MTV Video Music Awards 2009

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MTV Video Music Awards 2009
I was in disbelief that there wasn't already a thread for this. So I decided to start one.
Can someone fill me in on what Kanye did? I'm not watching the VMA's and everyone is all "zomgwtfKanye!!11"
I hope that Kanye isn't invited back next year. This is the second year that he has thrown a fit but we all know that he will be.
[QUOTE=cystic;120570]Can someone fill me in on what Kanye did? I'm not watching the VMA's and everyone is all "zomgwtfKanye!!11"[/QUOTE]I believe Taylor Swift won an award (forgot, maybe it was best music video?) and Kanye went up on stage, cut off her speech, and said Beyonce's was the best one.
When Taylor Swift won her award he ran onstage and tooke her microphone from her and said that Beyonce deserved it.
[QUOTE=cystic;120570]Can someone fill me in on what Kanye did? I'm not watching the VMA's and everyone is all "zomgwtfKanye!!11"[/QUOTE] Taylor Swift won a video for best female video, started her speech, Kanye jumped up on stage, took her microphone, and basically said Beyonce should've won, everyone booed, Taylor was mortified, Beyonce looked shocked. He gave her the mic back and left and was promptly kicked out.
Woah, thanks for the triple answer, guys. :D I hope by "kicked out" you mean literally with a cleat.
Here's a link to the video on since all the Youtube vids seem to be disappearing. [url=]Taylor Swift Wins Best Female Video | Video | MTV[/url] Once again ************. Also, here is his backstage hissy fit. [url=]YouTube - RAW VIDEO: Kanye West's Backstage Meltdown![/url]
[QUOTE=tatertots;120579]Here's a link to the video on since all the Youtube vids seem to be disappearing. [/QUOTE] I wonder if he's extremely inebriated, or just naturally that much of a moron.
Taylor Swift is such a sweet girl and didn't deserve that. I just hope that Beyonce doesn't get bad press for that because I don't think that she is probibaly very happy about that.
Why did he need to pull the race card? He didn't win because we all hate him.
Jigga man is performing, the Roc is in the building!
Beyonce is a class act for letting Taylor come back when she won her award!
My thoughts on the VMAs... Janet sounded amazing. It took a lot of strength to do what she did. Kanye is a real ***hole for what he did. I thought Taylor was going to cry! (I would have) The best performances were the females for me by far- Janet, Lady Gaga, Bey, and Pink. Jay Z and Muse didn't do much for me. Beyonce scored about 100 points in my book for letting Taylor finish her acceptance speech!
Pink rocked it!
[QUOTE=TheQuietOne;120591]My thoughts on the VMAs... Janet sounded amazing. It took a lot of strength to do what she did. Kanye is a real ***hole for what he did. [B]I thought Taylor was going to cry![/B] (I would have) The best performances were the females for me by far- Janet, Lady Gaga, Bey, and Pink. Jay Z and Muse didn't do much for me. Beyonce scored about 100 points in my book for letting Taylor finish her acceptance speech![/QUOTE] Oh she did...a lot. Backstage.
Poor girl:( but on the bright side this will make her Americas sweetheart!
Anonymous's picture
Kanye West is seriously the biggest ****** in the industry right now. Shame on him.
Well, I will agree that Taylor did not deserve to win the award with that song (perhaps if it was Love Story). Either way, Kanye was not cool. But would it have been any better if he said that Taylor didn't deserve to win the award behind her back in an interview? Overall, I enjoyed the VMAs more than I have in the past. And I hope Lady Gaga is hilarious. I'm glad she won best new artist (although I voted for Drake).
[QUOTE=iMichael;120599]Well, I will agree that Taylor did not deserve to win the award with that song (perhaps if it was Love Story). Either way, Kanye was not cool. [B]But would it have been any better if he said that Taylor didn't deserve to win the award behind her back in an interview?[/B] Overall, I enjoyed the VMAs more than I have in the past. And I hope Lady Gaga is hilarious. I'm glad she won best new artist (although I voted for Drake).[/QUOTE] Yes it would have been much better. There is a time and a place for everything. We know he is friends with Beyonce and probably respects her style and music more than Taylor Swift. If he had said in a interview that he thought Beyonce deserved it more we would probably have chalked it up to him supporting his friend. Instead, he decides to interrupt someone in the middle of their ACCEPTANCE SPEECH to declare that he, Mr. Know-It-All, thinks the winner is undeserving and another artist, not himself, was robbed. WTH? The timing of his outburst is what made it horrible and disgusting behavior. Maybe if Beyonce's video wasn't all "inspired" by Fosse she might have won. I wonder if Kanye is more upset now that he didn't win anything and if he thinks Beyonce's video was good enough to beat out his?
[QUOTE=iMichael;120599] Either way, Kanye was not cool. But would it have been any better if he said that Taylor didn't deserve to win the award behind her back in an interview? [/QUOTE] Yes, it would have made a difference. That was something she was looking forward to, and he ruined it. No matter how much Beyonce tried to make up for, that moment was ruined for her, and this is exactly why you don't see more people of different genres trying to cross over. He took advantage of a 19 year old girl during HER moment.
he posted this on his blog: [QUOTE] "I'm so sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she's in the bleachers! I'm in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment! Beyonce's video was the best of this decade!!! I'm sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!! I'm sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw. Welcome to the real world!!! Everybody wanna boo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture! No disrespect but we watchin' the show at the crib right now cause...well you know!!! I'm still happy for Taylor!!! Booyaa. You are very very talented. I gave my award to Outkast when they deserved it over me. That's what it is! I'm not crazy yall, I'm just real. Sorry for that! I really feel bad for Taylor and I'm sincerely sorry!!! Much respect!!!"[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=lhutch22;120603]he posted this on his blog: "I'm so sorry to Taylor Swift and her fans and her mom. I spoke to her mother right after and she said the same thing my mother would've said. She is very talented! I like the lyrics about being a cheerleader and she's in the bleachers! I'm in the wrong for going on stage and taking away from her moment! Beyonce's video was the best of this decade!!! I'm sorry to my fans if I let you guys down!!! I'm sorry to my friends at MTV. I will apologize to Taylor 2mrw. Welcome to the real world!!! Everybody wanna boo me but I'm a fan of real pop culture! No disrespect but we watchin' the show at the crib right now cause...well you know!!! I'm still happy for Taylor!!! Booyaa. You are very very talented. I gave my award to Outkast when they deserved it over me. That's what it is! I'm not crazy yall, I'm just real. Sorry for that! I really feel bad for Taylor and I'm sincerely sorry!!! Much respect!!!"[/QUOTE] Lame apology considering he mocked her throughout. And, since he brought up his mother, I'll assume that's fair game. At least she wasn't here to see her son act like that to a 19 year old girl.
If you respect someone you don't interrupt an important moment like that. Period. He also wouldn't put her down right after apologizing by saying that he is "a fan of REAL pop culture". Nice move. Well Kanye, I am a fan of talent and tact and class and you have none. Also, if he thinks Beyonce's video was sooooo good and creative maybe he should check out some Fosse. She was "inspired" by him after all. That is real talent and creativity. Thank you for removing the ALL CAPS. It hurts my head.
Anonymous's picture
that was to LOW even for Kanye....nevermind I take that back!?
[QUOTE=tatertots;120606] Thank you for removing the ALL CAPS. It hurts my head.[/QUOTE] It hurts my head too which is why I found it on another site to read and post haha.
Anonymous's picture
The point is.. it wasn't Kanye's place to decide who should or shouldn't have the award. If he wants to give his away.. that's his business. The last time I checked he wasn't a female.. and he wasn't nominated.
Anonymous's picture
That was a lame excuse for an apology. Besides he already ruined her moment, and he can't take that back. And what TaterTots said..yes!
Kanye loves to throw a fit when he doesn't get his way. He should just get over it and he needs to understand that you can't win everything...
Also I would like to add that I highly disagree with him that "Single Ladies" is the best video of this decade. I think it doesn't hold a candle to such works of art like Cash's "Hurt" or "Hardest Button to Button" or "Fell in Love With a Girl" by The White Stripes or OK GO's "Here It Goes Again" all of which were done in the last 10 years. Heck if we want to talk simple videos based on choreography by fierce women let's talk Feist and "1234". Sorry to break it to you Kanye, but all those were better and more creative music videos than "Single Ladies". Sorry for hijacking the thread, I just thought the whole thing was ridiculous and I am just sick of his "holier than thou" attitude.
So did anyone else notice Mark Kanemura from SYTYCD dancing during Lady GaGa's performance? He was pretty much right behind her and in the camera shot the entire time! How cool is that for him!?! Thank goodness he didn't have to wear a thong as a face mask like another dancer, eww.
