The Ruins: The Sh!t They Should Have Shown

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Probably cause Evan and Kenny have to make a huge production out of everything, but I was wondering that too, because they've been doing that a long time, before Evan and Kenny were even on the challenges,
Evan and Kenny took the "we got a clue" to a whole new level. Most of the veteran cast just brush it off, and some actually get pissed. Some of the things katie said, like skittle nuts, was very funny. The show was ok. It had some entertaining parts. I never watched the dailies, so most of it was new to me. Overall, it was something to watch (not good, not horrible but something)
not horrible, some funny moments. the kenny/evan "bromance" bit interesting and disturbing
I love Sarah to death, but she looks odd, like she/they tried way to hard to make her look super good.
[QUOTE=chica112684;146927]not horrible, some funny moments. the kenny/evan "bromance" bit interesting and disturbing[/QUOTE] I didnt watch much of the show but was awake late night last night and watched what I guess was a re-run. I actually enjoyed watching them talk about their relationships and antics more than watching them compete and strategize during the season, which I found underwhelming. I actually enjoyed hearing about the two dudes showering together and about their budding bromance. I understand that neither of them are gay....but their is something odd going on their. I also learned that fake ***** can be detected with a flashlight in the dark?
Who ever heard of 2 straight dude taking a shower butt *** naked together? I think there is something going on there... the part with shavoun was quite intriguing!
Several straight guys take showers together in both the military & on athletic teams regardless whether they are in high school, college, or pro sports.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;147005]Several straight guys take showers together in both the military & on athletic teams regardless whether they are in high school, college, or pro sports.[/QUOTE] That is a lot different than just wanting to shower with your buddy, which is a bit odd.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;147005]Several straight guys take showers together in both the military & on athletic teams regardless whether they are in high school, college, or pro sports.[/QUOTE] You forgot to add prisons.
What, you guys have never showered with someone else to conserve water? Or to make sure you take a warm shower?
they don't have the choice in prisons however
So they have a choice in the military then?
More so than prison, yes. There are obviously consequences to either. However, in the military they will not throw in a cell and hose you do with a firehose on full blast unless you really did something wrong.
There is a HUGE difference between showering in the military or prison together, than just showering together for fun. It wasn't because they HAD too, Evan said it straight out, there are places on his back he can't reach... ummm that is a bit weird. Atleast wear a bathing suit. In camp or any other place where there are multiple showers in one setting friends usually dont say come take a shower with me, they are either forced to do it or wear some kind of bathing suit or underwear. It doesn't strike you a bit weird 2 straight guys are showering nude together for fun, when they don't have to?
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;147063]There is a HUGE difference between showering in the military or prison together, than just showering together for fun. It wasn't because they HAD too, Evan said it straight out, there are places on his back he can't reach... ummm that is a bit weird. Atleast wear a bathing suit. In camp or any other place where there are multiple showers in one setting friends usually dont say come take a shower with me, they are either forced to do it or wear some kind of bathing suit or underwear. It doesn't strike you a bit weird 2 straight guys are showering nude together for fun, when they don't have to?[/QUOTE] Evan and Kenny just seem like the type of clowns who like to take everything over-the-top, whether it be the We Got a Clue thing, or their blossoming...friendship. Lol.
Hey cystic wanna take a naked shower with me?
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;147063]There is a HUGE difference between showering in the military or prison together, than just showering together for fun. It wasn't because they HAD too, Evan said it straight out, there are places on his back he can't reach... ummm that is a bit weird. Atleast wear a bathing suit. In camp or any other place where there are multiple showers in one setting friends usually dont say come take a shower with me, they are either forced to do it or wear some kind of bathing suit or underwear. It doesn't strike you a bit weird 2 straight guys are showering nude together for fun, when they don't have to?[/QUOTE] As a bi male, i would like nothing better than to find that they were secretly into each other...but my guess is that they are just that comfortable in their own skin, with their sexuality, and one another. i'd like to take it as another hopeful sign of the fleeting homophobia that RW is slowly undermining in our culture. oh yeah...and guys are just strange....
Anonymous's picture
I don't think Evan and Kenny are gay at all, they are just like cystic said, over the top with everything. For ****** sakes, they made a huge production about eating ice cream cones on the dailies. If they want to shower, let them shower together.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;147166]I don't think Evan and Kenny are gay at all, they are just like cystic said, over the top with everything. For ****** sakes, they made a huge production about eating ice cream cones on the dailies. If they want to shower, let them shower together.[/QUOTE] For once I agree with you.
Yes let them shower together! Don't ruin my dreams!
I think this whole shower debate could be clarified if we knew how large this shower was. A tub/shower? That's a small space for two guys (or two anythings) to be showering together. A small shower room with more than one nozzle? I guess that's similar to a locker-room situation.
[QUOTE=good brooklyn;147871]I think this whole shower debate could be clarified if we knew how large this shower was. A tub/shower? That's a small space for two guys (or two anythings) to be showering together. A small shower room with more than one nozzle? I guess that's similar to a locker-room situation.[/QUOTE] But, like a lot of people have said, there's a difference between showering out of necessity, conserving water, etc, and showering together just because you want to.
As long as Kenny didnt spend his time in the shower asking Evan, how good he looked, then I dont care what they did.
Incredible how people can make such a fuss about 2 guys showering together. Even when they didn't have to.
I take showers with dudes all the time. Why you trippin'. I am gay-bi though, but whatever. Anyway, I loved the description of KellyAnne's eating: "tiger feeding time" lmao
[QUOTE=DerrickFTW;148343]Incredible how people can make such a fuss about 2 guys showering together. Even when they didn't have to.[/QUOTE] And I bet you that if it was 2 girls showering together nobody would've said a thing.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;164057]And I bet you that if it was 2 girls showering together nobody would've said a thing.[/QUOTE] :feminist:
I just have a problem with it being 2 ugly dudes showering together.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=dylan76;164107]I just have a problem with it being 2 ugly dudes showering together.[/QUOTE] So if it was two ugly girls, would you have a problem with it as well?
Lol, I can't believe this debate is still going on... two guys showering together? Whatever... they're not gay, I think we can safely say that. Weird? Sure, but we already knew that. Who cares?
