RW/RR: The Ruins - Dailies

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The Diem and the red wine dailie was funny, and they tagged Veronica in the video when it was Ibis smh. Who the **** is inchange of the ruins site?
[QUOTE=rw/rrjunkie;123805]The Diem and the red wine dailie was funny, and they tagged Veronica in the video when it was Ibis smh. [B]Who the **** is inchange of the ruins site?[/B][/QUOTE] Isn't MTV in charge of the site? LOL.
For some reason I don't see Wes and Kelly Anne lasting. Wonder if he still has feelings for Johanna. It's going to be awkward with them all being on the same challenge.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;123806]Isn't MTV in charge of the site? LOL.[/QUOTE]Yes. :dash2:
[QUOTE=rw/rrjunkie;123805]The Diem and the red wine dailie was funny, and they tagged Veronica in the video when it was Ibis smh. Who the **** is inchange of the ruins site?[/QUOTE] Who was in the bed under Evan's bed in that clip, though? I didn't get a good glimpse of her. But yeah, they are already making a lot of mistakes. I don't remember them doing that for previous dailies.
[QUOTE=RW561015;123828]Who was in the bed under Evan's bed in that clip, though? I didn't get a good glimpse of her. But yeah, they are already making a lot of mistakes. I don't remember them doing that for previous dailies.[/QUOTE] That was definitely Johanna. Or maybe she was just in Kenny's bed. *wink wink*
Kelly Anne and Wes broke up before they came on the show.... That's interesting I didn't no that.. I wonder if this show will bring them back together..
[QUOTE=KellyA+Wes;123835]Kelly Anne and Wes broke up before they came on the show.... That's interesting I didn't no that.. I wonder if this show will bring them back together..[/QUOTE] They did? They sure don't act like it on the dailies.
[QUOTE=rw/rrjunkie;123805]The Diem and the red wine dailie was funny, and they tagged Veronica in the video when it was Ibis smh. Who the **** is inchange of the ruins site?[/QUOTE] In this dallie, Diem and Shauvon seem ok with each other. Shauvon even tried to calm Kenny down.
I wonder if they break up again because there's all these rumors that Kelly Anne hooked up with other people on the challenge. Anyway I don't see them working out since they don't even live in the same state. But I think the challenge gives them an excuse to hang out for now. Oh and he is definitely angry at Kenny for hooking up with Johanna. He said Kenny violated "man code". I don't get that. Weren't Wes and Johanna broken up already by the time of the Island? And didnt Kenny say on the Island that he couldn't stand Wes anyway, so they weren't friends?
[QUOTE=eggs78;123840]In this dallie, Diem and Shauvon seem ok with each other. Shauvon even tried to calm Kenny down.[/QUOTE] I don't even know what Kenny was mad about. It wasn't his bed. And I don't understand why Evan was that mad, it wasn't even that bad of a spill.
Tonya is a mess. She's not the mess that I knew and loved, but a [I]Celebrity Rehab[/I]-type mess. It's kind of scary.
[QUOTE=faceless;123856]I don't even know what Kenny was mad about. It wasn't his bed. And I don't understand why Evan was that mad, it wasn't even that bad of a spill.[/QUOTE] Agreed. I kind of liked how Diem handled it, saying not to talk to her like that. Glad she didn't just stay and take it, although I don't think her saying that made a difference.
[QUOTE=Unicorn;123843]I wonder if they break up again because there's all these rumors that Kelly Anne hooked up with other people on the challenge. Anyway I don't see them working out since they don't even live in the same state. But I think the challenge gives them an excuse to hang out for now. Oh and he is definitely angry at Kenny for hooking up with Johanna. He said Kenny violated "man code". I don't get that. Weren't Wes and Johanna broken up already by the time of the Island? And didnt Kenny say on the Island that he couldn't stand Wes anyway, so they weren't friends?[/QUOTE] when he says he violated "man code" he means that you dont hook up with another friends ex. I know that kenny and wes are not good friends but still its the same thing with girls. You dont hook up with another girls guy.
[QUOTE=steven712;123910]when he says he violated "man code" he means that you dont hook up with another friends ex. I know that kenny and wes are not good friends but still its the same thing with girls. You dont hook up with another girls guy.[/QUOTE] But it seemed like Kenny didn't consider him a friend though. Or maybe Wes did think they were friends somewhat.
Here's some videos I found on MTV's Remote Control Blog: [url=]Playing The Odds | Video | MTV[/url] [url=]A Trial Relationship | Video | MTV[/url] [url=]Breaking Man-Law | Video | MTV[/url] [url=]Evan's Numero Uno | Video | MTV[/url]
FINALLY some good dailies!! I dont get why Darrell is being such an ******* to Wes. I think Darrell is submitting to the "challenge peer pressure". i.e everyone has to make fun of Beth's age, everyone has to pick on Tonya, everyone has to hate Wes. It's what everyone does to "fit in" and be cool.
Go Susie! Tonya should not have agreed to come on a challenge in her condition
Interesting stuff in today's dailies. - Wes and Darrell - not enough of a lead up in the clip to understand what exactly started their argument and how it led to Darrell talking about how Kelly Anne is not "wifey" material and how she's hooked up with everyone in the house. But interesting nonetheless. Wes has not made more money overall than Darrell on challenges, though, as he claimed. Unless he was talking about having won the biggest amount on one challenge, but that was because the prize kept going up. Wes said he learned how to play the games from Darrell, too. Interesting since he called Darrell out for being boring on FM. - Wes thinking he should never go in: there are only seven guys on the team. A number of them are really good competitors. The guys who are not "top dogs" in terms of competing aren't absolutely horrible competitors, either. They also are likely to be running things, if history repeats itself. But anyway, if they were to go in and lose, then some of the top guys would have to go in. Add to the fact that they have to nominate three guys each time to potentially go in to the elimination round, and there is a good chance you might have to go in. - Susie has been condescending to Tonya before, so I can believe Tonya when she says she has been on this challenge. And I understand her having an issue with people who she's supposed to be friends with talking about her a lot (I don't think these two will really be true friends, though, but OK with each other). But I do understand Susie being annoyed with Tonya calling her crazy, considering Tonya's drunken antics. I also think Tonya is more conscious of her behavior overall on this one, and she knows she's being destructive, but she seems to want people off her back about it. I agree with Susie's suggestion to just stop it. But Susie can also stop being condescending towards Tonya if she has a problem with Tonya calling her out on it, IMO. - Evan's full of it in his talk with Sarah. Unless he means that he has a new philosophy for this challenge.
I just watched the Darrell/Wes daily and I hate to say it, since the show hasn't even started, but it seems like Darrell is out for blood this challenge!! Like he went on looking for a fight. Just my opinion, though may be premature since it hasn't even started yet! : ) I had felt the same way about CT on his last challenge...
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;123963]FINALLY some good dailies!! I dont get why Darrell is being such an ******* to Wes. I think Darrell is submitting to the "challenge peer pressure". i.e everyone has to make fun of Beth's age, everyone has to pick on Tonya, everyone has to hate Wes. It's what everyone does to "fit in" and be cool.[/QUOTE] I don't know, I've heard people had problems with Wes going into this challenge, and not all of its from JEK. But thats for another time...we'll see what exactly they show. Wes is just a cocky person, and he seems to butt heads with everyone. He's still one of my favorites on this challenge though. Interesting that KA and Wes aren't a couple going into this challenge. Guess the rumors are true...
I agree that Wes is really cocky, and I think the way he goes about expressing himself is part of the reason people react to him the way they do. He brings on conflict. He's already saying that he's a top dog and shouldn't go into the elimination round. I don't think I've seen enough of a background of that conversation to understand why Darrell reacted to Wes the way he did. I know he's seen as a better person since The Duel, but I think Wes still is a lot like he was in Austin, too. Perhaps in some ways he's grown since then, but it seems his personality is still similar to what it was there.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=RW561015;123996]I agree that Wes is really cocky, and I think the way he goes about expressing himself is part of the reason people react to him the way they do. He brings on conflict. He's already saying that he's a top dog and shouldn't go into the elimination round. [B] I don't think I've seen enough of a background of that conversation to understand why Darrell reacted to Wes the way he did. [/B] [/QUOTE] That's why I said, we will see what they show when the episode airs. Wes can just as big of an ******* as any other guy on the challenge, but he's always been one of my favorites. Evan and Wes seem too confident going into this challenge. Evan has the numbers, Wes doesn't...
Yes we need to see more background information. It seems odd for Darrell to be heated up in that way. He's usually a chill guy. Maybe Wes did say something to bug him. Anyway Wes better be careful because Darrell is a boxer. ha ha. I mean was it really necessary for him to say "I won more money than you did" I think Wes saying that he should never go in is rubbing some of the other guys on his team the wrong way. Especially since they have a lot of strong guys on their team. Wow at Darrell dissing Kelly Anne hardcore. And Wes didn't have anything to say back.
It was directed towards you, teej. I was just saying it in general to those who think Darrell is trying to start something.
Anonymous's picture
Oh okay. Darrell gets cocky at times too. The whole entire mens side of the champion team is cocky with the exception of Syrus and Derrick.
HAHA! Wow, Darrell firing out fiercely to start off this challenge!
[QUOTE=tjhallow;124006]Oh okay. Darrell gets cocky at times too. The whole entire mens side of the champion team is cocky with the exception of Syrus and Derrick.[/QUOTE] True. Though actually, I think Syrus and Derrick have a little bit of it in them, too, at times, but not as much as the others. Or at least, they don't display it in the same way. That champions team might self destruct. They have better competitors than the other team (at least, they are better than the challengers we've seen compete) and should win a lot of missions, but there is going to be a lot of strife in that team. I kind of feel bad if there is anyone on that team that just wants to compete and do well and have fun. I don't think it's going to go down like that.
Okay just saw the dailie between Susie and Tonya. I feel bad for Tonya. She needs help. Anyone else likes Susie? She just seems really smart and witty. I bet she kicks butt on the challenge too. I think she's a better competitor than some give her credit for because the focus is all on Evelyn.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Unicorn;124009]Okay just saw the dailie between Susie and Tonya. I feel bad for Tonya. She needs help. Anyone else likes Susie? She just seems really smart and witty. I bet she kicks butt on the challenge too. I think she's a better competitor than some give her credit for because the focus is all on Evelyn.[/QUOTE] I like Susie, especially when she's not around Cara and vice versa. She just has a condescending tone about her and the way she talks to you. Like the im so perfect and your not. She's a good competitor though, and she should never get over shadowed by Ev because she's been around longer.
