Real World DC: Cheaters, Beaters and Pavement Eaters

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[QUOTE=43000www_new;158299]Actually it's pretty high. I think the fact that Andrew was hanging for a second rather than just thrown over may have made a [B]BIG[/B] difference in reducing injury. [/QUOTE] Depending on how tall Ty is (I'd guess around 6') the fall is definitely nothing over 15 feet. It's probably more like twelve. This are from videos posted when Ty moved in: [URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [url=][img][/img][/url] Not that it really matters how high the fall is...
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=faceless;158305]While that is very true, it seems like more people are talking about how it was wrong that he stopped Emily from going downstairs. You should never push a girl unless she's coming at you with a knife or something but I think Emily is a big girl and can move on with her life.[/QUOTE] Sorry but, I'm siding with the girls here (surprise!). If that was some random ***** in my house who, for no reason at all, decided to mouth off and insult me, I damn sure would have ****-blocked too. Sorry Josh, but it's not about you anymore. It's about me defending myself and not standing for some strange talking back to me IN MY HOUSE. Josh was completely despicable this episode. I hope his girlfriend wises up and dumps his ***. She can do better.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;158314] Josh was completely despicable this episode. [B]I hope his girlfriend wises up and dumps his ***. She can do better.[/B][/QUOTE] Too bad she probably won't...
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;158314]Sorry but, I'm siding with the girls here (surprise!). If that was some random ***** in my house who, for no reason at all, decided to mouth off and insult me, I damn sure would have ****-blocked too. Sorry Josh, but it's not about you anymore. It's about me defending myself and not standing for some strange talking back to me IN MY HOUSE. [/QUOTE] I can't imagine the guest saying what she did without some earlier [I]unshown or uncaptured[/I] incident. Another editing situation. In addition to Ty respecting "guy code," he was acting as a peacemaker, preventing an angry/upset/emotional Emily from causing a scene and an even bigger problem. You wouldn't walk in on someone who's making out, let alone a big drawn out argument - they don't care, and they won't be listening to you because you're disrespecting their privacy and space. So I'm defending Ty here, but I was hating him at the end of the show. :torch:
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;158314]Sorry but, I'm siding with the girls here (surprise!). If that was some random ***** in my house who, for no reason at all, decided to mouth off and insult me, I damn sure would have ****-blocked too. Sorry Josh, but it's not about you anymore. It's about me defending myself and not standing for some strange talking back to me IN MY HOUSE. Josh was completely despicable this episode. I hope his girlfriend wises up and dumps his ***. She can do better.[/QUOTE] I agree with you so much it HURTS. Emily had every right to go down there. You don't disrespect people in THEIR OWN HOUSE. what Emily should've done is get a Butcher Knife and threaten to cut Ty's **** of with it if he doesn't move.
I don't care about guy code, I think the whole idea of it is just ridiculous. If I were Emily, I would have gone downstairs even if Ty was telling me not to. It couldn't have been too hard to get down there, it's not like her was standing there guarding the steps the entire time.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Debut Album;158320]I agree with you so much it HURTS. Emily had every right to go down there. You don't disrespect people in THEIR OWN HOUSE. what Emily should've done is get a Butcher Knife and threaten to cut Ty's **** of with it if he doesn't move.[/QUOTE] I don't know about that but....anyway. Let's imagine if this situation was reversed. If one of the girls brought home some dude and he walked by and said something like that to one of the roomie guys, you KNOW that dude would have never made it back downstairs. Ya think? I would also think whichever girl would bring someone home like that would respect her roommates enough to be like "ya know what? this isn't going to work, I think you need to go." I don't know if that would have happened, but it for sure would have pissed off Josh if some other guys said that to HIM.
Haven't done much posting lately but after last nights episode I cant help it. I remember thinking during the first few episodes "man I wish they would show Josh more" but now I cant even stand the sight of him. I felt so sorry for his gf when he broke up with her over the phone - been there done that. And his excuses? Ugh dude needs to grow a pair of balls. I must say, I haven't liked Ty since the beginning but last night was an all new low. I understand guy code, but you dont let women be disrespected like that, especially if they are your friends/family etc. He should have let Emily do what she wanted and definitely should NOT have pushed her - that was uncalled for. Not even gonna comment about the whole balcony scene - I hope he gets kicked out at the very least. I havent been posting very much because I've been really disappointed with this season. I had hoped after the mess that was Cancun that this season would be as good or near-as-good as Brooklyn, but so far my hopes have been dashed. With the exception of Mike and Callie (sort of) I just don't care too much for these people. I don't despise them as much as I do the Cancun kids, but they just dont do anything for me. I liked Jersey Shore more than RWDC and Cancun combined. Hopefully RWB2NO will make me become a fan of the show again - especially since New Orleans is near my home town!! WHO DAT!
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;158322]I don't know about that but....anyway. Let's imagine if this situation was reversed. If one of the girls brought home some dude and he walked by and said something like that to one of the roomie guys, you KNOW that dude would have never made it back downstairs. Ya think? I would also think whichever girl would bring someone home like that would respect her roommates enough to be like "ya know what? this isn't going to work, I think you need to go." I don't know if that would have happened, but it for sure would have pissed off Josh if some other guys said that to HIM.[/QUOTE] It seems like whatever girl the guys bring home, the girls already don't like them. They pass judgment on that girl before she can even step in the door. We don't know if the girl was aware or not that she wasn't liked by those girls. I don't think the guys, well most guys, would do that to guys the girls would bring home, except maybe Ty with Emily because of their "relationship". Sure, I do think some of the guys would have flipped out if a guy said that to them and I really have no defense for that because it's true. But what it seems like the girls don't understand is, don't pass judgment on others if you can't handle yourself being judged.
"Guy Code" and being a ****** are 2 different things. Where was "guy code" when all of the girls were giggling and messing with Andrew the first night he brought a girl home in one of the earlier episodes? THAT was c***blocking. This situation was different. She was not going down there just to c***block. The other girl just disrespected her in her own home. Guy code is all well and good most of the time, but this wasn't a case of a jealous girl just trying to mess up a guy's game...this was a case of a random girl (who was hooking up with a guy that shouldn't be hooking up with other girls in the first place) coming in and being totally disrespectful to someone in their own home.
I dont think that Andrew was a virgin, he is too persistant and aggressive to be one. I think that he just said that for TV purposes. Unless he was and the girls were only using him for TV...which they probably were. Im surprised we havent seen any girl bring a guy home...that must say something.
[QUOTE=Thing 3;158471]I dont think that Andrew was a virgin, he is too persistant and aggressive to be one. I think that he just said that for TV purposes. Unless he was and the girls were only using him for TV...which they probably were. Im surprised we havent seen any girl bring a guy home...that must say something.[/QUOTE] Andrew never said he was a virgin. The girls assumed he was one because he was so socially awkward.
[QUOTE=molds13;158472]Andrew never said he was a virgin. The girls assumed he was one because he was so socially awkward.[/QUOTE] Exactly. Andrew was actually saying that he wasn't a virgin the whole time and the girls seemed to not believe him at first. Poor Andrew though, he had a moment of glory then got tossed over a balcony by Ty all in the same episode. Sadly him getting hurt is the most interesting thing that has happened this season.
I heard on an Itunes podcast the the fall was about 10 feet, but he landed on a plant, that lessened the impact
[QUOTE=RWNASSAU;158557]I heard on an Itunes podcast the the fall was about 10 feet, but he landed on a plant, that lessened the impact[/QUOTE] It could have been worse. Ty could have straight up pushed him off rather than flipping him over. Andrew was like dead weight because he was so wasted.
I never comment on these shows ones but I feel like I need too this time. I have been watching RW DC and I liked Ty to begin with and hated Andrew to begin with. And as the season keeps going I hate Ty and Andrew is okay. Ashley is annoying but tolerable. Josh is nowhere near tolearable. I don't care what his girl looks like him and her should be on "Is She Really Going Out With Him." He is *****! Andrew didn't deserve to be pushed Josh did. Yeah people think its all fun in game Ty was playing. What went through Ty's head You what would be funny if I push him off this 10 foot ledge. He should be arrested. And especially for what he does to Emily. I understand when you play push but he needs to realize his size and not mess with girls that way even if it is a joke. Erika, Callie, Mike, are okay nothing really to them. But Andrew didn't deserve that. Ty should feel bad and I [B]KNOW [/B]the next episode is going to talk ALL about Ty saying, "I feel so bad. I shouldn't have done that. I feel so sorry." Well you did it and you aren't sorry. Ty needs to just leave RW I don't want to see him on a challenge unless he gets his *** beat. But yeah just Josh and Ty are not tolerable to watch anymore. Next episode is going to be all Im so Sorry Andrew. Im so sorry! Which is going to be stupid but oh well. Good episode I guess.
I think the next episode will create a definitive devide in the house because there will be people who want to keep Ty in the house and then there will be people who want him to leave the house which is completely understandable. Though if it's like the past it will come down to Andrew's choice so Ty probably will be really nice to him so he can potentially stay.
I hate to say it but I think Emily is the only one who wants Ty out the house. Anyway on episode 8 or is this 9 anyway I so didn't expect Andrew to********. Also, the Emily/Ty/Girl in the house fight came outta nowhere. I wasn't expecting that. But I'm glad Ty intervened because Emily would've whooped that girl. As for Ashley/Josh/Ashley (his girlfriend), she is always cutting him off. Two, she should've let him finish his thoughts. Three, that was so funny when Josh was yelling, its like who the hell are you stranger? lol. Now, that was a stupid thing he did by breaking up with Ashley 2 by "fraternizing" with Kelly Ann. She was so much older and maturer than him. Now one thing that bugged me about this episode was Erika's cry. It was in the commercial for this episode but nowhere in the episode itself . What's up with that?
I really liked this episode. I agree with the poster earlier who stated that all of the storylines that have been built up really exploded here. Lots of drama. I must say, I loved Ashley in this episode. I am definitely starting to like her more.
Anonymous's picture
I don't get the hype about Ashley. Callie is the only tolerable female in that house.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;158770]I don't get the hype about Ashley. Callie is the only tolerable female in that house.[/QUOTE] I cannot stand Ashley. A walking contradiction.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=faceless;158773]I cannot stand Ashley. A walking contradiction. She feels like she is so righteous.[/QUOTE] LOL well I don't dislike her but I do think she's a walking contradiction.
Is Ashley not 21? She always seems to be sitting around in the kitchen waiting for the guys to come home from boozing. Do the producers call ahead and have her standing by for drama? So she and the other girls are right about everything they say about "John." Do they really need to stick their noses in? Even if he provides the opening... sometimes you just don't need to get involved. Ty is strange. Ty is an aggressive drunk. He's also clearly not used to being the one that "isn't interested," especially after he's already "been there." That REALLY bothers him. Emily has her own issues. She clearly likes poking Ty with a stick to get the reactions she then gets upset about.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;158322]I don't know about that but....anyway. Let's imagine if this situation was reversed. If one of the girls brought home some dude and he walked by and said something like that to one of the roomie guys, you KNOW that dude would have never made it back downstairs. Ya think? I would also think whichever girl would bring someone home like that would respect her roommates enough to be like "ya know what? this isn't going to work, I think you need to go." I don't know if that would have happened, but it for sure would have pissed off Josh if some other guys said that to HIM.[/QUOTE] Exactly. If one of the girls brought home a dude and he disrespected one of the guys you KNOW there would've been a fight so Ty had no right to stop Emily.
How many more episodes of DC is there going to be?
[QUOTE=r3iKo;159162]How many more episodes of DC is there going to be?[/QUOTE] Tonight is episode 10 out of 14. There will also be The S#!t They Should Have Shown, and the Reunion (which is taping tomorrow in NYC).
It's not that bad! Haha. The commercial for the next episode they were airing during the marathon looked really good at least!!! I'm excited to see the new girl (s) that Andrew had.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=oohlala;160364]its not that bad! haha.. the commercial for the next episode they were airing during the marathon looked really good at least!!! i'm excited to see the new girl (s) that andrew had.[/QUOTE] The new girl is currently his girlfriend.
Oh cool...which one?? There was 2 girls in the was some gothic looking chick and the other I don't really remember she was tan and normal looking...
[QUOTE=oohlala;160388]Oh cool...which one?? There was 2 girls in the was some gothic looking chick and the other I don't really remember she was tan and normal looking...[/QUOTE] The "normal looking" one.
