There aren't very many guys that can take CT other than Landon and Alton. I would be cool to see him, Wes, and JEK in another challenge, especially the Duel.
[QUOTE=DerrickFTW;173925]Johnny wasn't scared of Wes on the Ruins..[/QUOTE]
Johnny almost jumped out of his shoes when Wes got in his face and called him a *****. Johnny is a lot of false bravado, plain and simple.
[QUOTE=townie;173975]Johnny almost jumped out of his shoes when Wes got in his face and called him a *****. Johnny is a lot of false bravado, plain and simple.[/QUOTE]
For once we are in agreement. :D
[QUOTE=townie;173975]Johnny almost jumped out of his shoes when Wes got in his face and called him a *****. Johnny is a lot of false bravado, plain and simple.[/QUOTE]
I agree Townie, especially when Wes confronted him and threatened to beat him up. He flinched!:D
Sometimes we need guys like CT to discipline the others.
[QUOTE=townie;173975]Johnny almost jumped out of his shoes when Wes got in his face and called him a *****. Johnny is a lot of false bravado, plain and simple.[/QUOTE]
I don't think so. So just because Johnny didn't immediately attack Wes when Wes threatened him, Johnny was scared of Wes. I think he was just being smart and controlled himself. Wes would never hit anybody, he's not that stupid, but maybe he thought he could get Johnny to hit him and get Johnny kicked off.
I'm going to have to say that I don't think Johnny was really scared of Wes either. A flinch doesnt mean anything. It's a natural response to something coming at his face.
[QUOTE=Insider;174071]I'm going to have to say that I don't think Johnny was really scared of Wes either. A flinch doesnt mean anything. It's a natural response to something coming at his face.[/QUOTE]
What about the maneuvering like a little ***** when he pushed Evelyn. Push a girl, get out of the way of a guy. If he forearm shoved Wes the same as he did to Evelyn then yea, but he couldn't shimmy his way out of Wes's wrath.
[QUOTE=Insider;174077]I didn't see that at all.[/QUOTE]
He was, as a man that has gotten into a few altercations that look and word choice is far to familiar. However, I do agree that the flinch doesn't mean much, but you can tell Wes had no fear of that guy beating him in a fight. Plus the now classic
"I can't wait to beat the **** out of you" quote was utilized in the perfect situation.
I'm just not a fan of Wes. I never was. I didnt care for him in Austin. I suppose that will never change. That aside.. let's agree to disagree and get back on topic. Mr. Chris Tamburello. ;)
[QUOTE=Insider;174082]I'm just not a fan of Wes. I never was. I didnt care for him in Austin. I suppose that will never change. That aside.. let's agree to disagree and get back on topic. Mr. Chris Tamburello. ;)[/QUOTE]
I know you aren't haha. But yea we do need Ct on these things, since he is willing to go in alone the unpredictability of the game makes for a much more entertaining show.
I know CT gets a big kick out of how Johnny acts like a high roller on these challenges... like he's calling the shots like a mastermind or something. The two times they did a challenge together, CT masterminded Johnny's demise and everybody was all for it. On Gauntlet 3, he pretty much told Evan he was going to go against Johnny and Evan didn't disagree, and the team didn't disagree either when it was brought to them in deliberation. He is a useless, expendable player that nobody really wants around or on their team.
Here is my low down on CT. I absolutely love watching him. A man of few words, with a fiery temper, [B]and[/B] the skill to back it up. He has dominated every challenge he has been on, and [B]all [/B]of the other competitors are scared of him. Period. And it has nothing to do with the fighting. They are scared because they can't control him on or off the field. He doesn't do major alliances, he is not scared of threats, and he can work entirely on his own. The same goes for Wes and Abram. So what if he has gotten kicked off for fighting? Abram has been kicked off several shows for the same exact thing. He's just a little smaller. CT should absolutely be let back on, and the ratings will skyrocket. If he hadn't gone home on Inferno 3 and especially the Duel 2, the ending would have been completely different. I think the Ruins would have ended differently as well, had CT been on the Challenger team instead of Adam. CT is [B]the best[/B] competitor on the challenges, and as long as he doesn't [B]drink[/B] is unstoppable. He is his own kryptonite.
[QUOTE=faceless;173453]I remember hearing that CT weighs 240lbs-ish. Where does he weigh in at now if you say he lost weight? I looked the 240lbs on Duel - Gauntlet 3 and looked to be a little heftier on Duel 2.[/QUOTE]
These are two recent pics of CT within the past 2 weeks, you will see he is much smaller now than when he was on TV last. He is back in old form.
The kid who shot CT's brother was arraigned on second degree murder charges a couple of weeks ago. He also has counts of prescription drug fraud and drug trafficking to worry about now too. Timothy Arbuckle, the main instigator of the whole situation, has been put up on two felony charges of assault in the past few months (for beating a woman, no less) and is currently in jail. And another one of the stooges of that group, Tristan Blanchard, just recently got himself and some friends involved in another situation like the one they all got into with Vinnie with trying to intimidate and gang up on one person with numbers. Well, this person didn't have an ax like Vinnie did, he had a gun and gave those cowards a taste of their own medicine. Unfortunately, the coward hid in the back and it was his sister who ended up taking the bullet that was meant for him. Hope he feels real good about putting his innocent sister in the line of fire like that over something stupid.
[QUOTE=Challengefan;174379]Here is my low down on CT. I absolutely love watching him. A man of few words, with a fiery temper, [B]and[/B] the skill to back it up. He has dominated every challenge he has been on, and [B]all [/B]of the other competitors are scared of him. Period. And it has nothing to do with the fighting. They are scared because they can't control him on or off the field. He doesn't do major alliances, he is not scared of threats, and he can work entirely on his own. The same goes for Wes and Abram. So what if he has gotten kicked off for fighting? Abram has been kicked off several shows for the same exact thing. He's just a little smaller. CT should absolutely be let back on, and the ratings will skyrocket. If he hadn't gone home on Inferno 3 and especially the Duel 2, the ending would have been completely different. I think the Ruins would have ended differently as well, had CT been on the Challenger team instead of Adam. CT is [B]the best[/B] competitor on the challenges, and as long as he doesn't [B]drink[/B] is unstoppable. He is his own kryptonite.[/QUOTE]
Agree. CT is a beast, and he's an unbelievable competitor but he's easily irritated and explosive.
[QUOTE=townie;177372]The kid who shot CT's brother was arraigned on second degree murder charges a couple of weeks ago. He also has counts of prescription drug fraud and drug trafficking to worry about now too. Timothy Arbuckle, the main instigator of the whole situation, has been put up on two felony charges of assault in the past few months (for beating a woman, no less) and is currently in jail. And another one of the stooges of that group, Tristan Blanchard, just recently got himself and some friends involved in another situation like the one they all got into with Vinnie with trying to intimidate and gang up on one person with numbers. Well, this person didn't have an ax like Vinnie did, he had a gun and gave those cowards a taste of their own medicine. Unfortunately, the coward hid in the back and it was his sister who ended up taking the bullet that was meant for him. Hope he feels real good about putting his innocent sister in the line of fire like that over something stupid.[/QUOTE]
Wow, rough crowd. Hopefully CT is far from all of that now.
The sister is fine, she took the bullet in the hip. The Bolaski brothers, Tim Arbuckle, and Tristan Blanchard are all ****. They think they're all tough guys and gangsters but they only pick fights with people when they're in a group... one-on-one, not one of the group is worth a wet **** in a fight, they are too small to do anything. That's why they all showed up in a group when CT's brother came to confront one of them, because they knew that 1-on-1, none of them would be able to do anything against somebody 6'3" and 245 pounds.
[QUOTE=townie;177295]These are two recent pics of CT within the past 2 weeks, you will see he is much smaller now than when he was on TV last. He is back in old form.
Townie, you have provided timely updates. It is good to see CT attempt to move on with his life after such sad events, and nevertheless, by a bunch of young punks. They're continued screw ups will only cause there self demise and justice will be served.
CT does like like he did during Duel 2. I am hoping that the kid comes back and compete in a Duel format. However, I just hope he does not trust alliances and just fend for himself. On duel 1 he carried Diem, thus being involved in an unmentioned alliance that wound up turning on him. G3, he should have just gotten rid of Eric when the times allowed, and not let the rest of the group dissuade that the women were the weak legs.
hopefully, we see him again
I will try to get more info on the situation, but it appears as though CT & Evan have reconciled and CT is going to be doing bar appearances this summer with Team Suck Yeah (Evan & Kenny) including tonight in South Carolina.
[QUOTE=townie;184086]I will try to get more info on the situation, but it appears as though CT & Evan have reconciled and CT is going to be doing bar appearances this summer with Team Suck Yeah (Evan & Kenny) including tonight in South Carolina.[/QUOTE]
Evan and CT had a falling out? Didn't even know they got along that well.
[QUOTE=townie;184086]I will try to get more info on the situation, but it appears as though CT & Evan have reconciled and CT is going to be doing bar appearances this summer with Team Suck Yeah (Evan & Kenny) including tonight in South Carolina.[/QUOTE]
That's awesome. Try and get some pictures if you can!
CT had some bad blood towards a few castmembers on the Duel 2 for the fight and hearing from numerous people that there was a plan to get him kicked off, but I guess he's over it now. He's grown up & mellowed out quite a bit since that incident, he's in a much, much better place now than he was in the fall of 2008.
It's good for him to get back in good standing with popular, re-occurring cast choices of BMP as well with some people saying they wouldn't be comfortable doing a challenge if he was going to be there... especially Kenny and Evan since they are the two with the most profound social influence.
[QUOTE=ImNotYogi;184117]I hope CT makes a return. He's always been one of my favorites from these things.[/QUOTE]
If CT is on the same page as Evan and Kenny again, that should make Wes a little nervous because that is now three people in an alliance that would all take him out. CT got a good chuckle out of that Dailies clip of Wes going on and on about himself being the best challenge competitor of the last five years.