[QUOTE=Bolt8;143472]Didn't Kenny say at the end of tonight he was done with challenges and he couldn't even make it one challenge.[/QUOTE]
I believe he said he wouldn't do one without derrick. Its kind of like how him, and Derrick won together all three times, they are each others lucky charms as faceless puts it.
[QUOTE=colt1819;140185][B]I think the CJ hate is about him being boring as hell. He won't bring much to the table as far as drama.[/B]
If Jonna wouldn't have lost her passport then she would have caused a ton of drama on FM2.[/QUOTE]
You could say that about alot of the other alumni.
If I see Paula and Evelyn on one more challenge I will freak! Paula is fake and trys to get as much of the camera on her as possible!
Ryan??? Are you kidding me?? And gosh, I have had enough of Kenney for a while, I hope he isn't really on. I'm just sooooo glad Johnny and Evan aren't on this time around.
Who took Joanna's place since she wasn't able to go??
I'm so glad to see newbies! Even though I see Katelynn being unfair since she is actually a male, her team will have an advantage.
[QUOTE=smithb12;143642]If I see Paula and Evelyn on one more challenge I will freak! Paula is fake and trys to get as much of the camera on her as possible!
Ryan??? Are you kidding me?? And gosh, I have had enough of Kenney for a while, I hope he isn't really on. I'm just sooooo glad Johnny and Evan aren't on this time around.
Who took Joanna's place since she wasn't able to go??
I'm so glad to see newbies! [B]Even though I see Katelynn being unfair since she is actually a male, her team will have an advantage.[/B][/QUOTE]
*dead* My thoughts exactly.
[QUOTE=smithb12;143642] [B]Even though I see Katelynn being unfair since she is actually a male, her team will have an advantage[/B].[/QUOTE]
Isn't this actually not true at all, I do not have any knowledge on the subject; however I remember reading that going through the sex change and taking the hormones completely changes the body. Thus, making her not a male at all anymore. I am sure someone on this board can comment on it better than me.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;143733]she still has the build of a man. Her being a transgender is fine with me, but it is an adavantage.[/QUOTE]
Oh stop. No it is not. If anything, it's a disadvantage competing in extreme challenges with a new body...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;143756]Stop what? Any female that has to face her will be at a disadvantage.[/QUOTE]
She does not have the muscular build of a man. And Laurel is actually taller than her. So do you think want to say that any female that has to face her will be at a disadvantage?
I'm sick and tired of the "she used to be man" talk. So what? She isn't anymore. She is legally a female. Obviously if BMP had thought similarly in terms of competition, she wouldn't have ever been on a challenge. Just let it go.
[QUOTE=molds13;143754]Oh stop. No it is not. If anything, it's a disadvantage competing in extreme challenges with a new body...[/QUOTE]
The only thing "new" is the lost of a body part for her. She still has a mans build.
[QUOTE=TheKorean;143760]The only thing "new" is the lost of a body part for her. She still has a mans build.[/QUOTE]
Are you kidding? Have you seen her? I see no muscles. She's tall. Ooooooooh. Daunting.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;143756]Stop what? Any female that has to face her will be at a disadvantage.[/QUOTE]
I think Evelyn would be able to take her, Laurel too.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;143766]I think Evelyn would be able to take her, Laurel too.[/QUOTE]
I think a lot of people could take her. She doesn't strike me as the strongest girl I've ever seen on these challenges.
[QUOTE=molds13;143774]I think a lot of people could take her. She doesn't strike me as the strongest girl I've ever seen on these challenges.[/QUOTE]
Yeah true. I don't know how strong she would be since I haven't seen her perform yet.
[QUOTE=molds13;143774]I think a lot of people could take her. She doesn't strike me as the strongest girl I've ever seen on these challenges.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the vote of confidence ;-)
And to put the whole damn drama to a rest, yes I used to be a nationally ranked martial artist, but even then I wasn't the most athletically daunting of individuals. When a Transwoman goes through the HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) there is a significant amount of muscle loss and redistribution.
I can easily say that I am nowhere near the shape I was in when I was a competing martial artist and gymnast. Further to that please factor in that I have had issues with two herniated discs in my lower back and MCL issues since I was 16, I don't have nearly the competitive advantage of that amazonian ***** Laurel; who I might add is a Division 1 Volley Ball player, and possibly one of the top 500 female athletes in the country.
But you don't have to take my word for it, speak with Sydney or Carley or any other of the FM2 girls and they will tell you how they feel about having to compete against me.
This "issue" is born of ignorance and misunderstanding. Educate yourself then reevaluate how you feel.
Wow. It looks like Molds got told. I just hope this season of Fresh Meat is as entertaining as the last one? I also can't wait to see how Brandon does on this challenge and for that matter the other Fresh Meat?
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;143876]Wow. It looks like Molds got told. I just hope this season of Fresh Meat is as entertaining as the last one? I also can't wait to see how Brandon does on this challenge and for that matter the other Fresh Meat?[/QUOTE]
Um, not really.
I know this isn't the right thread, but if anyone knows the spoilers like elimination order, who eliminates who, fights/arguments, hook ups, and who wins the final challenge please let me know in a PM because there is a new site I have been going to and they claim they know like 90% of the spoilers and which team wins the final mission and I'm just trying to find out if they are 100% accurate or not.
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;143886]I know this isn't the right thread, but if anyone knows the spoilers like elimination order, who eliminates who, fights/arguments, hook ups, and who wins the final challenge please let me know in a PM because there is a new site I have been going to and they claim they know like 90% of the spoilers and which team wins the final mission and I'm just trying to find out if they are 100% accurate or not.[/QUOTE]
LOL..Wes's ****** site?
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;143886]I know this isn't the right thread, but if anyone knows the spoilers like elimination order, who eliminates who, fights/arguments, hook ups, and who wins the final challenge please let me know in a PM because there is a new site I have been going to and they claim they know like 90% of the spoilers and which team wins the final mission and I'm just trying to find out if they are 100% accurate or not.[/QUOTE]
Is it called Lords of Reality TV? Because as you can probably tell, as the spoilers were posted here before they were there.
[QUOTE=Entropy;143890]There is a thread entirely dedicated to FM2 spoilers.
No ****. But there is only 6 pages here. The site I'm talking about has alot more spoilers and they have the type of spoilers that nobody could know unless you were actually at the challenge. And I'm thinking it is BS, but I'm not sure.
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;143916]No ****. But there is only 6 pages here. The site I'm talking about has alot more spoilers and they have the type of spoilers that nobody could know unless you were actually at the challenge. And I'm thinking it is BS, but I'm not sure.[/QUOTE]
First, be nice.
Second, it is most likely BS. What is this site you speak of?
[QUOTE=molds13;143921][B]First, be nice.[/B]
Second, it is most likely BS. What is this site you speak of?[/QUOTE]
Sorry, my bad. And the site is called Lords of Reality, so I guess they are accurate? And you're right, I think they have been getting all of the spoilers from here. But they claim they know who won and finished 1st to 4th which I won't say because I know your rule about not giving out spoilers on other threads besides the spoiler thread. I think Lords of Reality have been getting alot of stuff from Vevmo too. Those cheapskates, lol.
[QUOTE=Adrian!!!!!!;143927]Sorry. And the site is called Lords of Reality, so I guess they are accurate? And you're right, I think they have been getting all of the spoilers from here. But they claim they know who won and finished 1st to 4th which I won't say because I know your rule about not giving out spoilers on other threads besides the spoiler thread. I think Lords of Reality have been getting alot of stuff from Vevmo too. Those cheapskates, lol.[/QUOTE]
Everything except the online pharmacy that seems to be their top priority now.
You may have missed the memo, but that website was formed by a disgruntled member here who proceeded to take most information (including pictures) and post them as his own, claiming that he knows castmembers that gave him the information (which is, by the way, illegal).
[QUOTE=molds13;143929]Everything except the online pharmacy that seems to be their top priority now.
You may have missed the memo, but that website was formed by a [B]disgruntled [/B][B]member[/B] here who proceeded to take most information (including pictures) and post them as his own, claiming that he knows castmembers that gave him the information (which is, by the way, illegal).[/QUOTE]
Oh wow!! lol. On there he goes by the name of "Dragon Killer" lol. I was wondering why I saw Faceless on there giving them hell. And i was thinking there's no way that can be the same Faceless from Vevmo. lol, ha ha.
Btw, thanks for the info, I didn't know any of this. I'm off to delete my account there.
While I, like most here, isn't necessarily completely thrilled at the thought of more "fresh meat" entering the game. I do however applaud the decision to go in another direction if you will by introducing an overhaul of probably about 25% of the competitors for future challenges. The past couple of challenges have been way to predictable, same people in control; same people get picked on, nothing they can do to change it.
When the original Duel took place, even though there was a lot of Meat, they weren't controlling the game and they added new, sincere storylines. I mean Evan's sugarcoating, overexaggeration for EVERYTHING, and charisma or lack thereof were still there but it was just... "different" than it is now for lack of a better word. I hope the new wave of players can change things up in the challenges by taking the power away from JEK taking away the predictablility.
Warning Spoiler below:
[spoiler]I mean judging by the elimination order it's so obvious Wes and his friends get picked on and sent in to elimination, just like every DAMN CHALLENGE. Danny, Wes, Evelyn eliminated back to back to back? What a joke. Why must people continue to think riding Kenny's coattails to the finish line will work, history has proven otherwise![/spoiler]