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It really is like a slippery slope. Once one girl has the kahones to come forward, everyone wants a piece of the [strike]money given for selling their story to some trashy gossip magazine[/strike] action.
Anonymous's picture
Love it, Tots!!
It's bad I know, but it still made me chuckle ;)
To be honest, that is probably the best looking couple photo you are going to get out of them for years...
The only thing Tiger's wife was trying to free was his head from his shoulders. In the end a lot of women will come out of the woodwork and make claims...some true....some not. Either way Tiger is screwed for now anyway lol
Oh this just keeps getting better and better. [URL=""]Police audio report: Tiger Woods shoeless, snoring, [strike]drunk[/strike] after crash[/URL]
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=molds13;142266]Oh this just keeps getting better and better. [/QUOTE] Did you hear about the kind of money she will get for "working on the marriage"? Talk about a moral conflict (at least to me). Stick it to your husband and stay around in an unhappy marriage for a ridiculous amount of money? Or earn dignity points by straight up walking away and telling him to shove it? [QUOTE]...the golfing great reportedly offered to give his wife, Elin Nordegren, a cool $5 million to keep her from walking - and taking their two young kids with her.[/QUOTE] [url=]Tiger Woods offers wife Elin Nordegren $80M to stay for seven years in revised prenup: report[/url]
Very interesting OPD because I had heard somewhere that based on their original prenup she could get close to $300M now that he "allegedly" cheated if she divorces him. That is one expensive mistake if true!
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tatertots;142270]Very interesting OPD because I had heard somewhere that based on their original prenup she could get close to $300M now that he "allegedly" cheated if she divorces him. That is one expensive mistake if true![/QUOTE] Oooooh, well that's interesting, I hadn't heard that. In that case, I'd take the $300 mil and then tell him to shove it. It's his fault his image is ruined, not hers. She owes him nothing (like sticking around to save face) as far as I'm concerned!
TMZ said a fourth (cocktail waitress) woman has come forth regarding an affair that happened in 2004, when she was 20, and Tiger was either married or engaged to be married.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=molds13;142274]TMZ said a fourth (cocktail waitress) woman has come forth regarding an affair that happened in 2004, when she was 20, and Tiger was either married or engaged to be married.[/QUOTE] Well shoot everyone else is doing it... I should tell you guys, I'VE been having an affair with Tiger Woods too. NNNNOOOOOTTTTT!! :puke:
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;142276]Well shoot everyone else is doing it... I should tell you guys, I'VE been having an affair with Tiger Woods too. NNNNOOOOOTTTTT!! :puke:[/QUOTE] Oh snap I'm booking you on Larry King right now.
At least this situation is turning into some FUNNY Whiner line's in Boston's WEEI sports radio channel. 105.5 in Boston.
Haha I checked that out last night, it was hilarious!! I think Blake and Keenan did a great job.
Oh my gosh. I'm shocked. [url=]Tiger Woods suspected of driving under the influence - ESPN[/url]
This story has more legs than a centipede! [url=]Paramedics respond to call at Tiger Woods' house -[/url]
Supposed girl number fore (and boy are they loving this one): [url=][img][/img][/url]
Haha, that is great. I haven't been watching the late shows, but I bet they go nonstop with Tiger fun and puns.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=molds13;142817]Supposed girl number fore (and boy are they loving this one) [/QUOTE] Four? I heard he was up [URL=""]TEN [/URL]now! Throw in two more and you got the 12 **** of Christmas. :rolleyes:
Ten? He is either a gigantic d-bag or sex addict.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;142873]Ten? He is either a gigantic d-bag or sex addict.[/QUOTE] I'm going to say...."What is a gigantic d-bag for $1,000, Alex." :D
There are also stories floating around that he was extra dumb and had unprotected sex with some of these girls making him an even bigger d-bag which I didn't think was possible.
[url=]TMZ: Woods Admitted For Drug Overdose - Sports News Story - WDIV Detroit[/url] [url=]News – Gatorade Discontinues Tiger Woods Drink – Celebrity News –[/url]
Shocking. [url=]Tiger Woods ads vanish from TV - Dec. 9, 2009[/url] [QUOTE]According to media tracker Nielsen, the last time a commercial featuring Tiger Woods appeared on television was Nov. 29. The 30-second Gillette ad aired during NBC's "Football Night in America," the pre-game show that broadcast prior to the Sunday night football game between the New Orleans Saints and the New England Patriots.[/QUOTE]
From Tigger's website: [QUOTE]I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my infidelity has caused to so many people, most of all my wife and children. I want to say again to everyone that I am profoundly sorry and that I ask forgiveness. It may not be possible to repair the damage I've done, but I want to do my best to try. I would like to ask everyone, including my fans, the good people at my foundation, business partners, the PGA Tour, and my fellow competitors, for their understanding. What's most important now is that my family has the time, privacy, and safe haven we will need for personal healing. After much soul searching, I have decided to take an indefinite break from professional golf. I need to focus my attention on being a better husband, father, and person. Again, I ask for privacy for my family and I am especially grateful for all those who have offered compassion and concern during this difficult period. [/QUOTE]
Anonymous's picture
What's the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa? [SPOILER]Santa stops at 3 Ho's[/SPOILER] :lol2:
Sometimes, one sentence says it all... [url=]Accenture drops Tiger Woods: 'No longer the right rep' - ESPN[/url]
Nothing like positive reinforcement! [url=]Tiger Woods voted athlete of the decade by members of The Associated Press - ESPN[/url]
