Amazing Race 16: Elimination Station

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Amazing Race 16: Elimination Station
This season's elimination station is in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. [url=]YouTube - The Amazing Race 16 - Elimination Station: Via Chile[/url] [url=]YouTube - The Amazing Race 16 - Elimination Station: Via Chile[/url] [url=]YouTube - The Amazing Race 16 - Elimination Station: Via Argentina[/url]
How long do teams stay at the elimination station?
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;159006]How long do teams stay at the elimination station?[/QUOTE] Until they go to the end city to meet the final 3 teams.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;159006]How long do teams stay at the elimination station?[/QUOTE] Usually when there is only 3 teams left, the 4th team will call in house (where ever it is) and say they have been eliminated - but they don't go to the house. They meet up with everyone at the finish line.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;159010]Usually when there is only 3 teams left, the 4th team will call in house (where ever it is) and say they have been eliminated - but they don't go to the house. They meet up with everyone at the finish line.[/QUOTE] Actually the last 3 teams eliminated before the final usually don't go to ES and run decoys instead. The first 5 teams or so stay there til the end of the race.
[QUOTE=molds13;159016]Actually the last 3 teams eliminated before the final usually don't go to ES and run decoys instead. The first 5 teams or so stay there til the end of the race.[/QUOTE] True. Although I swear a few seasons back they went further down the line. I haven't really been keeping up with elimination station. Actually, I just found out while browsing through past videos that Canaan broke up with Mika at the house. How funny (probably because she wouldn't go down the slide, lol?)
Oh wow that is insane, so they have to stay there until the race finishes? I never knew that... I thought they go back home when they get elimintated! What decoys do they run?
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;159047]Oh wow that is insane, so they have to stay there until the race finishes? I never knew that... I thought they go back home when they get elimintated! What decoys do they run?[/QUOTE] My dear CRG, you need to read past threads... If teams were to go home after they were eliminated, it would easily spoil the place they finish in. Just like Survivor, they are all holed up until the conclusion of the season. The decoys run the same tasks as the teams still left in the game as to avoid observers spoiling the final teams. That's why the Globetrotters and Gary and Matt were seen running around in Vegas, and the poker ladies were seen after they were eliminated as well.
[U][COLOR=#003366][URL=""][url=]YouTube - The Amazing Race 16 - Elimination Station: Via Germany[/url][/COLOR][/U][/URL] [URL=""][url=]YouTube - The Amazing Race 16 - Elimination Station: Via France[/url][/URL] [URL=""][url=]YouTube - The Amazing Race 16 - Elimination Station: Via France[/url][/URL]
Aww that really made me like J & J! They had a good attitude about the whole thing. I feel bad for Shannon being so young with the crowd. Maybe she will find herself a little Mexican post TAR romance ;) haha
[url=]YouTube - The Amazing Race 16 - Elimination Station: Via Seychelles[/url] [url=]YouTube - The Amazing Race 16 - Elimination Station: Via Malaysia[/url]