Fresh Meat 2: Complete Cast

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Fresh Meat 2: Complete Cast
[B]Alumni Cast[/B] [U]Guys[/U] [URL="************************************************************;]Darrell Taylor[/URL] (Road Rules: Campus Crawl) [URL="**********************************************************;]Landon Lueck[/URL] (Real World: Philadelphia) [URL="**********************************************************;]Wes Bergmann[/URL] (Real World: Austin) [URL="************************************************************;]Danny Jamieson[/URL] (Real World: Austin) [URL="************************************************************;]Kenny Santucci[/URL] (Fresh Meat) [URL="********************************************************;]Ryan Kehoe[/URL] (Fresh Meat) [URL="*******************************************************;]Christian "CJ" Koegel[/URL] (Real World: Cancun) [U]Girls[/U] [URL="***************************************************************;]Jillian Zoboroski[/URL] (Road Rules: X-Treme) [URL="***********************************************************;]Paula Meronek[/URL] (Real World: Key West) Evelyn Smith (Fresh Meat) [URL="***********************************************************;]Jenn Grijalva[/URL] (Real World: Denver) [URL="****************************************************************;]Katelynn Cusanelli[/URL] (Real World: Brooklyn) [URL="********************************************************;]Sarah Rice[/URL] (Real World: Brooklyn) [B]Fresh Meat Cast[/B] [U]Guys[/U] [URL="*****************************************************************************************;]Brandon Drake Nelson[/URL] [URL="*******************************************************************************;]Luke Wolfe[/URL] [URL="*********************************************************************************;]Vincent Foti[/URL] [URL="**********************************************************************************;]Noor Jehangir[/URL] [URL="******************************************************************************;]Jeff Barr[/URL] [URL="**********************************************************************************;]Pete Connolly[/URL] [U]Girls[/U] [URL="********************************************************************************;]Mandi Moyer[/URL] [URL="****************************************************************************************;]Cara Maria Sorbello[/URL] [URL="**********************************************************************************;]Laurel Stucky[/URL] [URL="**********************************************************************************;]Sydney Walker[/URL] [URL="*************************************************************************************;]Theresa Gonzalez[/URL] [URL="*******************************************************************************;]Sandy Kang[/URL] [URL="***********************************************************************************;]Carley Johnson[/URL] [B][URL="**********************************************************************************;]Fresh Meat II Trailer[/URL][/B] [URL="******************************************************;][B]Fresh Meat II Spoiler Thread[/B][/URL]
The male list is solid but the female list is not that great. Jill is the only female that I really want to win. I am interested in Kenny and Paula because didn't Kenny promise on The Island reunion that he would sacrifice himself for on their naxt challenge. S being back is great!!!
Ooh my, I really like this cast!!!
Anonymous's picture
Derek, Ryan, Kenny, and CJ solid? Is that a joke?
I still don't get the hate for CJ. He seemed pretty cool on Cancun.
Nice cast I guessed most of them except Darrell haha. I was excepting a first timer to go home instead of Sarah.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=FeistyFan94;124335]I still don't get the hate for CJ. He seemed pretty cool on Cancun.[/QUOTE] I don't hate CJ at all, I just think he's boring. With such a small alumni cast, this was BMP's chance to have an exciting cast, and it is not. Thats part of the reason why the first fresh meat was a success, we had crazy personalities on the first one.
Better than I thought....
I am sure that they could have gotten an interesting Cancun female over Evelyn or Paula. Emilee, Ayiiia, or Jasmine would have probibaly do it.
I think Evelyn is more interesting than alot of females on Cancun. But I agree about Paula.
Evelyn is usually boring IMO. The Cancun girls are drama queens and probibaly could have done well.
I think this is a pretty lame excuse for a cast (except for a few people). It seems like MTV just picked people who would say yes right away, so they can start filming as soon as possible.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;124342]Evelyn is usually boring IMO. The Cancun girls are drama queens and probibaly could have done well.[/QUOTE] Wow, we actually agree on something, lol. The "I can beat every single girl and guy" gets old after awhile. Ayiiia, Jasmine, or Emilee along with Katelynn would have made for an interesting show.
Finally tj! haha.
I'm sorry, I don't want to be a Negative Nancy but this cast is dreadful to me. A bunch of people I can't stand (CJ, Kenny, Paula, Evelyn, Katelynn, Ryan, Jillian) A few I'm indifferent towards (Jenn, Darrell, Sarah) And then one who I like fine enough but is boring (Derek) That leaves Wes... who it really depends on the challenge if I like him or not. Now obviously I don't expect anyone to share these thoughts but I'm just voicing my opinion. I'll still watch but damn this is not a good cast (or concept) for me at all. Shame, they were going uphill with the Ruins....
[QUOTE]Now obviously I don't expect anyone to share these thoughts but I'm just voicing my opinion. I'll still watch but damn this is not a good cast (or concept) for me at all. Shame, they were going uphill with the Ruins....[/QUOTE]Don't worry. Many of us are with you. This cast [strike]is just brutal[/strike] makes me think I might skip this one. I wasn't keyed up about the Fresh Meat format in the first place...
What an awful cast IMO. Nobody on herw I truly like or look forward to seeing. I'll be rooting for Jillian and possibly Wes depending on how he is on The Ruins. I liked him last we saw him on The Duel.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;124359]Don't worry. Many of us are with you. This cast is just brutal.[/QUOTE] And for once, I'm co-signing.
This Fresh Meat better have crazy epic Fresh Meat or the ratings will be horrible! I wonder if they just used all of their good people for The Ruins and these were the only ones willing to be on.
Well...let's see. The bright side is, with such an awful, cringe-worthy, recycled cast, the Fresh Meat won't have to make much of an effort to steal camera time. Good for them.
If Wes wasn't there I would probibaly attempt to not watch.
OK, I like the guys for the most part. I'd replace Ryan with someone else, but I don't mind any of the rest of them, not even Kenny. The girls are meh, though. I wish that Jonna hadn't had the mixup with her passport because it would have been cool to have her there instead of Evelyn.
Anonymous's picture
Im on board with the disliking of the cast, especially the women, eek, how awful.
I'm not necessarily saying I dislike the entire cast. What I am personally saying is it's a small alumni cast and out of those there are not many that I am especially excited about - in comparison to say The Ruins - which is in [B]All Star[/B] type cast. Shouldn't the challenges actually be All Star competitions with fan favorites from all the Real World/Road Rules seasons? With FM2 we get 9 alum and lots and lots of "meaters." While I am happy to see a couple of the alums, as a whole it is not looking good... [B]Edit: [/B]Maybe "fun" Ruins Wes will kick it up a notch. :D
I only like Jillian..everyone else..eww
I think Jen and Paula were fun together in the dailies for the Duel 2.
In terms of Fresh Meat 1 Alum (Theo, Coral, Shane, ect) vs. Fresh Meat 2 Alum... yea there is NO comparison. But lets not forget that the Fresh Meat2ers may still be a good cast. I know we all DEPISE the cast that Fresh Meat have given us due to their ******* out.. but im pretty sure when Fresh Meat war airing people didnt have a problem with Kenny, Evan and Casey. Infact Ive been on previous sites that had Kenny ranked VERY high on the cast list (while it was airing). So while the Fresh Meat 2'ers will probably be very disliked on "future" challenges. We may still like some of the other cast members ATLEAST for the new challenge. And I know I will probably get the "I want to see rw/rr's alumn on the challenges"... realize that Fresh Meat does help balance out things as there are very few road rulers left. Its basic the substitute. So if we have ONE challenge every three years that introduces "nobodies" who really cares. Just consider Fresh Meat their "season where you get to know them" for future challenges. The way I see most reality shows with two seasons a year typically only have one good one anyway. And lets face it.. whether it is new Fresh Meaters OR new Road Rulers.. you will still begin to hate them when they ***** themselves out. VERY few people can do many challenges in a row and not get hate (Brad, Veronica, Coral, Abram) are the only ones I can really think of. In terms of this cast we have Jillian. Thats about it. The Ruins we are all pumped for the returns of Darrel and Wes. And while we are going to enjoy it...if they both go long in the game and take up airtime... we will already be tired of them by Fresh Meat 2.
Sometimes I will read a few spoilers because I'm excited for a challenge and just want to know what's going on. But then I'll be a little disappointed with myself for ruining the surprise element a bit. With this one, I don't think I'll mind finding out [U]everything[/U] happening on this one because I'm not excited for it. If I hear of anything interesting, it could help me decide to watch it. Finding out Darrell is on this one is interesting. Not too pleased with his rant on KA on The Ruins, but he is a major veteran on challenges (and eye candy for moi), so I think he made the cast a little better. And though I don't care for Kenny and Wes, they conflict with each other and helped to make the first Ruins episode interesting, with each of them thinking they should have the power. So with Darrell thrown in the mix, they might bring the main clashing element to make the challenge interesting (or I might get sick of them and not want to watch more). Jillian is a good competitor, and I like Sarah. Like Derek OK as well. Maybe he can finally show his athletic skills and excel on this one. They don't seem to have the compelling challenge personalities, though. I think Katelynn could be interesting on the challenge.
*gasp* KATELYNN! I love Katelynn. I'm loving the speculative list so far. :) The only one I dislike is Kenny and it definitely sucks, what happened with Jonna and her passport.
Is it confirmed my girl jen is on it?.. I hope she gets a real strong new dude on her team and kicks some ***..
These Fresh Meat 2 will be interesting because there mostly rejects of Cancun and DC while season 1 was rejects from Key West and Denver.
