Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains - Expectations

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Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains - Expectations
[SIZE=3][B] [CENTER]"Expectations"[/CENTER] A new power player emerges as a plan is put into motion that could change the direction of the entire game. [/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
JT almost got away with it...but of course Amanda the snoop had to come along and ruin things.
Man! I thought it was going to be a merge!
Jeff got such satisfaction out of dropping that line. :D
[QUOTE=Bacchus;166696]Jeff got such satisfaction out of dropping that line. :D[/QUOTE] Lol, I know. Alright! Heroes win again! Things aren't looking good for the Villains. I think they are slowly crumbling. If there isn't a merge soon, things aren't looking good for them.
Sucks for the Villains, but I'm glad the Heroes won. I've been rooting for them since the beginning.
Everything thus far points to a Heroes elimination tonight.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;166702]Everything thus far points to a Heroes elimination tonight.[/QUOTE]That sucks. I hope the Villains are the ones that go to tribal. Not only because I like the Heroes more but also its much funner to watch the Villains scramble than the Heroes. :D
How wrong the Heroes are. Russell is calling all the shots, just like he did in Samoa... If only they could have seen his season! He would already be gone.
Oh my. The villains are crumbling. Its getting heated!
*****, poor Russell.
Heroes are kicking ***. I'm glad they were able to pull off another one. Ooo, another Villain tribal council. This should be fun to watch!
I was wrong. I bit too hard on the early Heroes subterfuge. ;) I'm guessing Coach or Courtney.
Bacchus, have you read the spoilers? Just wondering.
[QUOTE=blanky667;166726]Bacchus, have you read the spoilers? Just wondering.[/QUOTE] Nope. I only do Real World related spoilers. I stay "pure" for all other shows (or I just wouldn't enjoy them.)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;166727]Nope. I only do Real World related spoilers. I stay "pure" for all other shows (or I just wouldn't enjoy them.)[/QUOTE]Ah, I see. And it looks like you were correct! Coach or Courtney.
[QUOTE=blanky667;166730]Ah, I see. And it looks like you were correct! Coach or Courtney.[/QUOTE] Blanky, it wasn't that hard of a guess, haha. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;166734]Blanky, it wasn't that hard of a guess, haha. ;)[/QUOTE]Haha, I guess so.
I was really hoping Courtney would go. She is such a waste of space on this show. I have no idea, actually, why she is even on this edition... If there was a third tribe, with just her, it would be called the, "I'd lose a shoe tying contest to a four year old" tribe.
Haha, Coach was not very happy!
Do my ears deceive me? Did I just hear JT say that he gave Russel the hidden immunity idol? Oh wow... that really is probably the worst move in the game so far. (Although Erik giving up immunity is hard to beat! Haha!)
WOW! Russell DID stay true to his word. It was parvati that didn't believe him when he said he was voting courtney. Damn, if parvati listened to russell, coach would've still been there!
[QUOTE=Phoenix;166738]Do my ears deceive me? Did I just hear JT say that he gave Russel the hidden immunity idol? Oh wow... that really is probably the worst move in the game so far. (Although Erik giving up immunity is hard to beat! Haha!)[/QUOTE] Well it DID get beat by Randy playing the fake idol on Gabon.......just going by the survivor challenge on
I was confused on how Danielle voted. That is because wasn't she the one who got into a fight with Russel to vote out Courtney instead? I wonder how Russel will take Parvati and Danielle voting against him. I think Courtney will probably go next week if it isn't merge but with J.T. saying that he is going to give Russel the idol i think it will be Merge.
I can't believe that Danielle in her first major part of the season was just blowing steam when she talked about keeping Coach, she now should watch her step because most likely Russell will not want to trust her but in the situation he is in will have to. Also can't believe he fell for Andra's play that really showed what a real player of the game does. Sidenote thanks Jeff for stating the obvious, of ccourse getting rid of your strongest players in back to back challenges is going to make you worse. Spoiler alert if they don't merge I can guess who is going to tribal.
Yeah if there isn't merge then villains will once again go to tribal. I think Danielle or Courtney would be voted out. I know once the Merge happens Russel is going to take Danielle out.
I'm so over Russellllllll. I hope Sandra takes him OUT! When they Merge, her and Court could easily swap over to the Heroes side.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;166790]I'm so over Russellllllll. I hope Sandra takes him OUT! When they Merge, her and Court could easily swap over to the Heroes side.[/QUOTE] Out of all the players remaining, Sandra is the person I least want to see win. I didn't like her then. I don't like her now.
Once again, GREAT episode. Did JT say he gave Russell the idol or he was thinking about it? ... and I'm guessing based on that part right there, that each tribe had to send someone (similar to the first season and Marquesas) and JT and Russell were sent.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;166795]Out of all the players remaining, Sandra is the person I least want to see win. I didn't like her then. I don't like her now.[/QUOTE] I don't care who wins - just as long as its not Russell. He has acted like a smarmy jerk one too many times - no jury will ever pick him to be the winner - theres just no way. I don't get what the viewers see in him - he is despicable!
Thats is exactly why i like seeing Russel in the game. He is despicable so he makes good entertainment.
