE=Xeri99;204122]Yes, Ryan has many faults, like most people, but their silence to his face, while hating behind his back was the wrong way to handle their discontent.[/QUOTE] They TRIED to say it to his face! Over and over and over! He wouldn't listen because he "didn't value them as human beings". Do you realize exactly how horrible of a thing that is to say to someone? That's about as insulting as a person can be.
so youre just excusing his immaturity?? just because he has a personality (albeit a strange one) and has mental issues does not give him the right to be a jerk nor should others condone it. [QUOTE=Xeri99;204212]Because a meeting was never needed. They just wanted to create an environment where all their hoopla was justified. Several people saying something stupid has an effect of appearing to have more merit than one at a time. I was saying, "seriously?" at the beer comment. One person who shows up late and brings a beer will not reflect on the group. Just the usual condemnation from that group. Having a beer in the afternoon during an boring, informal lecture would certainly help him deal with being in that situation. "Waaaah! He's playing tic-tac-toe with himself! omg." Really, who wouldn't be? I see Ryan as a fun, outgoing dude (generally). Again, he has some problems, but this really can't even be discussed in detail because we don't know him, or what really happened between him and the room mates. From my perspective, knowing his eccentric tendencies, it just seems like they are pulling a lot of straws trying to find things to dislike about him. So yes, he is being a jerk, but from everything that's shown, I can see why he would react like that. There is a very judgmental spirit in the air with the people in that house and I think it's because they are being filmed. When that happens, most people become much more aware of how they act and the things they do, and become judgmental of themselves. This mentality is then easily placed on others, and when you have someone like Ryan who isn't filtering himself, who is perhaps behaving worse than he did at home, he becomes an easy target for someone with nothing interesting going on *cough* Preston's accessory, Ashlee *cough* and a beacon to express unwarranted disdain towards.[/QUOTE]
Screw all the haters - Ryan's an awesome cast member. Bro deserves his own show. He's legit. Says what he's thinkin' and aims to offend. This is Reality TV guys. Ratings? DUH!
After watching that episode, I'm shocked to see that there are still people on here that are in Ryan's corner.
[QUOTE=WKolodzieski;204246]Screw all the haters - Ryan's an awesome cast member. Bro deserves his own show. He's legit. Says what he's thinkin' and aims to offend. This is Reality TV guys. Ratings? DUH![/QUOTE] *rolling eyes* that is NOT what this show is about - never has been!! "Bro" deserves a beat down is what he deserves.
Oh and for those who say next week looks boring...I'd MUCH rather watch an episode dedicated to Sahar trying to make something of herself than an episode dedicated to more Ryan drama. I was over Ryan after the premiere.
Jemmey : [COLOR=#ffffff] [/COLOR][COLOR=#003399][COLOR=black]Ryan was playing Tic, Tac, Toe...[/COLOR] [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]And he was losing to HIMSELF! lol [/COLOR] Funniest thing she has said all season.
[QUOTE=RWCHFAN-FUM;204249]*rolling eyes* that is NOT what this show is about - never has been!! "Bro" deserves a beat down is what he deserves.[/QUOTE] Oh come on man??!!!!?? Ratings are what every show is about and with our society growing so liberal and open about wild lifestyles, it's what sells. Business 101. If Iwere a studio-exec I'd sign him for his own show.
[QUOTE=WKolodzieski;204254]Oh come on man??!!!!?? Ratings are what every show is about and with our society growing so liberal and open about wild lifestyles, it's what sells. Business 101. If Iwere a studio-exec I'd sign him for his own show.[/QUOTE] ...and this is why you aren't a studio exec.
[QUOTE=Buck05;204256]...and this is why you aren't a studio exec.[/QUOTE] No, but I'm in the entertainment & media industry.
[QUOTE=WKolodzieski;204254]Oh come on man??!!!!?? Ratings are what every show is about and with our society growing so liberal and open about wild lifestyles, it's what sells. Business 101. If Iwere a studio-exec I'd sign him for his own show.[/QUOTE] there is a difference between entertaining and immature/yellow bus special (geez get a grip) - quite a difference
[QUOTE]Had anyone other than Eric approached him individually, they would have gotten the same response he gave them about the house meeting. [/QUOTE]We can't really know this, but if it was the same garbage they tried to confront him about at the meeting, sure he would. If someone approached him respectfully from their heart, like Eric did, I'm sure he would've listened. They preferred instead to just talk about him every time he wasn't there. [QUOTE]He could have finished it before arriving, instead of having it out there. He was going to a lecture, not a frat party. Drug abuse lectures arent BYOD. [/QUOTE] There's no rules for stuff like this, they just wanted to get onto him. He took it as seriously as the subject matter applied to him. "Hey, why didn't you bring me one?" would have been a better response. [QUOTE]I'm sure he's quite fun in real life, but that's not the relevant issue here. The issue is his inconsideration for the people he's living with. His response to everything was "No! I don't wanna do it, you can't make meee!" Would talking out the issues in a group meeting really hurt him that much? They weren't asking him to step into the ring with them.[/QUOTE]Their hearts weren't right, they were just waiting to plough him with all their dumb accusations. [QUOTE]The same could be said about Ryan. His "eccentric" tendencies seem to be at their peak when the cameras are rolling. That screams camera-***** to me. If that makes him more interesting than Ashlee, than more power to him.[/QUOTE]Golf clap for the gang for alienating and voting off the most interesting cast mate it in years. Good job guys! /fail [QUOTE]They TRIED to say it to his face! Over and over and over! He wouldn't listen because he "didn't value them as human beings". Do you realize exactly how horrible of a thing that is to say to someone? That's about as insulting as a person can be.[/QUOTE]Ryan is a purveyor of fine hyperbole.
[QUOTE=RWCHFAN-FUM;204259]there is a difference between entertaining and immature/******** - quite a difference[/QUOTE] Please..and the [I]entire [I]rest of the cast didn't do the same thing to him? That was nastier than a drug deal gone wrong.They're the *******s who will burn with viewership declining due to the fact that they are a group of uninteresting people.
[QUOTE=WKolodzieski;204261]Please..and the [I]entire [I]rest of the cast didn't do the same thing to him? That was nastier than a drug deal gone wrong.They're the *******s who will burn with viewership declining due to the fact that they are a group of uninteresting people.[/QUOTE] Yeah because that's what the cast does while filming and trying to be real. They think..."will this be good for ratings?" Don't think so.
[QUOTE=Buck05;204263]Yeah because that's what the cast does while filming and trying to be real. They think..."will this be good for ratings?" Don't think so.[/QUOTE] Being featured on a reality television show could do nothing but help somebody's career. Most of these people dream of being famous for being themselves (peaked up a level for the camera) and they'd be stupid not to. And, honestly, the majority of you guys don't think in terms of dollars enough. Kind of sad.
:'( Ryan's gone. He was def my favorite character. I didn't like him in the beginning, but he grew on me. I find everyone else to be boring and blah. Sahara (she's ok, but boring), Ashley (really what is she doing on the show, not even cute), Preston (He is to ugly to be gay and way to ugly to be on tv), jimmey (a ****), Knight (gap tooth... uhm... who cares), Eric (not black enough for my taste)... Oh I did like Mckenzie (she was... she was beautiful). Now that the antagonist is gone what are the last 2 episodes going to be about? Oh yeah absolutely nothing. BTW... the producers never showed Ryan taking the pills... hmmmm, I wonder what that means???
[QUOTE=WKolodzieski;204265]Being featured on a reality television show could do nothing but help somebody's career. Most of these people dream of being famous for being themselves (peaked up a level for the camera) and they'd be stupid not to. And, honestly, the majority of you guys don't think in terms of dollars enough. Kind of sad.[/QUOTE] That kills the purpose of REALITY television for me. I don't want to watch a bunch of people playing up fake drama for the cameras for the sake of entertainment (ala The Hills). The Real World prides itself on being I'd like it to stay that way.
[QUOTE=Buck05;204268]That kills the purpose of REALITY television for me. I don't want to watch a bunch of people playing up fake drama for the cameras for the sake of entertainment (ala The Hills). The Real World prides itself on being I'd like it to stay that way.[/QUOTE] Everybody deserves their opinion. All I'm saying is that I cover entertainment stories for a living. I've seen these things before. This season's done.
This for me is the last straw with the real world. Mtv/production is now snooping to using people with a mental illnesses as drama-troll bait to start confrontations with the roommates. For all the background check mtv claim to do on this show, there's no way someone as unstable as ryan could have ever got on here without the producers being cautious of it. They cast a flamboyant gay man knowing that something would spark between him and a ultra sensitive metrosexual like ryan. The cast even knew Ryan was obviously sick the first day after he told the story of he ex girlfriend but they swept everything underneath the rug until they got tired of it instead of trying to get him help like the Hollywood cast did for Joey. The mere fact that Ryan banged his head against a window and the next day knight and [URL=""]Jemmye[/URL] pretended like nothing happened. That fact alone makes the whole cast ENABLERS, even kenzie and jemmye thought he was bipolar but they didn't do anything. Mtv is SO funny LOL When it comes to someone getting their *** beat they would interfere, but for someone who has obviously lost it, production would sit by and let the person completely fall apart just for the ratings. Ryan should not have been cast just like paula rw17, broke 18, dunbar 19, joey 20, JD 21, [B]Ayiiia 22, ERIKA 23, AND now ryan. All these cast members i listed were ticking time bombs that mtv/production knew would[/B] explode on camera. The sad thing is mtv/production won't give them any real help and in return they watch over the years as cast members get worse like tanya and ct. I guess normal people are too uninteresting for the real world now. Sure ts entertainment, but its at the cost of the cast members sanity now.
Why did Ashley give Ryan the pills if she thought he was an abuser? Riiiiiight. And i don't get why people get so mad and offended by cast members like Ryan. If he didn't harm anyone and if i know that everyone after the show is over wasn't seriously hurt(mentally or physically) by him then im gonna enjoy watching Ryan on my tv. It's a "reality" show. It's like getting upset and worked up over everything someone annoying or abusive or just outright crazy does on the Jersey Shore. What's the point in watching it if you can't enjoy/handle the entertainment?
[QUOTE=jace89;204275]This for me is the last straw with the real world. Mtv/production is now snooping to using people with a mental illnesses as drama-troll bait to start confrontations with the roommates. For all the background check mtv claim to do on this show, there's no way someone as unstable as ryan could have ever got on here without the producers being cautious of it. Mtv is SO funny LOL When it comes to someone getting their *** beat they would interfere, but for someone who has obviously lost it, production would sit by and let the person completely fall apart just for the ratings. Ryan should not have been cast just like paula rw17, broke 18, dunbar 19, joey 20, JD 21, [B]Ayiiia 22, ERIKA 23, AND now ryan. All these cast members i listed were ticking time bombs that mtv/production knew would[/B] explode on camera, and the sad thing is mtv/production won't give them any real help and in return they watch over the years as cast members get worse like tanya and ct. I guess normal people are too uninteresting for the real world now. Sure ts entertainment, but its at the cost of the cast members sanity now.[/QUOTE] I understand you from an ethical point, but this is entertainment and nothing has to be ethical. And I am sure someone watching appreciates those stories. I am sure others are going through or are in similar situations. Anorexia, self-mutilation, drug use and other mental illnesses are more common than you may think. However, I did not appreciate Emilies ADD story line. I have or had adhd. And trust me Emilie's flakey behavior/ moody behavior isn't an accurate description. Or maybe I just never had add and my doctor just really sucked.
[QUOTE=Xeri99;204260]We can't really know this, but if it was the same garbage they tried to confront him about at the meeting, sure he would. If someone approached him respectfully from their heart, like Eric did, I'm sure he would've listened. They preferred instead to just talk about him every time he wasn't there.[/quote] What "garbage"? "Hey, we wanted to talk to you about your behavior..." How dare they?! [I]Talk[/I]?? Blasphemy! [quote]There's no rules for stuff like this, they just wanted to get onto him. He took it as seriously as the subject matter applied to him.[/quote] Didn't say it was a rule. I was alluding to common courtesy, which Ryan seems to lack and people get off on this for some reason. [quote]"Hey, why didn't you bring me one?" would have been a better response.[/quote] I'm sure the lecturer would have appreciated her audience joking around during her session. [quote]Their hearts weren't right, they were just waiting to plough him with all their dumb accusations.[/quote] What did they falsely accuse him of? Name one thing. [quote]Golf clap for the gang for alienating and voting off the most interesting cast mate it in years. Good job guys! /fail[/quote] Yes, because Ryan is ratings gold, so the other 7 castmates should kiss his *** and let him act anyway he wants in order to keep him around. [quote]Ryan is a purveyor of [B]fine hyperbole[/B].[/QUOTE] More like rude personalized attacks to inflate his ego. Any person who resorts to that immature mud-slinging to benefit their self-esteem is one sad individual. [QUOTE=jace89;204275]The mere fact that Ryan banged his head against a window and the next day knight and Jemmye pretended like nothing happened. That fact alone makes the whole cast ENABLERS, even kenzie and jemmye thought he was bipolar but they didn't do anything.[/quote] That was a drunken night, and it isn't Jemmye nor Knight's job to baby Ryan and supervise him. He's the one who backed down from his psychiatrist session on the phone. Sahar was more than supportive of helping him with his issue. You can [I]never[/I] help someone who doesn't want to help themselves.
Anonymous's picture
Cystic you're awesome!!!!!!! Everything you just said, I was thinking! THANK GOD RYAN IS GONE! HALLELUJAH!
[QUOTE]What "garbage"? "Hey, we wanted to talk to you about your behavior..." How dare they?! [I]Talk[/I]?? Blasphemy![/QUOTE] Yeah, in a confrontational group setting over some petty stuff? Sounds like a lot of fun. [QUOTE]I'm sure the lecturer would have appreciated her audience joking around during her session.[/QUOTE] Why not? No sense of humor? Look, that whole meeting was very informal, and was taking place in the front living room of a house. "OMG a beer!" Get over it. [QUOTE]What did they falsely accuse him of? Name one thing.[/QUOTE] I didn't say anything was false, just that they were small issues which could be dealt with 1 v 1, not in a gang-up scenario. He expressed several times that he wasn't doing it, yet they persist. [QUOTE]Yes, because Ryan is ratings gold, so the other 7 castmates should kiss his *** and let him act anyway he wants in order to keep him around.[/QUOTE] Of course not, but voting to kicking him off for nothing is seriously a power trip. Everyone has problems, get over yourselves people. [QUOTE]More like rude personalized attacks to inflate his ego. Any person who resorts to that immature mud-slinging to benefit their self-esteem is one sad individual.[/QUOTE] So, basically everyone - Ryan, Knight, Sahar, Jemmye, and Preston. Alright.
Sahar has been getting her fair share of camera time. Mckenzi is who I never notice unless she's drunk, which is sad. Ashlee is at least shown and gets some liners, same with Eric. I may be different on this one but I think Mckenzi gets the least airtime. *shrugs*
