RW/RR: The Ruins - Dailies

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Darrell is boring as hell.. How can somebody win so often yet be so unimportant...
[QUOTE=KellyA+Wes;124863]Darrell is boring as hell.. [B]How can somebody win so often yet be so unimportant...[/B][/QUOTE] Because most of the challenges he won were team challenges.
[QUOTE=KellyA+Wes;124863]Darrell is boring as hell.. How can somebody win so often yet be so unimportant...[/QUOTE] The fact that winning or losing has nothing to do with you being boring or not boring is probably the reason. That would be like saying how can Wes win yet not be able to grow a full beard?
[QUOTE=tjhallow;124352]So were gonna start bashing on people's looks now? Wow, so mature.[/QUOTE]I agree... there is no need to bashing the looks of the castmembers.
[QUOTE=morris614;124960]The fact that winning or losing has nothing to do with you being boring or not boring is probably the reason. That would be like saying how can Wes win yet not be able to grow a full beard?[/QUOTE] Normally people either love or hate somebody who wins and is good all the time... Example :tiger woods, Michale Jordan... etc.. With Darrell its just like nobody cares...
[QUOTE=KellyA+Wes;124983]Normally people either love or hate somebody who wins and is good all the time... Example :tiger woods, Michale Jordan... etc.. With Darrell its just like nobody cares...[/QUOTE] Ok now I get what you mean.
Finally Katie and Veronica communicate! lol And I still think our names are tooo similar^
[QUOTE=Morris1721;125505]Finally Katie and Veronica communicate! lol And I still think our names are tooo similar^[/QUOTE] YES FINALLY!! I've been waiting for a daily to actually have Katie and Veronica talk...not necessarily with each other but actually have air time. That daily was they talked about Jersey and kenny being mister jersey hahaha
So what, many people consider Landon, Alton, Mark and Mike legends and the challenges that they won were team challenges too. Bottom line is that the only player that has won 4 challenges is Darrell period and I have to remind to the people who thinks that Wes is invincible Darrell beat Wes in the final mission of Fresh Meat 1.
Darrell has managed to win 4 challenges but I still don't really have any opinion about him. I don't even remember that much about him.
[QUOTE=alucard666;125521]so what, many people consider landon, alton, mark and mike like legends and the challenges that they won were team challenges too. botton line is that the only player that has won 4 challenges is darrell period and i have to remind to the people who thinks that wes is invincible darrell beat wes in the final mission of fresh meat 1[/QUOTE] Darrell also had Aviv, Wes had Casey. While the weight of the bags may have differed, Aviv is stronger than Casey. I dont think Wes is invincible, but saying Darrell is better because he beat Wes on FM is just ridiculous.
[QUOTE=Morris1721;125532]Darrell also had Aviv, Wes had Casey. While the weight of the bags may have differed, Aviv is stronger than Casey. I dont think Wes is invincible, but saying Darrell is better because he beat Wes on FM is just ridiculous.[/QUOTE] So would it be ridiculous if I said that Wes is better then everyone on the Duel because he won it? Yes, yes it would.
I think it is quite difficult to say who is better, furthermore just because someone won a show it does not make them better than anyone else who was there. Lets just say Darrell and Wes are both very good, great competitors.
Do you see the dailie with Evan's "why argue when there's Wes?" I don't blame Wes for throwing challenges because they were going to make him their scapegoat anyway Sarah on the Gauntlet style. I believe they would do that anyway if Wes came on the challenge being nice to them and helping them win because they are too in love with each other.
Haha Brad be cracking me up... I love almost all the challangers.. and hate most of the champions.. Loving the Brad, Danny, Wes, Kelly Anne, Cohutta crew..
Brad is funny! Danny looked like Brad a little in that daily. It's not surprising how Casey said she'd be willing to throw challenges in the dailies...
[QUOTE=dplayer18;125668]Brad is funny! Danny looked like Brad a little in that daily. It's not surprising how Casey said she'd be willing to throw challenges in the dailies...[/QUOTE] She doesn't need to intentionally throw challenges. Her God awful performance speaks for itself.
lol. Everytime Casey participates it's like she's throwing a challenge for her team. Oh and it seems like Brad and Danny are close on this challenge. I always thought everyone hated Danny for some reason.
HAHA If I was a cast member and watched these dailies, I would never drink again.
[QUOTE=RMD1;125700]HAHA If I was a cast member and watched these dailies, I would never drink again.[/QUOTE] True, but its the only thing they have to kill time.
Not too impressed with the dailies today. Boring. Maybe because there's no Wes. lol.
[QUOTE=Unicorn;125950]Not too impressed with the dailies today. Boring. Maybe because there's no Wes. lol.[/QUOTE] Just watch the movie Powder. Should hold you over.
[QUOTE=morris614;125951]Just watch the movie Powder. Should hold you over.[/QUOTE] Nice one. lol. But would Powder scream "I can't wait to beat the BLEEP out of you!!" in someone's face?
Well the dailies have other entertainment than Wes ;).
Normally the dailes that are the most interesting are the day before and the day of the show... So i hope the next two days are interesting..
uh oh.....I think Dunbar is revisiting the Island. He looks paranoid a bit by this recent dailie.
He's not paranoid, nobody likes him and for good reasons.
[QUOTE=Unicorn;125954]Nice one. lol. But would Powder scream "I can't wait to beat the BLEEP out of you!!" in someone's face?[/QUOTE] Um, I may have pulled a Wes and said that last weekend...intoxicated, though, and I'm a 5'3" 110lb girl. Not the same effect, but it was fun!
LOL! What does Dunbar think he is gonna do?
Dunbar would kill Kenny. UGHH Kenny needs to retire. He has now done more challenges than Coral.
