Big Brother 11: Ep. 19 - Discussion

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[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;113339]Why don't they just stop it now? [/QUOTE] They want the feed watchers to get some value added service.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;113342]They want the feed watchers to get some value added service.[/QUOTE]Well, we aren't, lol. The feeds have been blocked since the moment the show ended.
They should've evicted Natalie cuz she's smarter and more of a threat. Lydia could've just continued to self-destruct in a corner somewhere. Or walked. Either or. But whatever...I'm happy with the HoH winner, and of what's to come. If Jeff and Jordan's goal is to be the final 2..they should try to backdoor Russell. But if either of them REALLY wanted the money...they'd sit next to Russell in the final 2. And like Russ said - him and Michelle will lose against anyone else so they have to sit next to each other! Will be interesting to see what happens
Last night was a complete breakthrough for moi. I've FINALLY made the move from "sideline progress reader" to actually seeing the BB episodes with interest and wonder!!! I saw last night's episode and i definitely got fanatically interested in the show at the BEST period since crazy Unitard psycho Lydia finally got the boot. I don't blame the housemates, i even saw the Chima expulsion episode and Lydia and Natalie have got to be some of the most delusional women on the face of the planet. I am SO looking forward to watching what happens next every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thusday for sure. At this point, consider me a converted fan. As for who i hope wins, i am rooting for either Kevin or Jordan. Jordan may be "Jeff's hoe puppet" but she's been very sweet; and i can't help it if seeing her in the bubble bath makes me wanna keep her around even longer if i was part of the house; and Kevin is super gold everytime he talks especially in the Diary Room.
[QUOTE=Francid;113483]As for who i hope wins, i am rooting for either Kevin or Jordan. Jordan may be "Jeff's hoe puppet" but she's been very sweet; and i can't help it if seeing her in the bubble bath makes me wanna keep her around even longer if i was part of the house; and Kevin is super gold everytime he talks especially in the Diary Room.[/QUOTE] I love Russell, but I want Kevin, Jeff, Jordan and Natalie to be in my final four. I'd be fine with any winner at that point because those four are my favorites.
Russel has played a really good game but he made to many enemies in the jury.
I think Jordan could win, but not with Jeff in the final 2 with her. The jury would most likely acknowledge Jeff as the one making the moves and Jordan as the willing assistant. The most likely votes Jordan could get would probably be Lydia and Natalie. But it could be very beneficial especially for Jordan to have Russell with her in the final 2 since he isn't exactly popular. As for Kevin, i'm not entirely sure if he could win no matter who he takes but if they acknowledge that he managed to make it to the last day as the last member of the outside alliance, besides Lydia and Natalie's votes he could get a few more.
Honestly, I don't think Jordan would care if Jeff won, because they are close.
[QUOTE=Francid;113652]I think Jordan could win[/QUOTE] Jordan's only chance is to ride Jeff's coattails until final 2. As a competitor and a strategist - she is probably the weakest player out of the entire original cast. The only think going for her is that she is so harmless... I'm saying this as a fan. :D
[QUOTE=Bacchus;113656]Jordan's only chance is to ride Jeff's coattails until final 2. As a competitor and a strategist - she is probably the weakest player out of the entire original cast. The only think going for her is that she is so harmless... I'm saying this as a fan. :D[/QUOTE] Yeah. She's like the Amber to Jeff's Boston Rob except Jordan actually talks and is way sweeter than Amber ever was and Jeff may be pulling some good moves like Rob but is much less of an ***** like Mariano was. At this point, i believe Jeff is the most likely to win unless Russell and Michele manage to pull an upset and get him out. With Jeff out of the way, Jordan won't have a leg to stand on and she'd be next. If Jeff is gone before final 2 and either Russell or Michele make it to that point, they could win the jury vote. More likely Michele since she's playing the game as well unlike Russell who is also a bit of a coattail rider.
I just want Jeff or Michelle to win because it will **** off Chima, Lydia, and Jessie.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;113665]I just want Jeff or Michelle to win because it will **** off Chima, Lydia, and Jessie.[/QUOTE] Don't forget Natalie and her infamous "She brought her to this point!!!" rant.
I was trying to forget her...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;113669]I was trying to forget her...[/QUOTE] Sorry about refreshing your memory, just a reminder that she'd be the fourth one in that list who would be mad if the scenario they don't want does happen.
[QUOTE=Francid;113670]Sorry about refreshing your memory, just a reminder that she'd be the fourth one in that list who would be mad if the scenario they don't want does happen.[/QUOTE] That's the only bad thing about the new two-hour finale. We'd have to hear more of Natalie's screeching voice.
I think that Casey and Laura have some things to say to Natalie so maybe she will cry:)
I'm hoping for Natalie and Russell to get evicted next. As long as Natalie is gone, I'm happy. I've disliked her since the first episode. :\
Anonymous's picture
Episode 20 today, yessss!
