[SIZE="3"][B]A Big Brother Houseguest self destructs, and is removed from the game. [/B][/SIZE]
Take that pic down of Chlydia now and repost a pic of Chima please. Tonight the Goddess Chima takes her place on a throne that will place her as the best contestant ever in Big Brother history. Chima will make history tonight & be crowned the biggest drama queen to ever be on Big Brother and I will love every second of it.
No, dont want to give away spoilers but I am predicting that Chima will own tonight's episode and give me all the drama that I love from the girl. She is a goddess.
I know several who do like her. I like her for standing up to the producers and calling them out on their rigging. Anyone who does that is a hero in my eyes.
[QUOTE=ILoveFlex;112519]I know several who do like her. I like her for standing up to the producers and calling them out on their rigging. Anyone who does that is a hero in my eyes.[/QUOTE]
I honestly think they only favored Ronnie and that wasn't too obvious, like Ryan & Adam. Why do you think the game is rigged?
Anyway, I think this episode should be good. I think Chima is going to EXPLODE tonight and I can't wait.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;112536]Chima is a loose cannon, lol.[/QUOTE]
She sure is lol!!! I love loose cannons. Lydia on the other hand is just a whiney follower. Chima is a strong, smart woman who speaks her mind. Lydia is nothing like her. I hate Lydia. Funny thing is I hate everyone on Chima's side. I loathed Jesse, hate Lydia, hate Natalie and dont care for Kevin. But I just love me some Chima, she is such a goddess.
[QUOTE=ILoveFlex;112540]She sure is lol!!! I love loose cannons. Lydia on the other hand is just a whiney follower. Chima is a strong, smart woman who speaks her mind. Lydia is nothing like her. I hate Lydia. Funny thing is I hate everyone on Chima's side. I loathed Jesse, hate Lydia, hate Natalie and dont care for Kevin. But I just love me some Chima, she is such a goddess.[/QUOTE]
I liked Chima complaining about the beds on the first episode, explaining how she was way too diva for that ____. I didn't like her again until she got up in Russel(l)'s face and screamed about his cauliflower ears. Chima is entertaining but I'll wait until after tonight's episode to decide whether I like her or not.
"Alight, no need to sit down." Hahahaha, that was classic!
And she was claiming she left on her own accord. Looks to me like she was being escorted out the door...
I wish her aim wasn't so good, I wanted to see the mic bounce off of the cement and break into pieces then land in the hot tub. lol She's getting 5k deducted from her stipend because of the mic.
Oh that's right...it's all Michelle's fault. It's all Michelle's fault that Chima couldn't control her temper. I could see the strings from a mile away.
Kevin stop crying. Natalie stop blaming Michele for this, Michele did nothing. Chima did this to herself. It's a game and she's a drama queen and Michele was just playing the game.