Big Brother 12: Episode 8 - Discussion

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Big Brother 12: Episode 8 - Discussion
The winner of the HOH endurance competition is revealed. The nomination ceremony takes place.
I was on vacation so I missed the past three episodes. Should I bother with them or not? Off topic: Andy Rooney is the most annoying person on tv.
Andrew is lookin good. HAHAHAHA
Well, this week is in the drain... Always next week I guess.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;194022]Well, this week is in the drain... Always next week I guess.[/QUOTE] This season is bad. Really bad. Lets just pray it will get better.
I wish I was a cool kid like Matt.
I am really starting to like Britney.
1) Andrew is hot. 2) Ragan is SMOKIN hot! 3) I do not want Andrew or Kathy to go home. 4) This season is anti-climactic and I want Annie to come back. She had potential before she was evicted, and she'll have even more potential if she comes back. 5) The show's been off for exactly fifteen minutes and only six replies? O_o Very telling.
I dont know why they put Andrew up... the Brigade is probably mad at him... I don't want andrew to go home!
Lane is awesome. Just every episode his comments just get better. As for most of the other cast they are kind of boring excluding Ragan, the crazy guy Enzo, Hayden and Andrew. I won't mind watching anyone else leave besides those listed.
Wouldn't the brigade be mad at matt for putting those 2 up?
Yes, but Matt only cares about this week. This episode was a great indicator of that and why I predict he will be evicted next week or the week after. He believes he has already won.
Yeah he is too cocky. I hope the brigade see's that!
Last week when that call out happened could have been epic.... if only Andrew was there he could have said Matt was lying about his wife. Bam he was already under attack he would have definately got many more votes.
Andrew felt bad about his wife tonight. He believes him now.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;194220]Lane is awesome. Just every episode his comments just get better. As for most of the other cast they are kind of boring excluding Ragan, the crazy guy Enzo, Hayden and Andrew. I won't mind watching anyone else leave besides those listed.[/QUOTE] Lane has the best Diary Room Interviews!!! I really want Kathy gone after watching tonights. She does nothing for me.
I think Lane's diary room sessions are annoying. I feel like he's trying hard to be funny but nothing he says makes sense. And Hayden...ahhhhhh, least favorite houseguest this season (well, tied with Matt) for the sole reason that he screams at the TV.
Hayden hurts my ears everytime I watch him because I normally have my TV up loud, but when BB is on it's turned down because of him. :D
Anonymous's picture
Hayden is pretty loud and so is Matt lol
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;194318]Andrew felt bad about his wife tonight. He believes him now.[/QUOTE] Which completely shocked me because he is a doctor and knew he was lying. When he was nominated (Matt) and had he been called out. Andrew would have had a great opportunity to say something then. Any other time though and I think he would have to explain why he lied that he wasn't a doctor which would hurt his game.
Everyone is playing the game too safe this season. I want some secret alliances formed besides the Brigade & "Brechel".
Anonymous's picture
Does "Krayden" count?
I don't understand why Matt put up Andrew and Kathy. Both of them are not threats to anyone. I mean sure he's probably just trying to backdoor either Rachel or Brendon he really doesn't have to do that. He could've just did what Hayden did Week 1. Put up Brendon and Rachel and if one of them gets the veto then vote out the other(what should've happened week 1). I feel like Matt is taking and unnecessary risk.