Survivor Samoa: Episode 5 - Walking on Thin Ice

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Survivor Samoa: Episode 5 - Walking on Thin Ice
[SIZE=3][B]The tribes participate in a challenge that requires them to eat unusual food items, such as sea-slug guts, and a torrential rainstorm leaves everyone wet and cold. At tribal council, another castaway is voted out of the game.[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/CENTER]
Food challenge! Yes! I know it is worn out, but it belongs on Survivor and from what I can remember comes from Survivor in mainstream reality.
I think the flies would throw me off the most...
I love the blender. Reminds me of solitary (where it is much worse than this...)
Shambo is livid, haha.
If they had any heart, they'd save her some food. I knew Ashley was gonna blow it for them.
I really hope Shambo teams up against Russel H soon. I don't like him.
I know which team goes to tribal. ****it. The editing is bad this year...
[QUOTE=molds13;129542]If they had any heart, they'd save her some food. [/QUOTE] Sounds like a no, lol. She was just getting her slate cleaned. Haha.
Hey chief... Nice backward insult. I am amazed Galu is winning. They pretty much suck.
I am glad Danger Dave stood up to the "leader"
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;129547]I am glad Danger Dave stood up to the "leader"[/QUOTE] Leadership has gone to his head.
Wouldn't it be great if Liz had slapped him the face! I wish she wasn't so damn smart and just went along with him!
If Russell pulls off another elimination because someone talked to him the wrong way, I am going to start calling him the Godfather. Hate him as much as you want, but he is wielding crazy power thus far in the game, almost inexplicably.
That's sad when Liz is your strongest girl...
[QUOTE=molds13;129552]That's sad when Liz is your strongest girl...[/QUOTE] I'm not sure why, but I like Foa Foa and yes it does suck that she is their strongest girl. They have no chance as a tribe, but maybe some of them can do well after the merge as the cracks are showing over at Galu and I think that the visitor "exile" twist this season is helping to form cross tribe bonds.
I like how Jeff made sure to reiterate that Ashley was completely useless in that challenge. I hope she goes tonight.
Jaison could use some serious lotion!
I want to see the ax man get his mark...although Ashley would be fine as well.
I won't miss Ashley, will you?
[QUOTE=Bacchus;129564]I won't miss Ashley, will you?[/QUOTE] Who? :D
Nah. She was a pretty face, not much else.
Man alot of the Women are getting the AX this season.
I knew within the first ten minutes of this episode that Foa Foa was going to lose, and either Liz or Ashley would be going home. During the immunity challenge, when Probst was like, "Ashley has yet to make one basket for Foa Foa" I knew her time was up... The editing on this show is just as bad as Top Model's.
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;129706]I knew within the first ten minutes of this episode that Foa Foa was going to lose, and either Liz or Ashley would be going home. During the immunity challenge, when Probst was like, "Ashley has yet to make one basket for Foa Foa" I knew her time was up... The editing on this show is just as bad as Top Model's.[/QUOTE] Agreed. It was way obvious they were going to tribal council again. At least they spent a little more time at Galu in stead of just ignoring them.
I felt bad for Ashley, I kind of liked her. As for both Russell's they just annoy me. And if you look at the "evil" Russell he only got 2 people he didn't like or considered a threat eliminated Marisa and Betsy. He didn't want Ben to go home and he did, and he wanted Liz to go home, but she stayed. I don't know why people see him as an amazing player. I was happy they showed some life on the other side. As for Shambo, does she annoy anyone else as much as me, or am I the only one? I don't dislike her, I just find her a bit annoying. She is entertaining to watch.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;130002]I felt bad for Ashley, I kind of liked her. As for both Russell's they just annoy me. And if you look at the "evil" Russell he only got 2 people he didn't like or considered a threat eliminated Marisa and Betsy. He didn't want Ben to go home and he did, and he wanted Liz to go home, but she stayed. I don't know why people see him as an amazing player. I was happy they showed some life on the other side. As for Shambo, does she annoy anyone else as much as me, or am I the only one? I don't dislike her, I just find her a bit annoying. She is entertaining to watch.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I agree. Russell was pretty evil in eps 1 and 2, but since he hasn't controlled anything. There's no way in hell he'll win. I guesstimate that he'll last til the merge and maybe be the 1st or 2nd on the jury.