Real World Cancun: Christina - Student City (Video Blog)

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Real World Cancun: Christina - Student City (Video Blog)
Christina from Student City tells her side of the story as the "Boss Lady" on The Real World Cancun and offers a few sneak peaks into future episodes. [url=]YouTube - Christina's MTV Real World Cancun Recap #8[/url] [url=]YouTube - Christina's MTV Real World Cancun Recap #7[/url] [url=]YouTube - Christina's MTV Real World Cancun Recap #6[/url] [url=]YouTube - Christina & Ayiiia - MTV Real World Recap #4[/url] [url=]YouTube - Christinas MTV Real World Recap #3[/url] [url=]YouTube - Christina's Real World Recap #2[/url] [url=]YouTube - Christina's Real World Recap #1[/url]
Anonymous's picture
It's too bad she seemed to genuinely care about him as a person and he treated her like crap after she had to make a difficult call. And from his Tweets during the episode airing, sounds like he's STILL not over it!
I think Christine should host the reunion! She cracks me up!
That day will always haunt Joey. He tries to act like it won't but it will.
Anonymous's picture
i guess alot of people did not like they way they were edited.
I loved her videos. Does anyone think that Christina's voice sounded a bit similar to Jenna Lewis' voice? Whenever i would be watching the videos, when she talked and i think due to talking a lot her voice would get a bit raspy, it was in those moments that i instantly got reminded of Jenna L.'s voice. Just wondering if anyone thought similarly about that or if it's just me.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;111767]It's too bad she seemed to genuinely care about him as a person and he treated her like crap after she had to make a difficult call. And from his Tweets during the episode airing, sounds like he's STILL not over it![/quote] I like Christina, but what's too bad is how she and the other guy had to hang around and keep throwing it in Joey's face that he was going home. He accepted his fate and had his ticket, so he was getting his stuff together to go home. If she wanted to talk to Joey about it, she wouldn't have thrown a ticket in his face and said he was going home, she'd have talked about it with him to explain her side. I agree with their decision to send Joey home, but I disagree with the way it was handled. Joey seemed to only get upset with her because she didn't want to drop the issue and let the guy go in peace. I don't blame him for not being over it, he got the short end of the stick. He misses one shift accidentally and apologizes for it, accepts responsibility and gets sent home. He wasn't drinking the night before and too drunk to show up, he simply slept through an alarm clock. That can happen to anyone. Aiiiya shows up to her shifts but according to Bronne in the episode, she does nothing. On top of that, it was earlier this season that she was almost late to her shift because she got into a fight with Joey and simply got a verbal warning in the van. They are not making the rules cut and dry with everyone, they seem to be picking who has the rules applied to them and when.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=RVS2009;111814]I like Christina, but what's too bad is how she and the other guy had to hang around and keep throwing it in Joey's face that he was going home. He accepted his fate and had his ticket, so he was getting his stuff together to go home. If she wanted to talk to Joey about it, she wouldn't have thrown a ticket in his face and said he was going home, she'd have talked about it with him to explain her side. I agree with their decision to send Joey home, but I disagree with the way it was handled. Joey seemed to only get upset with her because she didn't want to drop the issue and let the guy go in peace.[/QUOTE] I'm not going to keep explaining that the whole scenario was more than likely staged by production for maximum drama. It's besides the point and that's my final argument on that. [QUOTE=RVS2009;111814] I don't blame him for not being over it, he got the short end of the stick. He misses one shift accidentally and apologizes for it, accepts responsibility and gets sent home. He wasn't drinking the night before and too drunk to show up, he simply slept through an alarm clock. That can happen to anyone. [/QUOTE] First of all, it wasn't just one shift, it was the second time after a formal first warning. Second, it did appear as though he was partying and drinking all night, and even if he wasn't, responsible adults can get themselves up for work in the morning. And third, for someone who says he doesn't care about it, he [I]should[/I] be over it.
I love the way that they handled it. It was basically "here's your ticket, see ya!"
I wish we could've seen Emilee present what they did when they did charity work because that would've been a great part of last week's episode.
I think instead of talking about the episode she should be trying to promote student city and the good things that they do. You are not a cast member, you are there boss. That is it.
[quote=RVS2009;111814]I like Christina, but what's too bad is how she and the other guy had to hang around and keep throwing it in Joey's face that he was going home. [/quote] They were there to explain why he was being let go and allow him to ask any questions, etc. about why he was being terminated. This is a standard procedure with any reputable company. In most instances, even though someone is unfortunately losing their job - both parties remain civil (which was not the case here...) As for the plane ticket, Christina states in the video that they did not buy the plane ticket, so it can be reasonably assumed that it was given to her by BMP to hand to Joey in the meeting. Cleary BMP was hoping for the most impactful departure possible. [quote=TDMEL52;111823]I think instead of talking about the episode she should be trying to promote student city and the good things that they do.[/quote] Actually, she can post what ever she wants to post in her videos. This is America, right? Land of the free, home of the brave... Anyway, I enjoyed all of the clips. She offers a unique and entertaining perspective on each episode including some interesting foreshadowing (i.e. spoilers) of things to come.
I agree with bothe of B's last posts.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;111824] Anyway, I enjoyed all of the clips. She offers a unique and entertaining perspective on each episode including some interesting foreshadowing (i.e. spoilers) of things to come.[/QUOTE] I agree, and she looks really pretty too!
I like Christina, I feel bad for how she's being torn apart by joey supporters when she was merely doing her job.
I don't think she really cares what Joey fans think. Shes very beautiful and smart. She seems confident. She aint stressin.
Christina's hot. And yeah, obviously BMP was behind the whole ticket ordeal. Anyways - Christina seems cool as hell, and it's strange that they didn't give her a better edit. Usually the bosses are pretty cool and I enjoy seeing the bonding between the cast and the boss.
Anonymous's picture
Christina seemed really cool. Too bad you know who hasn't grown up.
[url=]YouTube - episode 9 edited[/url]
[url=]YouTube - Christina's MTV Real World Cancun Recap #10[/url]
Christina should have been on one of the earlier RWs:)
How old is Christina anyway? Do we know?
She looks pretty yong.
[url=]YouTube - Christina's MTV Real World Cancun Recap #11[/url]
Christina has amazing terms of intelligence, self control, and thrives to be a leader and doesn't hestiate on making the so called right decisions thats in the best interest of the student city business. I felt bad for Joey but first time shame on you, second time shame on her. It had to be done, but seriously with Joey going thru what happen with his grandmother if I recall. They should of cut him a break in all fairness. btw Christina my favorite feature from you has to be your amazing eyes....that is my kryptonite! lol :)