Real World DC: The Princess and the Panda

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[QUOTE=C.Montero;151752]I really wish that I knew these people's twitter accounts so I could tell them how lame they are and start a twitter war with them. Ugh, these misguided basic pee wee extras need to be informed that they are irrelevant.[/QUOTE] Debut, is that you? I'm glad you are taking time out of what I'm sure is a busy schedule to tell all of us how irrelevant you find these people to be. They can't be too irrelevant though, otherwise you wouldn't be talking...
[QUOTE=molds13;151721]I doubt it. I mean they went out ****...****? Twice?[/QUOTE] Depending on whether he paid for her each time and how expensive it was, he may or may not have a right to be pissed that it didn't progress past spooning.
[QUOTE=Zereaux;151763]Depending on whether he paid for her each time and how expensive it was, he may or may not have a right to be pissed that it didn't progress past spooning.[/QUOTE] According to her Twitter, MTV paid for it. Hah.
[QUOTE=molds13;151764]According to her Twitter, MTV paid for it. Hah.[/QUOTE] No sweat off his back, then! If he wants to********, he just needs to go to a bar or club and find a girl that is a sure thing. He is aiming way too high -- just go out and pick up the first skeeze you trip over!
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Zereaux;151771]No sweat off his back, then! If he wants to********, he just needs to go to a bar or club and find a girl that is a sure thing. He is aiming way too high -- just go out and pick up the first skeeze you trip over![/QUOTE] That's disgusting.
[QUOTE=Insider;151775]That's disgusting.[/QUOTE] It is, but if ALL he wants from these girls is sex, he should either bite the bullet and pay for it or lower his standards until he actually gets some action.
Ashely: "I'd rather come across as a B**** than come across as probably who I really am and get walked on." Very telling...
Gosh Ashely is such a drama queen - she is really annoying.
I want to like her Bacchus, I really do. I know nothing about her other than what the editors give me...and I don't think editing is doing her favors.
[QUOTE=Zereaux;151763]Depending on whether he paid for her each time and how expensive it was, he may or may not have a right to be pissed that it didn't progress past spooning.[/QUOTE] So because he paid for her meal (even though it was stated MTV paid for it) she has to let him in her pants? So money turns into sex... wouldn't that make her a prostitute? I know in the long run, guys are basically paying woman to have sex with them except rather then giving them cash they are giving them presents, food, etc. but at least most of the time feelings develop over time. But to be pissed that she didn't **** his **** after 2 dates is really dumb.
Anonymous's picture
I liked this episode. I understand Ashley's frustration with the "hecklers". This season has been literally stalked, gawked, Tweeted about, followed more than [I]any[/I] other season. Obviously it's not unusual for a group of people with camera crews walking about town to draw attention, but it would get old quick. I thought some of the things she said to Mike during their argument on the street were a little touchy, but I agree that he should have "had her back". I'd be pissed too if some guys were bothering me and I was visibly upset, and my friend went out of his way to talk and be nice to them after the fact. I'm big on loyalty like that too. It is good to know that it seems they do really care about eachother and remain good friends. And as far as Andrew's girl...Um, if you were really a "good girl", why'd you want to go back and spend the night at a guys house you just met at a bar? Let's be honest, there's really only one reason why you should do that. If she just wanted to meet him/become friends/potentially date, and NOT just be a one-night-stand, then she could've just done the "call me / e-mail me" thing at the end of the night. There were definite mixed signals going on. Next week looks interesting...Oh Josh...
That Allie girl was lame. As was said above, why go home with a guy the same night you met him at a bar if you didn't plan on sleeping with him? Why didn't she go home or something? Plus, she seemed really boring. Someone like Andrew should go after someone equally goofy, and not generic like what's-her-face.
[QUOTE=Sister Grimm;151805]That Allie girl was lame. As was said above, why go home with a guy the same night you met him at a bar if you didn't plan on sleeping with him? Why didn't she go home or something? Plus, she seemed really boring. Someone like Andrew should go after someone equally goofy, and not generic like what's-her-face.[/QUOTE] Well, she probably just wanted to be on TV. Then as for not having sex with him.. she probably didnt want to be portrayed as a **** on TV.
[QUOTE=Sister Grimm;151805]That Allie girl was lame. As was said above, [B]why go home with a guy the same night you met him at a bar if you didn't plan on sleeping with him?[/B] Why didn't she go home or something? Plus, she seemed really boring. Someone like Andrew should go after someone equally goofy, and not generic like what's-her-face.[/QUOTE] If someone told you they were on the Real World, wouldn't you be the least bit intrigued to see the house? I know I would. At the same time, I wouldn't go home with him and then go straight to bed. I'd probably try to show me around, meet the roommates, drink some more...and then take all the information back home and tell someone about it :D. Not spend the night. She led him on to get on TV. Simple as that.
This has been my favorite epsiode so far. Andrew is a ******, yea hes funny or whatever but all he tries to do is get girls in bed. I wouldnt take him at all seriously and I dont blame that girl for not sleeping with him. Also, that girl just wanted to be on tv. I mean what kind of girl goes home with a guy the night she met him? She led him on just to get on tv. I can understand why he expected to********. Ashley just cant accept if someone else thinks differently then her. Just agree to disagree. I cant wait for next episode!
Okay I really don't like this Andrew getting laid thing. He needs to realize that he is NOT going to******** and needs to just stop before he embarrassed himself more. And I'm with Mike on this Ashely thing she needs to grow up and I don't like how she just threw his sexuality into the damn argument. LOL @ the guys unknowingly going to a gay bar but I could've done without the molesting comment. Yay @ Josh and Erika getting some screen time.
The Gay sports bar scene was one of the most awkward/funny things that i have seen on the Real world in a while. The reactions of the guys was priceless and it looked like one of the guys started to follow them. I think that Mike is probably the most interesting of all the castmembers, though probably Andrew is the most entertaining. Andrew totally got played by that girl as when they met up at the house the second time she brought her cousin. The writing was on the wall from there on. Josh getting a episode focused on him sounds great and I'm looking forward to it. As a sidenote when will the cast start working at their jobs, or do they get jobs this season.
I don't think they get jobs. I think that they are working for certain charity organizations and doing their own things. I could be wrong though. I agree on that scene, that guy sexually harassing them was hillarious.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;151832] Josh getting a episode focused on him sounds great and I'm looking forward to it. As a sidenote when will the cast start working at their jobs, or do they get jobs this season.[/QUOTE] They were not given jobs this year, they had to go out and find individual jobs, similar to Brooklyn.
Thanks, I guess that makes sense considering the last 2 seasons that they have had to take on jobs there has been a person sent home for being fired from the job.
[QUOTE=faceless;151797]So because he paid for her meal (even though it was stated MTV paid for it) she has to let him in her pants? So money turns into sex... wouldn't that make her a prostitute? I know in the long run, guys are basically paying woman to have sex with them except rather then giving them cash they are giving them presents, food, etc. but at least most of the time feelings develop over time. But to be pissed that she didn't **** his **** after 2 dates is really dumb.[/QUOTE] He probably expected too much, but she still led him on. He wanted to use her for sex, and she used him for food and camera time. Not a very fair trade!
This was my favorite episode so far! Although Ashley is really starting to get on my nerves. I understand the reasons that she puts up a wall and the trust/loyalty thing she was talking about when she got mad at Mike for talking to those guys, but the things she said to him outside didn't sit well with me. For her to want an appology for being called a ***** and then not to appologize to him for the things she said really bothered me. I feel like with Ashley, when she's mad about something it's everyones' problem but when someone else is mad, they're just being annoying and whining about something. Also, when she and Mike were arguing, she kept interrupting him and he would be pretty calm about it, but then when he interrupted her she got even more pissed off at him. The guys at the gay sports bar was absolutely hilarious. I'm excited to finally see some more of Josh and Erika next week!
The whole Ashley/Mike thing was the stupidest thing i ever saw. She lashed out for no reason, i would have called her a [I]female dog[/I], along with other names. That whole situation was uncalled for. But yea the Girl andrew like was definately there for tv... Who brings their cousin over to sleep? that confused me and i think that the person who took the picture knows alli
How can you walk into a gay sports bar and sit down and finally realize its a gay sports bar and let guys harass you? That's crazy.
you forgot kissing on necks and stalking
[QUOTE=molds13;151819]If someone told you they were on the Real World, wouldn't you be the least bit intrigued to see the house? I know I would. At the same time, I wouldn't go home with him and then go straight to bed. I'd probably try to show me around, meet the roommates, drink some more...and then take all the information back home and tell someone about it :D. Not spend the night. She led him on to get on TV. Simple as that.[/QUOTE] Sorry. That's what I meant. I'll correct myself. Why would you go over to someone's house the first time you met them at a bar and go straight to the bedroom to spend the night if you didn't want to sleep with them? Lol.
Getting dumped in an e-mail... Ouch. Poor Andrew.
Halfway through the episode, I was already tired of Andrew.. I can only take so much of him in every episode lol
I don't konw I thought most scenes with Andrew were perfect in this episode. the gay bar scene was great, and we actually got to see a different side of him with a broken heart. He's by far my favorite character this season.
[QUOTE=andrewsz1991;152370]the gay bar scene was great[/QUOTE] I will admit, that was a good scene. I laughed really hard when they revealed it was gay lol also, [weird me] I liked the scene where he told Allie "I love you" in the park, and she was like "Oh boy.. Awkward.." You could just FEEL the awkwardness in that scene! I don't know, for some reason I liked that one as well lol
