I dont think Tonya's coming back to the challenges for a awhile. Its so funny that more people love her on the Challenges except Tina and Veronica but she was more loved on the challenges than her own season. Remember Battle of the Sexes she was given the lifesaver twice while in crutches over Rachel and Aneesa.
Apparentley everyone on this thread loves Coral from RW. Back to New York. Coral in my opinon was the realest on her season. She didnt take crap from no one and she was funny. Evelyn,Julie,Steven and Trishelle are haters. Evelyn maybe stronger than Coral but she dosent have the brains like Coral who is a puzzle solver and manages to stay in the end of every single challenge she has done except for Frshmeat and Gauntlet 3.
Svetlana in my opinion thought she was big and bad because she techinically beat Beth even though Beth would have definately won if it wasnt for that DQ.
I can't judge Svetlana completely because I haven't seen Key West, but on Duel I thought she was invisible/annoying most of the season, but I liked her at the end.
[QUOTE=RMD1;167113]You say that a lot. Do you have some kind of sick obsession?[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Youssarian;167167]I can't judge Svetlana completely because I haven't seen Key West, but on Duel I thought she was invisible/annoying most of the season, but I liked her at the end.
I thought that she was one of the main characters.
It seemed to me that before the duel with Beth she didn't really do anything...after it, she was shown a bit more but it was always focused on someone else. Maybe I need to rewatch that season :/
My number one favorite is Kelly Anne she is hot. Second would be Baya from RW Brooklyn she is cute and was the best in that season I think. Third would be Tonya I didn't see RW Chicago, but I think she is a nice girl if people stop picking on her.
I think everyone just likes Coral and there is nothing to dislike about her. She is real, a smart ***, and makes her points.
I'm partially to the first 4 seasons over others. The entire 1st season is worthy of mention, even Kevin (while I agreed with a few of his points, I disagreed with his presentation of it). His most classic statement during that famous heated argument with Julie was: "Black people cannot be racist!" ... For those who have yet to see it, you should be aware that it was transpiring (or being filmed) while the Rodney King trial was in full gear and they drew a crowd watching them being filmed in front of the steps to their loft.
The second season was also very noteworthy as Tami verbally smacked down Jon much the same way Coral did Miz later on in B2NY. Tami's choice to have an abortion and Jon standing by her even though he disagreed with her choice because of his Christian values. Season 3 had Puck and Pedro in a clash constantly because Pedro was not only gay but HIV+. Season 4 had Kat (who I love), Jacinda (also another love & a talented actress), Lars (the German DJ), and Neil (a more sarcastic & cultured but less physically imposing raucous version of Puck). Neil's psychology degree was put on display and brought about one of the best examples of seeding discord in the house with the word game he brought to the dinner table one night. Of course, he had to make up for it somehow since he couldn't speak the first half of the show from having his tongue bitten off in the premiere episode and had to have sewn back on.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;167540]I think everyone just likes Coral and there is nothing to dislike about her. She is real, a smart ***, and makes her points.[/QUOTE]
I have to disagree with you everyone likes Coral because I cant stand her. Although she has had made some pretty funny quotes on the challenges, overall she just rubs me the wrong way. Im actually suprised so many people like her.
Considering Coral was voted "Roommate you love to hate" on that MTV awards thing a few years back I think probably not everyone likes her!
That being said, I love Coral. She was my fave.
I think Coral is definitely one of the most popular RWers of all time. But she definitely has a group of people who dislike/hate her. She's one of my favorites, but I can definitely understand why some people don't like her. I thought she was a big part of the reason her season was entertaining, and I thought she had valid points and reasoning, but sometimes she'd just carry on too long or be too harsh. It wasn't really until Battle of the Seasons that I really liked her a lot. Just her and Mike being able to not only get past their issues with each other (which they did during their season), but become good friends was really nice to see. Plus we saw a more upbeat side of her. It was also brought to my attention that she was quite loyal and caring towards her friends.
CharR, I really think a lot of Coral's fans wanted her to win something, and that's the only award she was up for, so I think a lot of people who really like her (and some that don't) voted for it. "Love to hate" is kind of considered positive by some in a weird way.
[QUOTE=elkportillo;166984]I thought the reasons why Nicole and Coral snap were legit. Malik was representing himself with Marcus Garvey shirts and loving black culture but he dates white women. theres no problem dating them but if you beleive deeply in marcus garvey who wanted african americans to start their own thing in africa. I do however see that sometimes she snaps out of line.[/QUOTE]
I don't think Coral was really snapping at Malik so much like Nicole was - I think she was trying to let him know she understood what Nicole was saying, and backing up that Malik's image was disconnected from his dating life. The issue Coral really seemed to have with was Malik saying he knew his ideal woman was a black queen and he'd marry her, yet he'd never been intimate with a black woman and regularly interracially dated. I think she was calling him out for placing a limit on what kind of woman he'd marry when really he was the kind of guy who could fall for a non-black woman since he dated them. It kind of seemed like he was only saying his ideal woman was black in order to fit an image.
Having seen that episode again recently, after its initial airing several years back, I see Nicole's side more, though I do think she absolutely went about it the wrong way and seemed to be too offended by the fact that he dated non-black women period (though she said something to the effect that it was OK he dated outside his race). Malik said he loved sistas and was dating them all the time, but he'd never been intimate with one. He said he was selective with his partners after that. Yet Jisela comes around later in the season and he easily hooks up with her. So I can understand some wondering about him. I think Nicole was more upset because she may have thought of Malik as a potential date, since they had a flirtation going on.
I really did like Malik and think he was one of the nicest people on the show, ever. It was sweet to see him meet his father's side of the family for the first time. It also seems like he and Coral were really close, too, but I don't remember seeing a lot of it on the show. I know he said she was like a sister to him, though.
I only have three that I absolutely loved...
1. Landon - he is just one of the most likeable real worlders ever. He's just an all around good guy.
2. Tek - hilarious. That's all I have to say.
3. Ruthie - Despite her alcohol issues during her season she has shaped up so much. I love her personality.
Parisa!!! I felt so bad for her when she got so much crap from KellyAnne, Ashli, and Cohutta for sending Trisha home. She is the most genuine person in real world history IMO.
I loved [B]Callie from DC[/B]! She had such a genuine personality. I personally think she changed the most on the show. It was awesome to see her go from having a really low self-esteem in the beginning to bagging a photography internship with the Washington Blade and putting that gallery show together!
[B]CORAL (BACK TO NEW YORK) Coral will always be my all time favorite! [/B]She is so real. And that is what the show is about. And I think she is absolutely Challenge Queen.
Mike (yeah yeah, he is THE MIZ. But you know guys... He always will be a shy Mike from Real World who scaring Coral, haha. They are awesome together) is one of my favorites also.
Frank from Las Vegas - Simple, original guy. I like him.
Derrick. I know, he is not from Real World, but... He is amazing person and I will Always love him...
And Nicole from Back to New York she was so different. A great human. I really did like Malik and think he was one of the nicest people on the show, ever.
[CENTER][I]I think the seasons' Real World: Back to New York" and "Real World: Las Vegas," was the best casting.[/I]
I have updated my favorite RW Girls! (Key West- New Orleans 2)
9. Emilee
8. Svetlana
7. Colie
6. Sarah
5. Jonna
4. Jemmye
3. Ayiiia
2. Kelly Anne
1. Paula - Always, and forever♥