The Ruins: Casey Cooper - MTV

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The Ruins: Casey Cooper - MTV

Casey Cooper Fresh Meat Casey is a doe-eyed Southern belle from Texas. She's the first to admit she has no physical strengths and isn't particularly comfortable with people from different races, economic classes or sexual preferences. Only time will tell if Casey will sink or swim as she ventures outside the comfort zone of her privileged life in the ultimate challenge of her social and athletic abilities. Challenges: Fresh Meat, The Duel, The Gauntlet 3, The Ruins Houston, Texas

Little Miss Casey is back after taking a break! Hopefully she trained for this one.
I wish Coral could be here to beat her.......
I really do hope Casey performs better this time than she has on previous challenges she's been on.
CASEY COOP!!!!! love her she is hilarious:ok: can't wait for The Ruins
Anonymous's picture
I bet she was there to party not win the challenge lol
She might as well party since she has no chance of winning.
Maybe she will make alliances and hook up alot in order to win this time...
Im excited for Casey
Casey is one of my favorite girls on this challenge. She better do well. :)
[QUOTE=rey2pokey;114153]I bet she was there to party not win the challenge lol[/QUOTE] Shooooot! I'd do the same thing. Free trip overseas on MTV's dime? Hello? No brainer lol
Casey better have made good on her promise when she parted on Gauntlet III about training harder so that we are guaranteed to see a different Casey on the next Challenge she's in like she said. And i really hope that heights aren't an issue with her anymore at this point since it's not usually a fun scene; at least for me; when she complains about heights. And she REALLY started to fall from grace with me ever since her "attack" on Coral. Like age seriously has ANYTHING to do with it?!
Am I the only person who can't stand this girl? I like that she is there to have a good time and she seems fun, but ugh I cannot stand her. She's hot, but she's just so annoying and says things that she can't back up. Who knows maybe this challenge will change my opinion.
[QUOTE=mph922;114477]Am I the only person who can't stand this girl? I like that she is there to have a good time and she seems fun, but ugh I cannot stand her. She's hot, but she's just so annoying and says things that she can't back up. Who knows maybe this challenge will change my opinion.[/QUOTE] I'm not a "fan" of hers, either. I agree that she talks a lot and it either doesn't make sense, coming from her, or she can't back things up. And it seems like she doesn't mind when a guy speaks down to her or about her, but a girl somewhat says or does something she disagrees with, she flies off the handle.
mph I don't like her either. I was never a huge fan but after her rant about Coral. I can't stand her!!!!
Casey is basically an even worse version of Cameran in a nutshell. Everytime they speak, it's usually nonsense that comes outta their mouths.
The only difference is that Cameran is likable.
Casey's a weak link...She brings nothing to this challenges, but shes cute to look at lol
Now at least Casey makes some amusing comments, unlike certain participants.
Gag me with a spoon.
she does complain a lot, but she is just too small of a girl to do these challenges
Casey you got the gifts you always wanted. No other guy is going to carry your dead weight carcas to another pay check here. Hey Mom, Hey Dad, Look what Wes got me!
Well she is worthless at the challenges but atleast she knows it...
She is cute, but she hasn't won nothing individually, she is too small. Wes dragged her all the way in Fresh Meat.
Anonymous's picture
Why is she stillllll there!
I hope Casey wins this one!
She is soo funny. When she said that she didn't want to be stepped on "physically or...metaphorically?"
I am not sure why but I have never found anything Casey said funny.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;129710]I am not sure why but I have never found anything Casey said funny.[/QUOTE] Yeah me neither mostly because she has no idea what she is even saying.
Maybe i have gone crazy but i actually find Casey much more tolerable this time around. Sure, she's whining in the confessionals as always, but her whining doesn't bother me that much nowadays. It's now Kim's whining that i'm having a hard time tolerating. It's like they made her look good on The Duel 2, but now for The Ruins, they're bringing Hollywood Kim back in terms of her constantly talking down on her fellow teammates or complaining about being face down on the sand and being stepped on. I mean, really, things could've been worse. They could've been told they had to eat the mud by TJ which kinda harkens back to the Fresh Meat mission of heading face first into a bowl of soup or something and the Gauntlet 1 mission of eating the whole ice cream. Those are disgusting missions, idk why Ibis says that mission was disgusting considering she eats ANYTHING as history has proven.
I haven't noticed Kimberly whining. Casey is attractive but her personality sucks.
