I love Flo! OMG!!! She's crazy but everything she said was true! I thought it was cute how she came out the last 5 minutes of the show.
To be honest, the only people I really don't like are the lame girls. Amber, Annie, Lexie, and Kendra..the lame girls club.
oh yea, i saw danger i was wondering what she was doing there lol if anything Danger shoulda been in the bad girls club.
I agree with you TJ those 4 girls are lame. I liked annie at first, but towards the end i started not to...actually i felt sorry for her.
Flo and Portia both told the truth, and kendra made herself look stupid by saying they understood each others relationship, but the ***** punched you in the face and you still stuck with you to be with her z-list celebs...so sad
So there's a major project going down that will involve Tanisha, Kookie, Aimee. Flo, and Natalie. It could be Bad Money or just a whole new season of BGC club but with the vets. But whatever it is I just cant wait to see Nat, FLo, and Tanisha together and reunited. :D
[url=http://tweetphoto.com/16704069]Bad girls club on set of a new project stay tuned! | TweetPhoto[/url]
Follow Oxygen, Flo and Nat for more deets :D
half of the official cast of THE BAD GIRLS CLUB:BAD MONEY!
[spoiler]APRIL FOOOOLS![/spoiler][/center]
I was watching the reunion and even the episodes with Cookie and it seemed like she has really matured. Because last season she seemed so young and i wouldnt say childish, but she was very idk i cant think of the word. But now shes seems like a real women and a whole new person.
Ew nat is not cute in that pic.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;164596]I must say, I fell for it. I was getting all excited about seeing Aimee!
Wow, Aimee looks creeped out by Natalie. When was that pic taken?[/QUOTE]
IDK but apparently there is a show in the works?
Am I the only one that really warmed up to Natalie on the reunion? She's just so damn funny! Watching the reunion made me realize that it was all for entertainment. It seem like the rest of the girls except Annie and Flo can see it too. Flo just takes this **** WAY too seriously! And Annie pressing charges on Kate is somewhat understandable, but very pointless.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;164609]Am I the only one that really warmed up to Natalie on the reunion? She's just so damn funny! Watching the reunion made me realize that it was all for entertainment. It seem like the rest of the girls except Annie and Flo can see it too. Flo just takes this **** WAY too seriously! And Annie pressing charges on Kate is somewhat understandable, but very pointless.[/QUOTE]
Flo is my girl she just cares to much at times it get's the best of her. I always liked Natalie. Who were the rest of the girls again? lmao
Warmed up to natalie? what drugs are you on. She might say some funny things, but she isnt funny at all. Even as i watched the extras, natalie was just talking to talk. She was saying a whole bunch of nothing.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;164596]I must say, I fell for it. I was getting all excited about seeing Aimee!
Wow, Aimee looks creeped out by Natalie. When was that pic taken?[/QUOTE]
Its not a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are actually doing a project together and by far all them girls on the pic (which was taken this morning via twitter) and this could be be Bad Money =]]]]]]]]]]
FYI Natalie and Flo are cool again [URL="http://twitter.com/Flobgc/status/11450901173"]http://twitter.com/Flobgc/status/11450901173[/URL]
It may be for entertainment but I have no doubt in my mind Natalie is delusional. Yeah, shes a bad girl, ill give her that but I think its funny how she was all Kate's face her being "racist" when shes the one who was making remarks about black girls being too dark and having big noses to that body guard when her *** looks like jay leno.
Natalie is good for amusement purposes but I have no doubt in my mind she's delusional.
Flo needs help but she's a bad ***** and someone needs to teach Natalie a lesson. As crazy it sounds, Kate come out of the show as my favorite. Those comments were uncalled for but I don't think shes racist. Amber M though? Yeah, she's probably racist.
I can't watch Natalie without laughing my *** off! She is like Scrappy Doo mixed with Saaphyri!
EDIT: I don't think Amber M. is racist, she's just VERY, VERY, VERY ignorant.
Natalie. Flo, Tanisha recorded now
New Spin_Off!!!!!!! OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[url=http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/5888142]missnatalienunn 04/01/10 05:33PM, missnatalienunn 04/01/10 05:33PM missnatalienunn on USTREAM. Comedy[/url]
I saw Annie's crush that she keeps tweeting about!!!! I think so at least, it makes sense. I was in Las Vegas this past weekend and I saw Annie walking around the Palms on Friday night after the bars closed with the bartender, Tiago from the Toby Keith bar. Yes, I like that bar, don't judge me. I guess she still likes bartenders. I followed them back to her room at Palms Place. Whatever. I was curious. Then I decided to go to the Toby Keith bar again to see if anything fun happened on Saturday night there, and I saw her and Ailea from season 3 come in and to see him and to make sure he'd be stopping by Annie's room after work. The girls left right after that, talking about some party they had to get to. I follow her on twitter and for the past few weeks she has been tweeting about her crush and Las Vegas. But isn't she too old to be calling a guy her crush?
Natalie is going off on the former Bad Girls. She not only pop off Brandi on her ustream but she also revealed that Flo is pregnant. Love it or hate it, Natalie is a true Bad Girl. (pssh most of the topics on the Miami reunion was basically about her.)
[url=http://twitter.com/missnatalienunn]natalie nunn (missnatalienunn) on Twitter[/url]