Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

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Big Brother Open Discussion (Feed Spoilers)

I was wondering why Justin from BB2 was admitted to the BBH if the producers knew he was violent. I don't normally watch this show but after seeing the clips of him holding the knife to Krista's throat, I can safely say as a woman that I'm glad he was evicted. What do you guys think? I hope my opinion is not invalid as I'm a fan of the newer seasons.

Personally I think him holding the knife to Krista's throat was very non-threatening. He was playing around and that was his weird twisted way of flirting with her. The guy was pretty violent though and had the potential to be physical but he never was he just did a lot of talking which made for amazing tv. I loved how he would threaten and always be fighting with Kent. He was so intimidated by Justin. Justin was merely evicted as a precaution, he never really did anything wrong. I loved Justin, he was so hot and thats why that ***** Krista was all over him. I hated her. During the incident she was laughing and playing along with Justin when he held the knife to her throat, the both of them thought it was funny. Then later on I hear she tried to sue CBS over the incident what a lamo she is.
I like season. Jen, Eric, and Jessica are my favorites. I don't like Evil *** at all but he entertaining....I guess.
Season 8 sucked. Jen was the only person I liked in that house. It was worse than sitting through the Friendship on Season 6. At least that season was balanced out with great castmembers like Janelle, Kaysar, Rachel, Howie and Sarah. Season 8 just had Jen and thats it.
You didn't like Jessica?
[quote=salt&vinegar;107290]You didn't like Jessica?[/quote] Jessica I was kinda ho hum about. She never did anything for me to hate her yet she never did anything to make me love her. For instance when she had the possibility to come back on Season 11 I didnt really care. She made little to no impact on me. The rest of the cast on the other hand, pure hatred, sans Jen and maybe Kail.
The only sason 8 playes I liked were Jen, Jessica, and Eric. But, I think it was a good season.
I didn't like it. Season 8 was overpopulated with too many ******. That's something I thought could never be done after Season 6.
[quote=ILoveFlex;107355]I didn't like it. Season 8 was overpopulated with too many ******. That's something I thought could never be done after Season 6.[/quote] Exactly.
[quote=jjlucash;107383]Exactly.[/quote] Finally someone else who saw the same season I saw. For a minute there I thought I was in the twilight zone.
Just wondering, anyone know what the ratings were like for season 8? My favorite season was 6, just to throw that out there.
[QUOTE=DScott;107462]Just wondering, anyone know what the ratings were like for season 8?[/QUOTE] Ratings were great in the second half of the season, running all the way up to 9.42 million viewers for a late August episode. [URL=""]It was up 4% from BB7.[/URL]
[quote=ILoveFlex;107355]I didn't like it. Season 8 was overpopulated with too many ******. That's something I thought could never be done after Season 6.[/quote] The funny thing is, those two are my favorite seasons (although I hate Janelle/Kaysar now, at the time I loved them). At least with season 6, Maggie was a really smart player. Evil **** is just vile. Of course, BB loved him so the worst stuff he did was not shown on television. Jen, although I loved her, was pretty annoying, but did not deserve the treatment that Evil gave her. Also the fact that some of the rules were changed in ****'s favor,after his treatment of Jen, annoyed me.
[quote=iMichael;107476] Evil **** is just vile. Of course, BB loved him so the worst stuff he did was not shown on television. Jen, although I loved her, was pretty annoying, but did not deserve the treatment that Evil gave her. Also the fact that some of the rules were changed in ****'s favor,after his treatment of Jen, annoyed me.[/quote] I was on the other side of the equation. I thought Jen was as fake as they come and dumb as a pile of rocks. Eric was a manipulative weasel and Zach was clueless. The outcome was exactly what I wanted and I felt it was by far the most dramatic and eventful Big Brother season to date.
[quote=Bacchus;107477]I was on the other side of the equation. I thought Jen was as fake as they come and dumb as a pile of rocks. Eric was a manipulative weasel and Zach was clueless. The outcome was exactly what I wanted and I felt it was by far the most dramatic and eventful Big Brother season to date.[/quote] What you're saying about Jen may not be false, but I think those statments can be applied to Daniele as well. But I agree, Eric was lame. The whole "America's player thing got to his head. It was a bad twist anyways. Zach should have used the veto during when they got down to the final 3, so he deserved to go. Evil certainly wasn't dumb, but threatening to rape someone should not be tolerated. I also found it funny that Big Brother did not try to interfere with **** stabbing Jen with the lit cigarette, as they they've done during past fights (namely Eric vs. Michael on BB6). Also, the fact that Big Brother changed their rules on cigarettes is kind of sketchy. They are concidered "luxury itemes" and once your supply is out, it's out. Jen bleached Evil's cigarettes, and BB replaced them. Is that fair? I wouldn't call bleaching someone's cigarettes after you've been stabbed with them ridiculous.
[quote]I also found it funny that Big Brother did not try to interfere with **** stabbing Jen with the lit cigarette, as they they've done during past fights[/quote]You are right. They should have kicked Jen out for basically attacking him. She was right in his face trying to grab the cigarette, what did she expect? It is funny how some people see things in revision, lol.
Let's just say this, Evel and Danielle were polarizing characters. Nobody half likes them or kind of likes them. You were either with them or you despised them (and thus think everything they did was akin to killing puppies.)
Can we just stop talking about Season 8 the best season in history of the show and get on topic to sexy Justin from Season 2?
[quote=ILoveFlex;107686]Can we just stop talking about Season 8 the best season in history of the show and get on topic to sexy Justin from Season 2?[/quote] You're right. We got way off topic. Although I do want to say that **** went out of his way to blow smoke in Jens face. But compared to some of the think **** did, I think Justin should have been allowed to say.
Agreed, Justin shouldve stayed. I loved him. He really made the show good. He was from Bayonne, New Jersey and was really mentally disturbed. But he was oh so cute, I remember him walking around in his cute PJ's saying he wanted to give Autumn a kidney shot.
I do think that the producers did heavily influence the game for ****. I am not sure that I would go as far to say rig.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;112452]I do think that the producers did heavily influence the game for ****. I am not sure that I would go as far to say rig.[/QUOTE] That was one of my favorite scenes of the entire season! Wow, does that bring back the memories. Ahh, the good ole days of Big Brother....
Big Brother 8 is definetly on of my favorite seasons ever.
**** had a fixation with Jen and didn't appreciate that she did not give him the time of day. Her nonchalant attitude toward him is what especially made him mad.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;112456]Big Brother 8 is definetly on of my favorite seasons ever.[/QUOTE] Yes, it might even be my favorite. I loved when Jen violated the food restrictions, and Big Brother didn't even know how to penalize her. Jen didn't even care what the punishment was, but Jameka was getting upset.
Jen knew she was going home so she just didn't give a s#it. I miss Jen.
I loved Jen but hated that season. Worst cast ever.
I wish that Jessica, Jenn, Eric or Jamika had won. I would have been fine with Danielle or Nick winning, too.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;112452]I do think that the producers did heavily influence the game for ****. I am not sure that I would go as far to say rig.[/QUOTE] If they "heavily influenced" the game for him then that's rigging honey. Throw in "America's Player":rolleyes: making all the decisions on who went then you have rigging.
There I a big difference between wanting someone to win and trying to sway America to vote for them and actually faking votes. I don't think that they did that.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;112468]There I a big difference between wanting someone to win and trying to sway America to vote for them and actually faking votes. I don't think that they did that.[/QUOTE] Are you new to Big Brother? Anyone who is a fan of the show knows that rigging is a norm for the show and it usually rears its ugly head somehow. America's Player was a way for "America" to supposedly vote on who got evicted and whatnot, funny how it always went in the favor of Alison Grodner (the producer) and her pet Evil ****. Face it, she rigged the heck out of that season. I was enjoying Big Brother 11 until rigging and once again "America's" vote reared it's ugly head with the Coup D'etat even though it is helping the side of the house that I like Jeff, Jordan & Michelle. I dont know I just am over the season now that I know it is being rigged, same could be said for BB8. I hate watching obviously rigged shows.
