Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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I have been watching BB since season 3. I know that a lot of things are rigged but I don't feel that the winner was ever rigged. I definetly think Grodner did all she could to make sure that **** stayed but I don't think that he won because of her.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;112472]I have been watching BB since season 3. I know that a lot of things are rigged but I don't feel that the winner was ever rigged. I definetly think Grodner did all she could to make sure that **** stayed but I don't think that he won because of her.[/QUOTE] True but once **** & Danielle got to Final 2... I don't think that she cared which one of them won!
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;112472]I have been watching BB since season 3. I know that a lot of things are rigged but I don't feel that the winner was ever rigged. I definetly think Grodner did all she could to make sure that **** stayed but I don't think that he won because of her.[/QUOTE] Actually the earlier seasons werent rigged, they were allowed to play out fairly. It wasnt until Grodner took over that the rigging began especially with her favorites and there was no bigger fave than Evil ****. I have to disagree, without her help he would not have won that season. It is well documented that the castmembers were always convinced to change their votes in the Diary Room by production to keep ED when it looked like he was on his way out. Add to that America's Player Eric always voting to keep him then sorry that is obvious rigging in my eyes. I just wish the game was allowed to play out without stupid twists (rigging) like the older seasons.
Unfortunately, rigging will be a big part of the show so long as Grodner keeps getting ratings. BB8 was one of the highest rated seasons. Ratings declined between BB3 and BB7 but resurfaced during BB8, the most rigged season ever. And the coup d'etat that was handed to Jeff resulted in big ratings for the Jessie eviction episode -- ratings that will likely continue with the fallout and Chima's meltdown. BB2 and BB6 really were the only season that had little to no producer influence as far as I could tell. BB3's was subtle with some competitions that tried to help Roddy out, and BB4 had a few subtle things too. Grodner has really taken it to another level though.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;112491]Unfortunately, rigging will be a big part of the show so long as Grodner keeps getting ratings. BB8 was one of the highest rated seasons. Ratings declined between BB3 and BB7 but resurfaced during BB8, the most rigged season ever. And the coup d'etat that was handed to Jeff resulted in big ratings for the Jessie eviction episode -- ratings that will likely continue with the fallout and Chima's meltdown. BB2 and BB6 really were the only season that had little to no producer influence as far as I could tell. BB3's was subtle with some competitions that tried to help Roddy out, and BB4 had a few subtle things too. Grodner has really taken it to another level though.[/QUOTE] What season did Grodner take over? I can see her influence with the start of Season 6 or so. I guess to the casual viewer the rigged seasons are more appealing because the viewers must be thinking "oh my god how did such and such wind up winning when they were a huge underdog and had no shot of winning at the beginning of the season?". To the more educated fan who is already familiar with that fat **** Grodner and her antics it could be a big turn off. This season when the CDT was used and JJ&M took over power it was like a light switch was hit. I immediately lost interest in a season that I was into big time and the side I was rooting for the major underdogs are now in control. I didnt understand but I am figuring out that it is the rigging that turns me off to this show which probably explains why I have such huge hatred for Season 8, that was the season that was constantly rigged. Just please let the season play out fairly and not interfere with the game even if america's sweethearts are annihilated already.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;112491]Unfortunately, rigging will be a big part of the show so long as Grodner keeps getting ratings. BB8 was one of the highest rated seasons. Ratings declined between BB3 and BB7 but resurfaced during BB8, the most rigged season ever. And the coup d'etat that was handed to Jeff resulted in big ratings for the Jessie eviction episode -- ratings that will likely continue with the fallout and Chima's meltdown. BB2 and BB6 really were the only season that had little to no producer influence as far as I could tell. BB3's was subtle with some competitions that tried to help Roddy out, and BB4 had a few subtle things too. Grodner has really taken it to another level though.[/QUOTE] Season 6? What about Kaysar coming back? I always thought that was fishy, but America LOVED the Soverign 6. As much as I hate to admit it, Maggie may be the smartest Big Brother player to date (her only competition is Will, IMO). What they like to do is let America vote for something to give to the contestants ( like calls from home, America's Player in BB10, Coup D'Etat) and the winner of these things is dubbed the "favorite." That's where the rigging starts. I can guarentee you that if Jordan threw her mic into the water, she'd still be in the house.
Well...Jordan also hasn't refused to go to the DR or yelled curse words at the producers through her mic. P.S.- I would say that Danni(bb3), Nakomis(bb5) and Allison(bb4) are better playes than Maggie.
[B]Stay on topic.[/B]
I was actually rooting for Evil ****... but I do think that the producers let him get away with too much.. & prob wouldn't for someone else... I also hate how you have people who just try to imitate his game... Like Joshua from season 9.... it just doesnt work for other people... in my opinion...
I loved when Josh told **** that people were calling him the gay version of **** and **** said that Josh was the only person saying that.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;112693]I loved when Josh told **** that people were calling him the gay version of **** and **** said that Josh was the only person saying that.[/QUOTE] haha... that WAS great!!! I could never understand why Josh was so full of himself... I didn't think he was much of a player....
He wasn't a great player. What he said to Amanda was worse than all the stuff that **** did.
Yeah... totally... He took it to such an unnecessary level.. I mean there was always a method to Dick's madness...
I don't know if this was mentioned in the season or not. via Bodybuilder Jessie Godderz, who was voted off of CBS' Big Brother last night, says his dream is to be a WWE performer. According to Godderz' LinkedIn profile, he says he has been working at WWE's developmental territory FCW since March of 2009 and uses the nicknames The Super-Natural and Mr. Pec-tacular, Jessie "Young Gunz" Godderzzzzzz. He says he is in the process of trying to become a WWE Superstar.
[QUOTE=SteveSparxx;113596]I don't know if this was mentioned in the season or not. via Bodybuilder Jessie Godderz, who was voted off of CBS' Big Brother last night, says his dream is to be a WWE performer. According to Godderz' LinkedIn profile, he says he has been working at WWE's developmental territory FCW since March of 2009 and uses the nicknames The Super-Natural and Mr. Pec-tacular, Jessie "Young Gunz" Godderzzzzzz. He says he is in the process of trying to become a WWE Superstar.[/QUOTE] The typical route of the meathead. Not much different than Mike "The Miz". And since wrestling requires a lot of ego, they're both set for life.
Mike has talent to back his ego. Jessie doesn't seem to have any physical strength. He has big what! He looks like a freaking chipmunk!
LOL salt. That's true, after seeing one of the pics from one earlier episode on this forum.
It is being rumored that next season will be All Stars. It is also rumored that it will be mostly season 8-11 cast members. Who does everyone think will be on? Natty, Jessica, Sheila, Michelle(10), and James(9) have all expressed interest. I would think that they would be candidates as well as Renny, Jeff, Sharon, Jen(8), Michelle(11), Chelsia, Russel, Dan, Alex, Eric, and Nick would be candidates, too. I don't think that **** or Danielle would be willing to do it. Of course Grodner would probibaly try to push Kaysar:p(i don't think he has any personality) Howie, and Janelle on us. The only All Star people that I want to see are Nakomis, James, Danni:D, Allison, Dianne, and of course the Chicken Man!
[QUOTE=SteveSparxx;113596]I don't know if this was mentioned in the season or not. via Bodybuilder Jessie Godderz, who was voted off of CBS' Big Brother last night, says his dream is to be a WWE performer. According to Godderz' LinkedIn profile, he says he has been working at WWE's developmental territory FCW since March of 2009 and uses the nicknames The Super-Natural and Mr. Pec-tacular, Jessie "Young Gunz" Godderzzzzzz. He says he is in the process of trying to become a WWE Superstar.[/QUOTE] I remember on the first or second night of live feeds, Jessie was talking about joining WWE. His housemates said he could be the next Miz.
I am offended that Miz even got used in the same sentence as Jessie.
LOL, I think Jessie said something about being a big star like John Cena. If there is another All Star season, I hope Jessie does not get invited to be on it.
He wouldn't have a chance at being voted in but the poducers may be dumb enough to make him one of their picks.
It' way too early to do another All Stars season. Unless they pull something like they did with survivor, fans and favorites, I doubt we'll see more veterans. The first All Stars season was had 6 seasons to choose from, if they do one next summer, they will only have 4 seasons, so I would think that they'd do at least one more season before they try to gather some All Stars. Anyway, from each season I think they'd try to get Season 8: Eric, Kail, Jen (not sure if she'd do it), Amber, Dustin Season 9: Allison, Sheila, Ryan, Jen, Chelsia, James Season 10: Libra, April, Ollie, Dan, Renny, Michelle Season 11: Russell, Ronnie, Laura, Jeff or Jordan
[QUOTE=Challenger6;113622]It' way too early to do another All Stars season. Unless they pull something like they did with survivor, fans and favorites, I doubt we'll see more veterans. The first All Stars season was had 6 seasons to choose from, if they do one next summer, they will only have 4 seasons, so I would think that they'd do at least one more season before they try to gather some All Stars. Anyway, from each season I think they'd try to get Season 8: Eric, Kail, Jen (not sure if she'd do it), Amber, Dustin Season 9: Allison, Sheila, Ryan, Jen, Chelsia, James Season 10: Libra, April, Ollie, Dan, Renny, Michelle Season 11: Russell, Ronnie, Laura, Jeff or Jordan[/QUOTE] They could use people from seasons 1-6 though. I doubt they'd pass up an opportunity to put Janelle back on. If they did do All Stars 2, I think season 8 would be the most represented season. They'd probably have Eric, Jessica, Nick, Daniele and Jen on. I'm sure Jessie would come back too.
I would like April to come back but I don't think that they would put her in since she made season 10 After Dark a ****.
OMG I hope no one from Season 9 is ever on the show again. With the possible exception of Sharon, Shelia, and possibly Neil (since he was only on the show for a couple of days), they are the most obnoxious and vile cast of any show [I]ever[/I]. Actually, I would like to see Neil come back simply because he mysteriously vanished early on. Other than that, I just hope there's no Ronnie and I'm good.
[QUOTE=iMichael;113624]They could use people from seasons 1-6 though. I doubt they'd pass up an opportunity to put Janelle back on. If they did do All Stars 2, I think season 8 would be the most represented season. They'd probably have Eric, Jessica, Nick, Daniele and Jen on. I'm sure Jessie would come back too.[/QUOTE]Nick being on BBAS2 with Daniele and Jen would be interesting. He and Jen appear to have recently broken up. And I agree that if BBAS2 comes along, Janelle would definitely be on and possibly Will. Now that Survivor is setting the example of threepeats, BB will follow the lead. I think Grodner is definitely planning a second All Stars given the weak choices of Jessica, Jessie, Brian and Cowboy for the beginning of BB11. She'd have used ****, Dan, etc, but she is probably saving them for All Stars 2.
A classy argument between Big Brother 11's two classiest cast members on Blog Talk Radio: [url=]YouTube - Big Brother 11: Lydia & Natalie fight during a live interview on B.B.A.D Radio![/url]
words escape me after that fight.
