[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;154784]I think there are enough people who were interesting and got screwed by twists/situations out of their control....Skupin, Silas & Lindsey, Hunter & Gina, Andrew Savage, Brook from Vanuatu, Angie and Wanda from Palau, Brian from Guatemala, Aaron from China, Tracy from Micronesia, Ace from Gabon. Even someone like Joel from Season 1....it's a totally new game now. I think there are enough people who didn't completely suck to justify a second chance season, and I'd rather see those people than Rupert, Russell or James again.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but you know half of them won't get the chance and we'll end up with people like Carolina or Paloma.
I think those people would be great though. Would love to see Savage again.
[QUOTE=RMD1;154817]Does anyone know how much they get paid for this?
I know the winner gets a million, but what does everyone else get?[/QUOTE]
The second place person gets $100,000. Everyone else is paid for how long they're there, kind of like rookies for the MTV challenges.
[QUOTE=RMD1;154822]Thanks! I would expect they get paid way more than rookies.. right?[/QUOTE]
I don't know how much either makes, but I would imagine so.
In All Stars season 8, the pay scale was much higher than it is for the regular seasons. In FvF, they made the pay scale regular for everyone, because it was a mix of new people and returning people. This time, I am not sure what the payscale is. I'd assume with the budget cuts, they get the regular pay, but I'm not sure.
Usually, the first person voted out gets $2,500. In All Stars, Tina got $25,000. Rob also got $250,000 for his second place finish.
I am pretty sure third place gets $85,000 and fourth place gets $75,000, and it goes downward from there. I know the payments were published during Africa, I will try to find them.
They also get $10,000 each for appearing during the live reunion show - a provision that was originally demanded by Stacey Stillman in season 1, who later sued the show for rigging against her.
(ETA: here's what I found on [URL="http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080516084929AAYdtpg"]Yahoo Answers[/URL]. Obviously it's since been modified to accomodate the bloated casts, but this is what was thought to be accurate in the early days of Survivor)
1st Place: $1,000,000
2nd Place: $100,000
3rd Place: $85,000
4th Place: $70,000
5th Place: $55,000
6th Place: $45,000
7th Place: $35,000
8th Place: $27,500
9th Place: $20,000
10th Place: $15,000
11th Place: $10,000
12thPlace: $7,500
13th Place: $5,500
14th Place: $4,500
15th Place: $3,500
16th Place: $2,500
[QUOTE=molds13;154768]I think a Second Chance season is stupid. Why bring back weak players (like Paloma)? They blew their first chance. Most of them were voted out early for a reason. Either they had a bad attitude (Michelle from Gabon), had crappy personalities (Sekou from CI, Carolina from Tocantins, to name a couple), didn't do anything at camp, or sucked at challenges (which is why most older people go early).
Skupin should definitely have a second chance. I wouldn't mind them bringing back Brook from Vanuatu (since his boot was kind of crap) or Mary from Micronesia (since they only booted her to get at Mikey B).[/QUOTE]
Crappy players shouldn't get the 2nd chance...but Skupin is a great example of someone that totally deserves to play again. Another good choice - Andrew Savage. People like that - strong players, great characters, but just got taken out way too soon.
Jeff Probst has renewed his contract to host seasons 21 & 22 this summer.
[URL="http://tvwatch.people.com/2010/02/09/jeff-probst-returns-as-survivor-host/"]Jeff Probst Returns As Survivor Host - PEOPLE TV WATCH[/URL]
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;155725]Austrailia is 8? It should be number oneL And why is Vanauatu so low? I loved that season![/QUOTE]
I pretty much agree with his list. I probably would've ranked Australia a little higher, but he was definitely spot on with the bottom 10 seasons.
Here's his explanation for Vanuatu:
[QUOTE]I always liked this season more than the audience did, and that has probably influenced why it has dropped since my last ranking. Chris has to be acknowledged for doing such a good job of turning the women against one another so that they gave him the million dollars. [B]The lack of huge characters and huge moments makes this one just another very good season of Survivor, but nothing more.[/B] [/QUOTE]
Maxim named their "20 hottest girls of Survivor". They don't seem to be in an order, but here they are:
Parvati Shallow - Cook Islands, Fans vs Favorites, Heroes vs Villains
Heidi (Strobel) Hamels - Amazon
Eliza Orlins - Vanuatu, Fans vs Favorites
Amber (Brkich) Mariano - Australian Outback, All-Stars
Gina Crews - Marquesas
Jessie Camacho - Africa
Natalie Bolton - Fans vs Favorites
Candace Smith - Tocantins
Jenna Morasca - Amazon
Elisabeth (Filarski) Hasselbeck - Australian Outback
Erinn Lobdell - Tocantins
Candice Woodcock - Cook Islands, Heroes vs Villains
Natalie White - Samoa
Brianna Varela - Guatemala
Erin Collins - Thailand
Alicia Calaway - Australian Outback, All-Stars
Sierra Reed - Tocantins
Jessica "Sugar" Kiper - Gabon, Heroes vs Villains
Danielle DiLorenzo - Exile Island, Heroes vs Villains
Stephenie LaGrossa - Palau, Guatemala, Heroes vs Villains
[URL="http://www.shanepowers.com/2010/02/its-only-fair_11.html"]Shane's blog[/URL] going into more depth from the angry blog he wrote last August. This blog includes his referral to Lynne Spillman as a "dips--t."
[QUOTE=molds13;155722][url=http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,20343257,00.html?xid=rss-feed-todayslatest-%27Survivor%27%3A+Ranking+19+seasons]Survivor: Thailand, Brian Heidik | 'Survivor': Jeff Probst Ranks All the Seasons, Worst to First | Photo 1 of 20 | EW.com[/url]
19. Thailand
18. Marquesas
17. Fiji
16. Guatemala
15. Vanuatu
14. Gabon
13. Exile Island
12. Africa
11. Tocantins
10. Amazon
9. Cook Islands
8. Australian Outback
7. All-Stars
6. China
5. Pearl Islands
4. Palau
3. Samoa
2. Micronesia
1. Borneo[/QUOTE]
Jeff should never rank the seasons again. I said this the first time he ranked the seasons (post Vanuatu) and My opinion stays the same. Aside from Borneo Jeff rates the seasons based on how comfy he was on location, and secondly how the contestants came across on location (not how they came across on TV). And Mind you Jeff only sees people at challenges and Tribal Council.
Samoa? Micronesia? Palau? over Pearl Islands, Outback. And Dont get me started on his Marquesas Ranking. Marquesas is my personal favorite. I also actually liked Gabon (but maybe that is because it wasn't spoiled and was actually good to watch)
Like its common knowledge Fiji-Cook Islands was a terrible year for Survivor and are pretty much the worst seasons along with Thailand. I always find very few who disagree with that.
Guatemala is a season that has aged so poorly. And that is because they have never brought anyone back from that season. Such a shame, Rafe was a good player!
[QUOTE=molds13;155756]Maxim named their "20 hottest girls of Survivor". They don't seem to be in an order, but here they are:
Parvati Shallow - Cook Islands, Fans vs Favorites, Heroes vs Villains
Heidi (Strobel) Hamels - Amazon
Eliza Orlins - Vanuatu, Fans vs Favorites
Amber (Brkich) Mariano - Australian Outback, All-Stars
Gina Crews - Marquesas
Jessie Camacho - Africa
Natalie Bolton - Fans vs Favorites
Candace Smith - Tocantins
Jenna Morasca - Amazon
Elisabeth (Filarski) Hasselbeck - Australian Outback
Erinn Lobdell - Tocantins
Candice Woodcock - Cook Islands, Heroes vs Villains
Natalie White - Samoa
Brianna Varela - Guatemala
Erin Collins - Thailand
Alicia Calaway - Australian Outback, All-Stars
Sierra Reed - Tocantins
Jessica "Sugar" Kiper - Gabon, Heroes vs Villains
Danielle DiLorenzo - Exile Island, Heroes vs Villains
Stephenie LaGrossa - Palau, Guatemala, Heroes vs Villains[/QUOTE]
Love the Amanda snubbage!
But COMEON! Danielle (who looks like a man), Sugar, Alicia (is she a man?), Natalie Bolton (looks like a man for sure) and Eliza (huh?) and Brianna (they remember her but not -->) over Darrah Johnson! Neleh Dennis! Colleen!, JERRI, Kim Powers! AMI from Vanuatu!, Sally from EI! And JENN LYON (RIP!)!
Maxim You Can do Better!
Alicia on the list wow, that is crazy. That fans vs. favs. got that high on his list is insane. It was such a boring season with some of the worst gameplay ever. Also it had lots of medical evacuations.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;155849]Alicia on the list wow, that is crazy. That fans vs. favs. got that high on his list is insane. It was such a boring season with some of the worst gameplay ever. Also it had lots of medical evacuations.[/QUOTE]
And 3 ridiculous blindsides in a row. It was a great season.
Probst's list wasn't anything close to mine, but like he said, it's his list.
Personally, my favorite is Pearl Islands. While the Outcast twist wasn't the best idea, I don't think it was enough to ruin the season in my eyes. Burton and Lill ended up being a big part of why the show was so good towards the end.
China was also an amazing season.
Rupert is really begining to get old with me. I'm tired of seeing a grown man that thinks he's a pirate trying to make sure that America loves him. If he had any strategic game then maybe I would enjoy him more, but he has none.He's somebody that could have just stayed home. I would've much rather seen Penner than him.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;156073]Rupert is really begining to get old with me. I'm tired of seeing a grown man that thinks he's a pirate trying to make sure that America loves him. If he had any strategic game then maybe I would enjoy him more, but he has none.He's somebody that could have just stayed home. I would've much rather seen Penner than him.[/QUOTE]
Because Jonathan Penner is [I]such[/I] a hero...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;156080]Well Candice isn't really a hero either. Neither is Cirie or Amanda.[/QUOTE]
But there is no way that Penner would ever, ever, ever be a hero.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;156089]then they could have given us Bob, Erik(FvF), or even Steven.[/QUOTE]
All 3 are boring (especially Bob and Stephen). Having Stephen would've equaled 4 males from a so-so Tocantins season. Erik is only known for being the dumbest Survivor ever. Bob would throw off the winner scale (which I think they were actually trying to keep low).
Don't get me wrong, I don't like Rupert much either and if he does get voted out, I'll be there with my popcorn, watching him sulk and say "I can't believe this is happening" again. But you can't exactly have an All-Star season without one of the most popular castaways ever.
I have only been watching since All-Stars, but my favorite Survivor seasons are:
1. Micronesia
The amazing Alexis blindside by Amanda, Jason and Eliza's "stick", Ozzy's blindside/betrayal, and even fan Tracy's underdog fight
2. China
Jamie's humliation, Peih-Gee's struggles, Todd's triumph, and Courteney's wit made this a great season.
3. All-Stars
Lex's betrayal was painful and the final two was dreadful, but it was my first season and the drama was intense for me.
4. Cook Islands
Loved seeing the ethnic diversity, the foursome overcoming the odds, Penner mutinying and eventually betraying the "whites"--only bad thing is that the stronger characters were voted out early.
5. Samoa
I really loved the blindsides, but it focused way too much one castmember--even if for good reason that the rest of the cast was mostly dull.
I really want to watch Stephenie, Sandra, and Jerri's seasons, though.