I Love Money 4: Spoilers and Speculation

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Because apparently not everyone read the thread: LilysMom said that she would send the cast list to anyone that [B]directly sent her a private message[/B]. From now on, any posts asking for the list will be deleted as they are off topic.
just thought i'd say that 6 gauge updated his status to "going on a long vacation".
I think Blond Baller's on ILM4. Her Twitter said she's having a good day in Mexico.
[URL="http://vevmo.com/f234/i-love-money-3-cast-3582/"][SIZE="7"]I Love Money 3 Cast[/SIZE][/URL]<---Click the link
The cast looks good in my opinion so far.
SOOOO i have a question, if they are filming back to back, does that mean when season 3 is over, they will premier season 4 right after, or will they wait a little while then show it??
[quote=treehuggerx7;109768]SOOOO i have a question, if they are filming back to back, does that mean when season 3 is over, they will premier season 4 right after, or will they wait a little while then show it??[/quote] They'll probably wait a little while.
It will probibaly be a month or so.
Hey Everyone Im still "ugh" about the cast so i asked One of my Long time "freind" he knows alot of how the process works, i sended him the cast (ilm4) and Replied saying thats the cast they Started out with,and that im missing a couple people and that i need to add some, he also hinted that Francisco(mwam) is on it, if you dont beleive it ask him , he will be on Shortly.
This thought just popped into my head earlier today. I know it's very very very unlikely...BUT Maybe ILM3 and 4 are filimg back-to-back because ILM3 was so boring that they just scrapped it and decided to film another one. And that's why all these people from the ILM3 cast are coming back. Only the interesting people on ILM3 got to film again. Just a thought.
Anonymous's picture
According to one the RCOL cast members twitter, they are filming back to back because charm school is done.
[quote=tjhallow;110193]According to one the RCOL cast members twitter, they are filming back to back because charm school is done.[/quote] That would make sense. The Charm School 3 finale barely got 2 million viewers. Daisy of Love didn't do much better, getting only 2.5. Megan Wants a Millionaire did not have a promising start (1.55 mil). Seeing those numbers is actually what put the idea into my head. VH1/51 Minds needs to step up their game, but filming 2 seasons back to back is the wrong approach.
[quote=iMichael;110196]That would make sense. The Charm School 3 finale barely got 2 million viewers. Daisy of Love didn't do much better, getting only 2.5. Megan Wants a Millionaire did not have a promising start (1.55 mil). Seeing those numbers is actually what put the idea into my head. VH1/51 Minds needs to step up their game, but [B]filming 2 seasons back to back is the wrong approach.[/B][/quote] In all likelihood they are not doing it to "step up their game" but to save money. It's economically smarter to film back to back. Survivor is doing it too.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=iMichael;110196]That would make sense. The Charm School 3 finale barely got 2 million viewers. Daisy of Love didn't do much better, getting only 2.5. Megan Wants a Millionaire did not have a promising start (1.55 mil). Seeing those numbers is actually what put the idea into my head. VH1/51 Minds needs to step up their game, but filming 2 seasons back to back is the wrong approach.[/quote] It actually reminds me of MTV and their dilemma. Start out really strong and then the shows go to ****, and get low ratings.
For some reason I think that it might have been cheaper for Vh1 to rent the house for 2 months back to back.
Personally, I cannot wait for this show and ILM3, they should be great, and with the news that they are possibly filming back to back, that makes it more exciting!
[quote=Dademo;110535]Personally, I cannot wait for this show and ILM3, they should be great, and with the news that they are possibly filming back to back, that makes it more exciting![/quote] ive been lurking the ILM threads for so long now that i am dying to see a supertrailer or something! anything! way too excited for both of them.
I was just wondering if this was proven true or false already, but are contestants who make it far on ILM3 going to be on ILM4, and that is why they are filming them back to back (or one of the reasons)? I have just been thinking about it.
Any idea of when this will air, anyone? They are definitely going to do something with ILM3, I doubt they will just leave all that money wasted for no reason. It'll probably get an iTunes and/or DVD release. Didn't one of the cast members tweet that on twitter? That it MAY come out on DVD? My guess is that it most likely will, probably late november or early december. Then, I have no idea when ILM4 would air. Do any of you know? Filming must of wrapped so it must be going through post production. I just want some sort of confirmation about the casts/the ILM3 DVD release/ ILM4 premiere!
Well from what i know the "Of love" will start next year. I dont even know if they will air ILM4 cuz of ILM3 but if they are going to replace ILm4 with ILM3 it most likely will air like mid-December/Early january
Cashmere and Cocktail confirmed on their twitter that season 3 will NEVER, EVER see the light of day and that season 4 will be called ILM3. [quote]For the 500th time, I Love Money 3 will NEVER air. They tapped I Love Money 4 and will call it ILM3 but I am not on it.[/quote] [quote]I have no idea who's on ILM4. I can't say who won ILM3 & thats all I'm going to say. ILM3 will never air. It will never air.[/quote]
[QUOTE=Reality;124057]Cashmere and Cocktail confirmed on their twitter that season 3 will NEVER, EVER see the light of day and that season 4 will be called ILM3.[/QUOTE] That sucks. Oh Well. At least I can see Feisty again. lol
ILM4 IS CANCELLED!!!!!!!!!! :'(!!!!!! I got this reply from one of the ILM3 castmates on myspace: [IMG]http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/6400/picture2wr.png[/IMG] WHY CANCEL SEASON 4 FOR?! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! RYAN JENKINS DESTROYED I LOVE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEASON 4 HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM! Who cares about the numbers on the house!!!!
Maybe they're cancelling it since it has MWAM castmembers. I hope the entire ILM series isn't destroyed.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;124720]Maybe they're cancelling it since it has MWAM castmembers. I hope the entire ILM series isn't destroyed.[/QUOTE] I don't think its because of that, because they would have been seen on the first few episodes and they could easily cut out where they say they are from MWAM. I think, even though as stupid as it sounds, its canceled due to the number "4" everywhere. On their shirts and the house. It will cause confusion and I think ILM3 and ILM4 are linked somehow, maybe the game changed a bit so it wouldn't be explained clearly in ILM4. Man, must suck to be the winner, they will never get their $250, 000. We need to get this petition out there! [url=http://www.petitiononline.com/ilm3/petition.html]Get I Love Money 3 on the Air Petition[/url] Tell everyone! Use various e-mails! Do everything!!! I will try and ask if there will be a replacement ILM3. I really highly doubt it though :( No reason for me to even watch VH1 anymore
who is adam?
[QUOTE=kyled13;124878]who is adam?[/QUOTE] Me lol
okay, lol they said adam was a castmember, so whats ur nickname?
If they're canceling it because of the the number '4' it's pretty dumb because they already announced season 3 wasn't airing, so they can just release it as Season 4. But if they're canceling it because of the MWAM guys, it's still pretty dumb too because we still saw them for 3 weeks before the cancellation - we know they exist and they can't pretend a hold show didn't exist. They already spent the money to shoot ILM3 & 4 so might as well throw ILM3 on DVD and air ILM4 or they're just blowing money.
[QUOTE=Reality;124718]ILM4 IS CANCELLED!!!!!!!!!! :'(!!!!!! I got this reply from one of the ILM3 castmates on myspace: [IMG]http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/6400/picture2wr.png[/IMG] WHY CANCEL SEASON 4 FOR?! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! RYAN JENKINS DESTROYED I LOVE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEASON 4 HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIM! Who cares about the numbers on the house!!!![/QUOTE] Which castmate?
