I Love Buddha

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I Love Buddha
[url=http://www.shabooty.com/2008/05/24/i-love-buddha-vh1-casting-call-washington-dc.php]I Love Buddha Vh1 Casting Call, Washington D.C. | Shabooty.com[/url] Please please please oh please tell me this is fake!
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Laneahh77;137522] Please please please oh please tell me this is fake![/QUOTE] Oh hell no. I second that!! :puke:
I never post on vh1 threads, but I really was compelled to say this one thing: Are you KIDDING ME? How many of these reality dating shows do they need before they realize this is overkill? Wow....just......wow.
IM SO GONE!!!!!Just Stop Give Risky or Hot Wings,Frenchie,Cage and Buckeye a show over him are you serious .where they dig him up from any where.
Well There could still be hope! It hasnt been on Vh1.com yet please please please! Be fake I mean c'mon Buddha? Really? Not 12 Pack, Flex, Tailor Made?? Someone people actually like?! So it goes.... Flavor of love/to/I Love New york/to/The Entertainer of love/to/I Love Buddha? Really VH1? Just show ILM3
They should stick to giving ACTUALLY stars their own show. Like I dont know Tommy Lee Brittney Spears Linsey Lohan I dont know Actually stars! lol
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Laneahh77;137528]They should stick to giving ACTUALLY stars their own show. Like I dont know Tommy Lee Brittney Spears [B]Linsey Lohan[/B] I dont know Actually stars! lol[/QUOTE] Lindsey? Star? Eh....LoL
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;137530]Lindsey? Star? Eh....LoL[/QUOTE] Hey that show would be pretty crazy Wait no! Give Amy Whinehouse a VH1 show lol.
This was written on May 24, 2008! Were in 2009, that was almost 2 years ago it would have aired by now LOL. Yes, it is fake.
I really hope that this is a sick joke. Buddha is just behind Real and Chance as my least favorite male.
OH HELL NAW, why is he getting a show? Vh1 just dont know what to do, i think by next year vh1 reality will truly be dead ... I still think that Mr. Boston and Tango should of did their dating show, i probably would have enjoyed that
I only watch VH1 for I Love Money now....and you see how long it's been since THATS been on the air.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Reality;137538]This was written on May 24, 2008! Were in 2009, that was almost 2 years ago it would have aired by now LOL. Yes, it is fake.[/QUOTE] Bahahahahaa....ok. Nice of someone to look at the date. :D
Sorry put on the comments its 2009.... Hopefully is not rreal though!
I sorry, I guess I'm going to be the lone ranger on this. I love Buddha - minus the whole choking out Tailor Made thing. And unlike a lot of people that get put on these shows I can actually understand why someone would legitimately want to date him, it makes things a little more interesting when its not quite so obvious that 99.9% of the women there are just wanting to get their z list entertainment career off the ground. I'm not gonna lie, I would smash the homie.
this is fake
[QUOTE=lwcoolj129;139161]this is fake[/QUOTE] Nope. Very real.
[QUOTE=JackD;139162]Nope. Very real.[/QUOTE] How do you know?
[QUOTE=ryannx93;139186]How do you know?[/QUOTE] 51 Minds stated that either Buddha or Tailor Made would get a show. Tailor Made's show title? Made For Love.
how do you know this?
vh1 wouldve posted this if it was true...
I hope this is not real. Buddha is one of the few guys on these shows who I actually hate. I would hope I wouldnt watch this but I get sucked into every Vh1 show there is. I cant stand this guy so I hope it's not happening.
Maybe they should rename it 'I loathe Buddha'
I asked buddha if he is getting his own show and he said: ezramasters @lwcooljvh1 if I do reality I can assure you that it will NOT be on VH1 and completely different from how you'd seen previously. this "I love Buddha' thing is false
[QUOTE=lwcoolj129;139761]I asked buddha if he is getting his own show and he said: ezramasters @lwcooljvh1 if I do reality I can assure you that it will NOT be on VH1 and completely different from how you'd seen previously. this "I love Buddha' thing is false[/QUOTE] Awww too bad! I just reading a story about some fans encounter with him on the Tales From a Groupie blog - I don't know if it's true or not but it was funny. Oh well, even though I think he's attractive I don't know how high the entertainment factor would been, I still would've watched though. . .