Big Brother 12 - Season Premiere

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I think it is Monet. Or Kathy. Or Britney... I'm on the fence about Lane. I do not think it's Brendon. Definitely not Andrew. It could be Matt or Hayden. But I have the best feeling that the sabotuer is Monet.
Lane is so boring! He looks like Steven Daigle and has the personality of Memphis:p I like Kathy and Enzo!
I'm Jewish and wear a "Yom Kippur" :) I would also bring my own pot. Obviously I don't know any spoilers, but I doubt it's Andrew, and not for the obvious reason of him not participating in the challenge and staying off the block for a week. I do however think it's either the farmer dude who was barely on screen, Monet or the musician guy with tatoo's and high IQ. I don't know there names yet (how does everyone know there names so fast!) But I am making an educated guess! I like Andrew! And I can tell the college dude with the Zach Efron shaggy hairdo is annoying and conceited. I kinda like the Vegas girl, again not for the 2 HUGE obvious reasons!
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;189596]I'm Jewish and wear a "Yom Kippur" :) I would also bring my own pot. Obviously I don't know any spoilers, but I doubt it's Andrew, and not for the obvious reason of him not participating in the challenge and staying off the block for a week. I do however think it's either the farmer dude who was barely on screen, Monet or the musician guy with tatoo's and high IQ. I don't know there names yet (how does everyone know there names so fast!) But I am making an educated guess! I like Andrew! [B]And I can tell the college dude with the Zach Efron shaggy hairdo is annoying and conceited.[/B] I kinda like the Vegas girl, again not for the 2 HUGE obvious reasons![/QUOTE] Oh, that's Hayden. I love him.
