Survivor: Heroes vs Villains - Going Down in Flames

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[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;170554]Judging by the previews, she just might. Which sucks, because neither her nor ANY of the Heroes deserve to be in the final 3.[/QUOTE] Sandra is way too smart for that. Sure the previews lead us to believe that Sandra is going to flip and vote out Russell & even the playing field 4 vs 4. But this is Sandra we are talking about, she is probably going to do some talking and get the Heroes on her side but she knows it's too early in the game to turn on her tribe. She knows she needs them just as much as they need her right now. Sandra didnt win this game before by playing dumb, she is a very dangerous player and she knows what she is doing. I would be very shocked if she does flip next week.
[SIZE="3"]I wonder how J.T. will do at Ponderosa with Courtney and Coach. [/SIZE]
Very well, he and coach are already aquantited with each other and are supposedly somewhat friendly.
I guess him and Courtney could hit it off also.
[QUOTE=GaGaSurvivor;170560]I wonder how Jerri is gonna act towards Parvati now. Parvati [B]kind of [/B]just saved her.[/QUOTE] What?? Jerri would be gone if it wasn't for Parv!
I know but didn't Jerri not like Parvati at the villains tribe? So maybe Jerri will be more polite to Parvati now
JT knows Courtney. She is dating his best friend.
I felt bad for JT. He is very trusting. I think he made a bold move. I honestly don't think his move was stupid, he thought Russell needed the Idol so to help save his tribe he made a big move, unfortunately it didn't work for him. I think Parvati is a really smart player. Everyone wanted her out of the game, including her tribe and she managed to weasel her way this far. I enjoyed when she took out both idols and gave them to Sandra and Jerri. It was a big ***** you to the Heroes tribe. Would it be possible for someone to win a million dollars twice on Survivor, because I think she is playing one hell of a game! I think Jerri feels much differently towards her since she gave her the idol.
With that move now I think Russell should definately start to scramble. If he is at all smart he should know that was and is a bold move which will definately get some jury votes.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;170629]With that move now I think Russell should definately start to scramble. If he is at all smart he should know that was and is a bold move which will definately get some jury votes.[/QUOTE] I don't think it gains Parvati more votes as much as it loses Russell 5 votes. Now the heroes know that he's completely full of it, and after swearing on his kids? Good luck getting them to vote for you, if you even make it that far. At this point, I think he's screwed and he's got a lot of ground to make up if he wants to win this game. The merge is the time to start considering your options when it comes to jury votes. Russell's more concerned with just having the numbers, which is great short-term, but not long-term.
[url=]Jeff Probst blogs 'Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains' episode 10 |[/url] Nothing too exciting in this week's blog.
I just thought with that move that she gained at least Jerri's vote if she doesn't make the final 3 as well maybe Sandra if she doesn't make the final 3. Russell has for sure lost those votes and probably coaches vote as well.
I think the reason Russel is so mad next week is that he realizes that, unlike last year, he is not in control of the game. He was in charge of everything last season and knew what was going down. If everything went down last night as he saw it, Parvati would have played the only idol in the game and Jerri would have been voted off. Not knowing what's going on in the game must kill him. Russel, I would like to introduce you to the real person running this game, Parvati.
It's pretty mutual actually. Parvti would have been gone a while ago had it not been for Russell.
I'm enjoying this season very much. Russell always said he plays such a great social game, but the truth is he doesn't, at least that is my opinion. He lied and back stabbed everyone on the heroes tribe (there goes most of the heroes votes) and It's a big no no to swear on your kids (even if it's the truth, I don't people should swear on their kids). I really don't see him winning if he makes it to the final 2 or 3. I think it was a great move by Parvati to gain 2 votes, if she makes it to the finals and the other 2 don't.
Parv is a better player than Russ. She will win if she makes it to the end. 100% no doubt.
I wish it was a Rupert/Russell final 2 to see who people would vote for.
[QUOTE=SurferZ;170681]I wish it was a Rupert/Russell final 2 to see who people would vote for.[/QUOTE] Ugh, I really do not like Rupert. I would pay CBS money to not have to watch that.
Those 2 are the least likely to win a jury, along with Coach.
As much as I like Sandra, I thought it was funny how Rupert said, "Anyone who swears on their kids is not someone I'll trust" when Sandra did swear on her kids in Pearl Islands... Anyway, Parvati is by far the best woman to ever play Survivor. Imagine had she not ever been on Fans VS Favorites, we'd never have gotten to see this side of her.
I'm a little skeptical of the previews for next week, mainly because they ALWAYS trick us...but Sandra HATES Russell. She's been gunning for him for awhile now...and it seems as though she will seize any opportunity to do so. If she can save her own *** and manage to get Russell out in the process, I feel like she would by all means do so. She's clearly playing a great game because she's still there--she would ordinarily have the same target on her back as Parvati because she is a previous winner and she also has a reputation for being pretty sneaky and manipulative on her season as well. For some reason, though, she's flying under the radar. She's not stupid and she knows that if she sticks with the Villains she is at the bottom of the pecking order if they succeed in getting rid of all of the Heroes. They get to the final 5--and bam--Sandra is gone in a heartbeat unless she wins immunity. If you think about it, she really has no allies on her tribe at all. Also, JT was the main person who kept saying that they should trust Russell. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise that he's gone (even though the Heroes have dwindling numbers now). He was so hellbent on Russell being trustworthy that the Heroes were inclined to believe him--in a game of such heightened paranoia and mind games, it's kind of comforting when someone acts like they're 100% sure of something and I'm sure that's what got the Heroes in this scenario. With this vote, they've lost the person who had the utmost confidence in Russell and have proof that the Villains are totally and completely playing them. In addition, with the playing of both Idols, Parvati has created a rift between herself and Russell, perhaps pitting two more Villains against each other and taking the focus off of picking off the Heroes. I know a lot of people enjoy Russell, but I really cannot stand him. Maybe it's because he's been on my TV screen for two seasons in a row, but I couldn't stand him in Samoa either. In my opinion, he's playing a very stupid game because he's playing to get to the final 3 and isn't even taking people along who he could beat. If it's him, Parvati and Danielle, while they are all pretty loathsome in the eyes of the jury (I love Parv though), he is the most loathsome of them all. Think about who would be in the jury--Sandra, Courtney, JT, Rupert, Amanda, Coach...none of them would vote for him. Depending on what went down, Jerri, Candace and Colby wouldn't vote for him either. He gets to the final 3 with Parv and Danielle...well, he doesn't have a prayer.
My main problem with Russell is that watching him 2 seasons in a row is so overkill. If we had a break in between, I think I'd be enjoying it a little more. But yeah - he needs to gooooo!
