The Ruins: Kenny Santucci - MTV

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Anonymous's picture
There may be another fake Kenny, got it from BMP's twitter. [url=********************************]Kenny Santucci (KennySantucci) on Twitter[/url]
[QUOTE=tjhallow;144880]There may be another fake Kenny, got it from BMP's twitter. [url=********************************]Kenny Santucci (KennySantucci) on Twitter[/url][/QUOTE] There [B]is[/B] another fake Kenny Santucci. BMP are idiots.
Anonymous's picture
Kenny posted something on his facebook about following him on Twitter.
Anonymous's picture
Ok. Maybe not. Where the hell did I see that?
Even Evan thinks this is the real Kenny: [url=********************************]Kenny Santucci (KennySantucci) on Twitter[/url]
[QUOTE=dplayer18;145611]Even Evan thinks this is the real Kenny: [url=********************************]Kenny Santucci (KennySantucci) on Twitter[/url][/QUOTE] Nothing is stopping BMP from creating fake accounts and having their people play along... That's what I was told, anyway.
Yeah I think it's crazy how even closest friends like Evan think it's really Kenny. Wait, so BMP creates fake accounts too??
[QUOTE=dplayer18;145620]Yeah I think it's crazy how even closest friends like Evan think it's really Kenny. Wait, so BMP creates fake accounts too??[/QUOTE] What I'm guessing happened is they asked Kenny if they could make a Twitter account on his behalf in order to a) promote MTV and b) promote his clothing line. Kenny, who probably didn't give a **** either way, said sure.
Kenny is hosting this mtv after show recap thing for jersey shore on Its entertaining.
Whats funny is the people on Jersey Shore (from what I have seen) make Kenny look like a Rhodes Scholar. Is Kenny even from the shore area? For some reason I thought he was from the norther NYC suburbs....though I have no idea where I am getting that from.
[QUOTE=morris614;145665]Whats funny is the people on Jersey Shore (from what I have seen) make Kenny look like a Rhodes Scholar. Is Kenny even from the shore area? For some reason I thought he was from the norther NYC suburbs....though I have no idea where I am getting that from.[/QUOTE] Kenny is from Jersey but I'm not sure if it's the shore area. That's why I wasn't surprised that Kenny was doing that recap with them.
does he still live with his parents?
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;146882]does he still live with his parents?[/QUOTE] Yes!
[QUOTE=RMD1;146884]Yes![/QUOTE] haha i just find that so hysterical. he's, what, 26? and still lives with his mommy and daddy
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;146891]haha i just find that so hysterical. he's, what, 26? and still lives with his mommy and daddy[/QUOTE] I don't understand it he makes good money. Thats the sad part. He can move out but chooses not too.
Anonymous's picture
Maybe he's taking care of someone in his family, my sisters boyfriend is 26 and he still lives with his parents because he's taking care of his father. Kenny do can whatever he wants.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;146900]Maybe he's taking care of someone in his family, my sisters boyfriend is 26 and he still lives with his parents because he's taking care of his father. Kenny do can whatever he wants.[/QUOTE] Yeah maybe it's something like that. I mean both of his brothers still live with him I think? Paula and Ryan said so in an interview but that might have been a while ago.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;146900]Maybe he's taking care of someone in his family, my sisters boyfriend is 26 and he still lives with his parents because he's taking care of his father. Kenny do can whatever he wants.[/QUOTE] I don't think the cast would make fun of him for it if that was the case.
Winning challenges and just starting a clothing company doesnt equal good just means he can live good for a little while, and with the economy how it is a lot of unmarried 20 somethings are going back to live with parents or not moving out because it is easier.
Dude just made over 150000 in the. past year on challenges alone.. Not to mention all of his appearances and clothing line... He isn't doing bad at all he can afford a nice appartment but he don't want to so.... It's cool
Starting up a company is not always cheap, especially in this current economic environment. Living at home removes the need to pay rent and he may his homecooked meals over going out to eat.
[QUOTE=RMD1;146954]I don't think the cast would make fun of him for it if that was the case.[/QUOTE] Yes they would.
Just to set the record straight, Kenny is well employed outside of the challenges (and his clothing line) and takes good care of his family financially. Everyone has different reasons for living with their parents. I am positive that some of you still do. There's no need to crucify Kenny for it.
What does he do for a living besides the clothing line?
I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I will be 26 in a week and I live with my mother. He'll move out when he feels like it. Some parents have a hard time with their kids leaving.
[QUOTE=Desertpuma;146993]What does he do for a living besides the clothing line?[/QUOTE] Unless he's changed jobs recently, I believe he works in the shipping industry.
On the docks? or in a warehouse?
I grew up in Central New York and have a lot of friends from college from the NYC/Jersey area, and from what I know it is VERY common for guys in their mid 20's to still be living with their parents in those areas.
How old is his sister? I didn't know he had one, but he mentioned he did in one of the Jersey Shore hook up things
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=yankeegurl93;150894]How old is his sister? I didn't know he had one, but he mentioned he did in one of the Jersey Shore hook up things[/QUOTE] 21.
