Hopefully CBS won't give us a watered down version of the fight. Chima really went after Russell. I also want to see the fight between Ronnie and Kevin.
[quote=MarcoSanchez;107406][B]I tried searching for it on Youtube, but I couldn't find it.[/B] :-( Hopefully CBS shows most of it on Thursday.[/quote]
Real and CBS put a ban on it last season.
Chima is truly annoying, Ronnie is a *******, Jessie has Natalie so far up his ***. I am waiting for the day when Jessie opens his mouth and Natalie's voice comes out!!
Jeff came out of the Diary Room and gave a thumbs up to the camera so it appears that he may have won the Coup D'Etat as polls across the internet are suggesting. Everyone is getting called in for short DR sessions though, so who knows. They probably have to tape goodbye messages.
Well it is true! Chima even asked the Big Brother, in the Diary Room, if she could throw water on Russell.
[URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/big_brother_11/2009_Aug_05_fight_staged#comment-13981345"]Chima and Russell staged their fight + reality blurred[/URL]
Chima: "The people leaving these messages watch the feeds. They need lives"
Messager: "Stop whining!"
Natalie: "Then don't watch us."
Um...don't get mad at the viewers because we think the both of you are c**ts.
Chima just lost her last fan (me), so the ragdoll needs to GTFO ASAP.
Kevin needs to team up with J/J/M.
Also, where did the "gang up on Michele" thing originate, and what the hell happened in the Green Room?
I love Chima, Kevin, and Natalie. She made a really good point about the obsessive people who watch the feeds 24/7. I seriously hope Kevin, Natalie, or Chima wins this show.
[quote=MarcoSanchez;108208]I love Chima, Kevin, and Natalie. She made a really good point about the obsessive people who watch the feeds 24/7. I seriously hope Kevin, Natalie, or Chima wins this show.[/quote]
They'll be alright.
I love Kevin, I like Chima (despite her being a bit of a *****) and Natalie's the devil.
I'm still trying to understand the fight from yesterday. The feed updates at Jokers and BBDish were ****.