I just got caught up on this season today (although episode one wasn't available on MTV for some reason) and I have to say that this is the first season where I've found all of the guys more attractive than the girls.
My thoughts on everyone:
Ryan- Whiny and annoying... He seems like a nice guy, but at the same time he's a drama queen. Damn he's cute though.
Knight- Funny, but he reminds me of a lot of guys I went to high school with who I didn't care for
Eric- My favorite! He's cute and seems like a great guy
Preston- Nice to see a gay guy getting a lot of action on these shows... I also like that he doesn't take Ryan's ****
Ashley- She's been quiet so far, but she seems to be the most normal
McKenzie- I respect that she looks out for her friends. Also that sex means love to her because I feel like I'm one of the few people out there who feel that way
Jemmymerjedslj- Going into the show, I thought she'd be my favorite but I find her really annoying honestly
Sahar- Seems really sweet, wish we could see more of her
[QUOTE=icubaby;190699]I wouldn't say bye to my friend if she kept trying to send me home either "for my own good." I like my friends because they're not my parents.[/QUOTE]
I'd do the smart thing and listen to one of my oldest friends before I listen to some guy I've known for less than 48 hours.
If Suze wanted to hook up with Ryan, she should have straight up told McKenzie instead of sneaking around. I guarantee she wouldn't have been such a *********...
[strike]I wonder if ryan/suz actually had sex. I really dont think they did or else they would have showed movement like they showed the entire show for the other people.[/strike]
I wonder if Ryan and Suz actually had sex. I really don't think they did, or else they would have showed movement, like they showed the entire show for the other people.
[QUOTE=awall;190704][strike]I wonder if ryan/suz actually had sex. I really dont think they did or else they would have showed movement like they showed the entire show for the other people.[/strike]
I wonder if Ryan and Suz actually had sex. I really don't think they did, or else they would have showed movement, like they showed the entire show for the other people.[/QUOTE]
For someone who cast so much importance on loving someone before having sex with them or something like that, I doubt it.
[QUOTE=molds13;190705]For someone who cast so much importance on loving someone before having sex with them or something like that, I doubt it.[/QUOTE]
That's what I was thinking too. I loved Sahar calling him out that he was saying all of that **** about Preston because he was jealous that Preston was getting some and he wasn't.
I liked this episode. Step up from last week.
Jemmye looking for Knight was hilarious. I have to say she seemed oddly self-aware for being as drunk as she was. And that nonsense she said to her mom was funny simply because right after she was like "Okay, love you! Good night!" as if she could actually make words.
It was good to see more of McKenzie. I really like her so far. I'm hoping that won't change. It was pretty ****ty what her friend did by not saying goodbye, and by hooking up with Ryan, because... well that's just poor judgment.
Speaking of Ryan, did you guys know that he hates when gay people have sex? And did you know that he used to have a girlfriend? And that he wants to hook up... with a girl?!?!?! OMG. I just thought maybe that wasn't coming across in the episodes, but if it's not you should check out his twitter because he hearts his GIRLfriend so so much!! Sahar hit it on the head when she said he is protesting too much about not being gay. It must be crowded in that closet.
[QUOTE=molds13;190701]I'd do the smart thing and listen to one of my oldest friends before I listen to some guy I've known for less than 48 hours.
If Suze wanted to hook up with Ryan, she should have straight up told McKenzie instead of sneaking around. I guarantee she wouldn't have been such a *********...[/QUOTE]
I guess hooking up with him right in front of her wasn't proof enough that she "wanted to hook up with" him? Am I the only one that can see despite McKenzies lack of interest in Ryan she ate up all the attention, and when she realize it was being given to someone else tried to ship off her own friend as fast as she could?
Agree to Disagree.
[QUOTE=icubaby;190723]I guess hooking up with him right in front of her wasn't proof enough that she "wanted to hook up with" him? Am I the only one that can see despite McKenzies lack of interest in Ryan she ate up all the attention, and when she realize it was being given to someone else tried to ship off her own friend as fast as she could?
Agree to Disagree.[/QUOTE]
Maybe, but I still think her friend handled it quite poorly. Do you think she handled it in the best way?
Her friend did handle it poorly. She went to New Orleans to visit McKenzie and then practically ignored her (from what we saw). I know if one of my closest friends did something like that to me, I wouldn't be half as nice as McKenzie was about it. I'd be pissed off.
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;190730]Her friend did handle it poorly. She went to New Orleans to visit McKenzie and then practically ignored her (from what we saw). I know if one of my closest friends did something like that to me, I wouldn't be half as nice as McKenzie was about it. I'd be pissed off.[/QUOTE]
Right. If my friend came to visit me and then ignored me to hook up with my friend whose sexuality I called "questionable" and then left to go home without saying goodbye...I'd be pissed.
It also didn't help the fact that Ryan and Suze were being so immature about it and sneaking around. Really?
It's only been three episodes and already I'm sick of watching Ryan complain and be immature about everything.
[QUOTE=blanky667;190743]Ugh, I missed the episode and its the last ten minutes of the rerun. I have to wait till tomorrow. :(
[B]Was tonight good[/B]?[/QUOTE]
I just think this season gets better and better.
I love Jemmye!!! That whole convo with her mom where you couldn't understand her. And then at the end, clear as day, "Goodnight mom, love you." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. She is my absolute favorite.
Of course Knight would give the thumbs up after everything.
I have to say I more or less like the whole cast except Ryan. I understand he was a good casting choice but he may make this season un-watchable for me.
Jemmye/Knight were so ******* hilarious tonight! She reminds me of so many people I know in real life when they're blackout wasted..ha.
Kenzie...eh..I have mixed feelings for this girl. She's self-righteous at times, then "calm, cool surfer girl" then drunk cocktease...like idk.
Eric, Ashley and Sahar are still boring..
McKenzie came off as a total ***** in this episode... first she's a complete cocktease with Ryan.... then she was obviously totally jealous that Ryan and Suze were paying attention to each other and acted like a child... not to mention her attempts to ********* Ryan with Suze but Knight with Jemmye as well... if I liked Ryan, I would hate McKenzie, but he deserves it...
Pump, Pump Squirt your done...
McKenzie is a total ***********. I think guys and girls are very different when it comes to friends. I don't agree with what Suze did, and she should have been more honest and talked to her friend about hooking up with Ryan. But if a guy brought his friend over, I am sure he wouldn't mind if he got some action and he definitely wouldn't have to sneak around. Suze just didn't seem so appreciative of Mckenzie. If you are there to visit your friend, visit your friend and have the respect to say goodbye, not sneak around. If she wanted action thats fine, but don't dismiss your friend like that. I think Suze might have been there more for the camera and glory of sayin "I was on the Real World and hooked-up" rather than visiting her friend.
But Mckenzie can be annoying too. She tried to ********* Ryan and Knight. That's just not cool.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;190852]Pump, Pump Squirt your done...
McKenzie is a total ***********. I think guys and girls are very different when it comes to friends. I don't agree with what Suze did, and she should have been more honest and talked to her friend about hooking up with Ryan. But if a guy brought his friend over, I am sure he wouldn't mind if he got some action and he definitely wouldn't have to sneak around. Suze just didn't seem so appreciative of Mckenzie. If you are there to visit your friend, visit your friend and have the respect to say goodbye, not sneak around. If she wanted action thats fine, but don't dismiss your friend like that. I think Suze might have been there more for the camera and glory of sayin "I was on the Real World and hooked-up" rather than visiting her friend.
But Mckenzie can be annoying too. She tried to ********* Ryan and Knight. That's just not cool.[/QUOTE]
I agree with you about friends getting action, but my problem with Suze was the sneaking around. Suze actually seemed like she was probably a cool girl, but she shouldn't have been sneaking around. Especially since she was there to visit McKenzie. I do think though that McKenzie was also probably mad because she seems to like attention from males, and for whatever reason, Ryan, and she wasn't getting it anymore. But I still think Suze just up and leaving was pretty low.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;190852]Pump, Pump Squirt your done...
McKenzie is a total ***********. I think guys and girls are very different when it comes to friends. I don't agree with what Suze did, and she should have been more honest and talked to her friend about hooking up with Ryan. But if a guy brought his friend over, I am sure he wouldn't mind if he got some action and he definitely wouldn't have to sneak around. Suze just didn't seem so appreciative of Mckenzie. If you are there to visit your friend, visit your friend and have the respect to say goodbye, not sneak around. If she wanted action thats fine, but don't dismiss your friend like that. I think Suze might have been there more for the camera and glory of sayin "I was on the Real World and hooked-up" rather than visiting her friend.
But Mckenzie can be annoying too. She tried to ********* Ryan and Knight. That's just not cool.[/QUOTE]
I just think Mckenzie is a really conservative girl, and I do not consider her a "*********." Now I think a lot of people are missing the main issue here. It isn't about sex. If Suze is really a close and old friend of Mckenzie, than she knows what are her beliefs and morals. After Mckenzie invited her into the house, she disrespect her by having sex with one of her roommates, sneaking around, and have the audacity to even say goodbye or leave a letter! If I invite a friend into my home, and they know I don't like it when people do "drugs," and my friend does it anyways, basically giving me a big F.U., that's not a true friend. It's about respecting each other morals, and beliefs. Mom always said, whenever you visit someone elses home, follow their rules and behave yourself. Always remember to be polite.
I don't disagree with Suze not being a good friend. Friends should be there for you no matter what and have your back. Her friend didn't seem like such a good friend at all (of course we didn't see everything). As far as Mckenzie being "Conservative" she still shouldn't butt into other people's business. Maybe I can understand her getting into Suze's business, because she does know her, but do you honestly think she give two Sh!t's about Jemmye and Knight?
I am Conservative grew up in a conservative neighborhood, attended conservative/religious schools and don't believe in just having sex for fun, but I don't butt into other people's business and try to stop them. It's up to the person. It's seems self righteous to preach. I understand she might be conservative, but she doesn't need to shove it down peopl's throughts.
Heres my take
First off I REALLY like this season!!!
Kenzies friend was straight up WRONG!! If your *** comes down to see ME and hang out with ME, you should do that. If you wanna hook up with Ryan (gross) thats your prerogative. But dont sneak around like 2 year olds. And then after she did him, she left without saying goodbye to her friend who she came to see. Like if that was me, I would've picked up the phone and cursed her out. Thats mad rude and disrespectful.
Maybe Kenzie was cockblocking but can you blame her?? Ryan is such a flip flopper. Wasnt he all " I only have sex with girls I love or care about"?? BS!! Obviously Kenzie has been around Ryan longer than Suzie and knows him better. She was just looking out for her.
Jemmye and Knight are just too funny for words. I think they both want each other. Jemmye craves Knights attention as you saw. I think she fronts like she doesn't like him but she does. Im glad they did the deed. Good for them lol.
I found it hilarious that Preston was getting it on basically the entire episode. Every two seconds he was asking for a condom. Even when he came outside AFTER making his bed and asked for another! I was like DAMN Preston! I have no issue with gay people getting it in but Ryan clearly has issues with it. I think hes been fighting the stereotype that he is gay and that has harbored some resentment towards gay people. As evident in the first episode and last nights.
Eric. Sahar and Ashley are kinda just there. Not really in the drama....yet.
Overall this season is really looking like a good one. I think this cast is damn near perfect! And I cannot wait til Preston pees on Ryans toothbrush!! I wanna see what happens!
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;190874]I don't disagree with Suze not being a good friend. Friends should be there for you no matter what and have your back. Her friend didn't seem like such a good friend at all (of course we didn't see everything). As far as Mckenzie being "Conservative" she still shouldn't butt into other people's business. Maybe I can understand her getting into Suze's business, because she does know her, but do you honestly think she give two Sh!t's about Jemmye and Knight?
I am Conservative grew up in a conservative neighborhood, attended conservative/religious schools and don't believe in just having sex for fun, but I don't butt into other people's business and try to stop them. It's up to the person. It's seems self righteous to preach. I understand she might be conservative, but she doesn't need to shove it down peopl's throughts.[/QUOTE]
I still don't think she is a "*********." I believe she was more hurt from her friend being rude, than the sex/attention part. She even said she doesn't care what they do, but you can tell it hurt her when Suze was sneaking around, and ignoring her completely. Now with Knight and Jemmye where going to hook up, she just stated an opinion, and I can't blame her cause some people like to express themselves differently. In my opinon a "***********" would do anything to stop sex from happening. Even if it means following the person around, or even sleeping in their bed so nothing happens.
By the way, who tried to bark morals and orders to McKenzie when she was practically straddling Ryan licking and/or whispering in his ear, or when he asked if she wanted to go upstairs and she followed. Oh, right, no one. But I thought he's a flip-flopper and strange & she knows how he is and was only trying to protect her friend- weird. If you really feel strongly enough against the guy to "protect your friend" why climb on top of him and spend half the episode teasing him? hm...
And how does the "good friend" react when her roommates try to repay her good deeds and look out for their friend/roommate in the preview for the next episode? Oh right, she completely blows them off and walks off with a complete creep. So why should her friend act any different when McKenzie does the same thing herself when other people try to help her out by butting into her situation?