[quote=MarcoSanchez;109478]What trouble did she start during her season? None.
Anyway, let's get back on topic. This discussion is about Joey degrading Ayiiia, not Katelynn.[/quote]
I think you need to rewatch the season. She, as well as Devyn, ganged up on all the guys during the season. The gettysburg episode at the rally thing, the dirty dishes. That's the most drama we got from last year lol.
It's like me saying, "You're from Alabama, you know there hillbillies. All they do is spit, drink, and chew tabacco. You know nobody there can read."
Know that is starting trouble, is it not?
Ayiiia has a new youtube channel that has a video with her new friend. I'll try to find the link.
I think that Ayiiia is a lot like Ruthie. I don't think that she labels herself as gay or straight. Shes just Ayiiia. That is one of the things that I love about her.
yeah she just likes people in general whether it's a guy or a girl and for Joey to disrespect that it annoys the heck out of me. You know what i'll take back the Joey...it's not just Joey it's some people in general.
Ayiia is amazing!! Joey needs to get a grip and lay off her. As for him calling her a "homophobic slur" is ridiculous. Ayiia and krystal are freaking hot together man!!!
LOL...Ayiiia said she loves us, and we are really smart on Facebook. Man I wish I can write to her, and say we love her as well, but I don't want BMP to "out" me, or find out who I am lol...RW:24
[QUOTE=Alexa;109616]lol@ Producer. You're cute. I like you. And thanks Ayiiya.[/QUOTE]
Awww thanks Alexa :-)
btw has anyone seen Ayiiia lately....ESA muchacha esta perdida.
Hell, I'll repeat what I stated in the Joey thread:
They're collectivist insults. If you antagonize one person on the basis of their demographic, you insult every person in that group, whether it's intended or not. Even if *one* other person gets caught up in the crossfire, you've overstepped. The target is diminished not only because the language implies that they are lesser for having those traits (being a "****" or a "C-bomb" for example), but they are diminished [I]at the expense of those people the language was intended to degrade[/I].
As for Katelynn: Joey can defend himself. But using transphobia as part of his arsenal? That's a punkass move. It was bigoted nonsense. Maybe next time he shouldn't rely on scraping the gutter and instead he'll present a more cerebral argument. There's no way I'd let that fly if it was a racial slur, reasoning be ******, so people have no reason to tolerate another variation of blatant prejudice.
Anyway, the "self-defense" point is moot, since Ayiiia hasn't done anything recently to antagonize him. Her Twitter is locked. He went out of his way to bait her, which is pretty representative of what he did on the actual show. He's throwing empty beer cans at her Pinto as it's speeding away.
I just love the fact that we're all giving Joey what he wants which is attention and possibly this is all some publicity stunt for his band, I bet Ayiiia appears on the record cover
[QUOTE=darkking01;137092]I just love the fact that we're all giving Joey what he wants which is attention and possibly this is all some publicity stunt for his band, I bet Ayiiia appears on the record cover[/QUOTE]
I thought we stopped giving him attention a few months ago...
Funny thing is, I actually watched a one of those cute videos her and Krystal posted and she referred to herself as a ****.
JuniorYear, when a TV show is airing, people will find any reason to ***** about somebody in general.
Joey knew that would offend Ayiiia. That is like if two black people say the 'n word' its considered ok but if a white person does then its offensive. Joey wasn't trying to be sweet, he was trying to be a ****.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;140289]Joey knew that would offend Ayiiia. That is like if two black people say the 'n word' its considered ok but if a white person does then its offensive. Joey wasn't trying to be sweet, he was trying to be a dick.[/QUOTE]
Ok Salt . :D.