Big Brother 11: Live Feed Updates & Discussion - Week 10

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Big Brother 11: Live Feed Updates & Discussion - Week 10
Jordan was the first to drop in the competition. Kevin and Natalie then made a deal for Natalie to drop and Kevin to take her to the final 2. Natalie was hesitant, however, because on Monday, Kevin told her the producers in the Diary Room were trying to convince him to keep Michele and evict Jordan. Natalie was worried that they would do the same thing to her and worried that Kevin would be manipulated. He assured her he would not be, and so she jumped off. Under normal circumstances, I'd say Jordan is officially done, part 2 between she and Natalie will be something similar to the block veto on last night's show where they have to remember the HOH and nominees from each week. But Julie said something about part 2 playing out live and said nothing about part 3? I'm guessing it was an error in her script, but if part 2 is something different than usual, maybe Jordan has a shot.
I have been avoiding "spoilers" but at this point it doesn't really matter. I can echo your prediction and say that no matter what the second part involves, Natalie will beat Jordan (unless it is pick a number or maybe rock, paper, scissors where the odds might even up a little.) So concludes this sorry season...
Yet there is hope now since Jordan actually woooonnnnn. YES. Right now I have pretty much given up on the feeds though. Since it really isn't the same as every convo has to have Natalie in it Jeff or Michele to watch anymore.
Natalie and Kevin are always sleeping or talking about boring stuff and Jordan is walking around smiling a lot.
Jordan has been smiling alot for some reason haha It's kind of weird.
Maybe the DR has been giving her some inside information...
Time to cancel my feeds before I forget...that's how they "getcha".
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;120270]Time to cancel my feeds before I forget...that's how they "getcha".[/QUOTE] Haha, same here.
Wait what do you have to do?
[QUOTE=RMD1;120300]Wait what do you have to do?[/QUOTE] Well I got mine thorough Real Superpass. After this is done, I have to call them to cancel it.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;120303]Well I got mine thorough Real Superpass. After this is done, I have to call them to cancel it.[/QUOTE] Same here. I bet they are counting on some people forgetting to call. It's just a general fact that Americans, as a whole, are lazy when it comes to having to "call to cancel" something. I know I've "got got" by it a couple times myself.
LOL Gucci "got got" I am nerd I know. And thanks for the info guys!
For what its worth if people still have their subscriptions, there is currently live feed footage from a party being held in Las Vegas with the entire BB11 cast minus Natalie and many cast members from previous seasons, including Howie, Rachel, Eric, Alex, Sheila, Jen, Joe, Steven, Libra, Chelsia, BB6 April, and more. It's not very good quality though.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;121952]For what its worth if people still have their subscriptions, there is currently live feed footage from a party being held in Las Vegas with the entire BB11 cast minus Natalie and many cast members from previous seasons, including Howie, Rachel, Eric, Alex, Sheila, Jen, Joe, Steven, [B]Libra[/B], Chelsia, BB6 April, and more. It's not very good quality though.[/QUOTE] Libra for BBAS2. "Shake 'em when you bake 'em" [I]never[/I] gets old to me!
Mybe if Michelle or April are there to fight with her.
The entire list that I have seen in pics or heard of): BB11: Jordan, Kevin (coming late), Michele, Jeff, Russell, Lydia, Chima, Jessie, Ronnie, Casey, Laura, Braden (I haven't heard him but I read all BB11 besides Natalie) BB10: Keesha, Ollie, April, Michelle, Libra, Jessie, Steven, Brian BB9: Adam, Sheila, Chelsia, Alex, Parker BB8: Zach, Jameka, Eric, Jen, Kail, Joe BB6: Maggie, April, Howie, James, Rachel, Eric BB5: Diane, Nakomis BB2: Krista, Monica BB1: George
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;122163]The entire list that I have seen in pics or heard of): BB11: Jordan, Kevin (coming late), Michele, Jeff, Russell, Lydia, [B]Chima[/B], Jessie, Ronnie, Casey, Laura, Braden (I haven't heard him but I read all BB11 besides Natalie) BB10: Keesha, Ollie, April, Michelle, Libra, Jessie, Steven, Brian BB9: Adam, Sheila, Chelsia, Alex, Parker BB8: Zach, Jameka, Eric, Jen, Kail, Joe BB6: Maggie, April, Howie, James, Rachel, Eric BB5: Diane, Nakomis BB2: Krista, Monica BB1: George[/QUOTE] Chima?? Surprise, surprise!
Chima was not there.