Vevmo Fantasy Baseball: 2010

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First game is at 7:10 PM ET. Rosters lock at 7:05 PM ET. It is on your fantasy home page guys, lol. ;) [url=][img][/img][/url]
Holy crud did Beckett just get hammed (8 runs) game is tied. Going to be a long night in Toronto! The majority of my lineup is either not playing tonight or rained out. :(
This week will be tough as he has 2 more pitching opportunitiess and has Halladad. Good thing he also has some pitchers who I find questionable playing 2 games as well.
Anonymous's picture
Who am I playing against this week? Who owns the Yanks?
Ouch, you are losing your matchup pretty badly so far.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;171610]Ouch, you are losing your matchup pretty badly so far.[/QUOTE] who? me? None of my pitchers have pitched.. and my entire outfield is yet to play. I think I'm doing pretty well considering. I'm not worried. ;)
You know what I love about fantasy baseball? It makes me care about games and players I never heard of before! I'm watching TV and on a side screen have my scoring up and I am secretly hoping someone hits a bomb off of Jonathan O. Sanchez (a guy I never heard of or cared about before today.) The only NL games I ever watch are interleague play and the world series and before interleague, only the series - so I guess in the end playing fantasy sports does broaden a persons overall knowledge of the game. I think I'll come out of day one (even with a disastrous Beckett start) ok, with 1 pitching game up, lots of double header action tomorrow (Mets/Dodgers) and maybe a 15 point difference in the AM. We'll see...
To add to my injury report: Roberts won't be able to see a doctor until late in the first week of May and De La Rosa just got DL'ed for a month. So it goes as I now have 3 confirmed starters on the DL entering May. The rainy postponement yesterday did actually help me get a leg up on Bacchus. It affected 3 of his players and only 1 of mine. Today Kuroda will hopefully K the hell out of Wright. Verlander will hopefully show some balls and deal some K damage to Mauer will providing a challenge to Liriano. For those who did not see it, Bacchus had 11 PSR and I had 9 at the beginning of yesterday. We are now at 8 & 7 PSRs respectively.
Well im down 38-4 after one day, off to a great start. Nelson Cruz is questionable for the next series, if he doesnt play im screwed even worse. But the person im playing is missing Manny Ramirez so that gives me a little hope.
Damn, Verlander has thrown 105 through 5. I wonder if he'll go back out? I know always leads most pitches in a season, but Leyland should try and save the guys arm. ;)
Fun in Photoshop I see? ;)
[QUOTE=tatertots;171791]Fun in Photoshop I see? ;)[/QUOTE] Fantasy baseball is boring in a vacuum. I like to liven things up, and I love photoshop, heh. Hughes just got taken out of the decision, which is fine as it is hard for me to pull for the Yankees... Like Verlander, he missed the QS by .1 innings (although V is still on the hook as of right now.)
Tater, do you want me to pull some strings and get Clay pulled right now with the lead? (I know a friend of a friend who is friends with a guy that met Francona.) I mean, it can only go downhill from here in the 8th with 108 pitches. Then again, the Sox pen is so bad right now, maybe we are better off keeping him in the game...
I'm rooting for BoomBazookaJoe to break even for the week.
Yes please! He did pretty well today, better than Halladay yesterday but that had to end at some point didn't it? Here's to hoping the bullpen can keep the lead for one more inning!
Is it too late to sign up? :p
Honestly, tonight I'm not even thinking about baseball... Coyotes are hosting the Red Wings for a Game 7 right now! Even Series at 3-3, winner moves on. Skate or go home!
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;171810] Coyotes are hosting the Red Wings for a Game 7 right now! Even Series at 3-3, winner moves on. Skate or go home![/QUOTE] Understandable. We had our night, last night in Beantown. (Not to mention Wright is stroking it right now, so you might want to look away.)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;171812]Not to mention Wright is stroking it right now, so you might want to look away.[/QUOTE] In public, ...that's disgusting....
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;171813]In public, ...that's disgusting....[/QUOTE] I've thought it through, and there is just no equivalent reply to this turn...haha.
Wow, I'm actually surprised that I'm off to a good start in this week's match up!
[QUOTE=dplayer18;171835]Wow, I'm actually surprised that I'm off to a good start in this week's match up![/QUOTE] There is only one sure thing this week in Fantasy baseball and that is Atown will be at 2-2 on Monday morning. The Joe's ran into a bad patch, lol.
p.s. The Cutty Sarks have just opened the topsails and are catching the trade winds.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;171838]There is only one sure thing this week in Fantasy baseball and that is Atown will be at 2-2 on Monday morning. The Joe's ran into a bad patch, lol.[/QUOTE] I really thought Atown will lose since that's what The Preview predicted. Glad that the preview is being proven wrong ;).
Wow after 2 days im down 88.5 to -3.5. Edwin Jackson killed me yesterday, he got me -20 points, and he has another start this week so it could get worse. I would not be shocked if i have a negative score at the end of the week. my best player nelson cruz is on the dl and it doesnt look like mark teixeira is going to pick it up anytime soon. I want to apologize to the rest of the owners in the league for my team being a complete joke, it brings down the quality of the league.
[QUOTE=Lionsfan780;171856]Wow after 2 days im down 88.5 to -3.5. Edwin Jackson killed me yesterday, he got me -20 points, and he has another start this week so it could get worse. I would not be shocked if i have a negative score at the end of the week. my best player nelson cruz is on the dl and it doesnt look like mark teixeira is going to pick it up anytime soon. I want to apologize to the rest of the owners in the league for my team being a complete joke, it brings down the quality of the league.[/QUOTE] It is not like you are trying to get hammered, you just have everything going wrong. Tex still slumping a month in is very uncharacteristic (although it does makes me smile as a Yankee hater) and Cruz going down has to sting. I think we have a really good league this time around and it seems everyone is trying and keeping their rosters up to date and making moves, which is all you can ever really ask in a fantasy league. I'm sure you'll turn things around, but probably not this week. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;171858] I'm sure you'll turn things around, but probably not this week. ;)[/QUOTE] I sure hope it turns around soon, it is getting embarrassing.
The most entertaining match up of the week could be between myself and Bacchus where a single swing of the bat could determine the winner. As for the rearview mirror shot, I stopped caring about sports last night after the Coyotes got outplayed and went down 4-1 in the 2nd period. I awoke to a new day so we'll see.
Really, your matchup is the most entertaining? My matchup vs. team vevmo is .5 a point difference. It also looks like I may add Justin Morneau to my list of injured players so far this season.
