[quote=MarcoSanchez;106195]I'm sure I won't like Ty. I haven't seen one picture of him hanging out with people of his own race or hanging out in majority black/Hispanic establishments. I'm sure that Ty could find one African American buddy to befriend out of thousands in this city. That just scream self-hate to me. What's up with that?
On the season opener, we can probably expect him to say something like, "I'm not your typical African American guy". Then he's probably going to act like an Abercrombie frat guy and eventually try really hard to act black/ghetto once he isn't accepted by the roommates. Hopefully Ty learns a good lesson about not trying to be something you're not. Ugh, Ty will probably act like the people I can't stand. Ty and other people that act like him should just come to terms with their cultural heritage and accept it. In closing, everyone should be proud of their skin color and stop trying to distance themselves from it. People like Ty and other self hating (African Americans/Asians/Hispanics) are the reason why there is not enough unity within these communities.[/quote]
Who said that Ty is trying to be something he is not and who are you to suggest that he isn't the way he portrays himself? I don't know where you concluded that just because Ty wears plaid shorts and polo shirts, that means he hates being black and hates black culture. I know for a fact that he has many friends of all ethnicities, and doesn't particuarly act more "black" or more "white", whatever that's supposed to mean anyway. Most of his close friends from highschool were black, so I'm not sure where you get the idea that he is not unified with his community. Incidentally, I am black and occasionally wear lacoste shirts and seerksucker pants. I also went to private school and an ivy league university. Does that mean I'm not really black? Not all black people fit into the stereotypes that are frequently and commonly displayed in the media or elsewhere. Maybe you should stop looking at the BET awards and HBCUs as the sole places to find "real black people".
I didn't say that Ty only needed African American friends, I said that he should have friends that are African American since they obviously share a common experience (racism/discrimination). A lot of African Americans, Hispanics, Whites, Muslims, [insert whatever race] choose to self-segregate themselves. It's natural and necessary since they share a common understanding with each other. Anyway, all one must do is look around any college campus and you'll see what I'm talking about.
And maybe you haven't heard or seen evidence of him having african american friends on real world, but in actual life, which I think is a little more important than reality tv, he does have black friends.
Am I self-hating because I don't have a lot of Iranian friends? Maybe I just don't get along with a lot of Iranian people. I choose to pick my friends based on whether or not I get along with them, not the color of their skin. I'm pretty sure that most people (including Ty) are the same way.
[quote=behindme;106222]Am I self-hating because I don't have a lot of Iranian friends? Maybe I just don't get along with a lot of Iranian people. I choose to pick my friends based on whether or not I get along with them, not the color of their skin. I'm pretty sure that most people (including Ty) are the same way.[/quote]
Thats not what I was getting at though.
Regardless of what you were getting at...I still don't see how racial profiling and racial roles have anything to do with how Ty will be on The Real World, and the only reason I'm arguing is because I'm a staunch supporter of equality and it bothers me when people believe that there is a certain way to "act" depending on their race.
I'm a supporter of equal rights as well, but the concept is flawed. Everyone will always be treated differently. I'm sure that Ty has experienced this first hand being a minority. This is exactly why I said he needed African American friends since they will understand it better since they might have been victimized as well.
Washington DC is also a very racially divisive city. There are certain areas where minorities are treated like crap just for being a minority. Dupont Circle just happens to be one of those areas along with Georgetown. I wonder how the residents are responding to Ty's presence in the neighborhood. Afterall, the area where the cast resides isn't particularly diverse.
[quote=MarcoSanchez;106195] People like Ty and other self hating (African Americans/Asians/Hispanics) are the reason why there is not enough unity within these communities.[/quote]
I think that is only looking at things from one side. I think the other side could be that minority people who, I guess I would say, [I]assimilated[/I] into American culture feel that they are looked down upon by people of their races that are centered on their race's culture.
There are so many different personalities that people have within races, but a lot of times if someone in a race doesn't act centered on their race, or if they act different from a stereotype, they are looked down upon. I think it's good for there to be different personality types in all races. I think the notion that people must be a certain way to match their race is not good and can contribute to people who are not in that race continuing to hold on to incorrect/negative views. So I think there is some good and some bad to both sides.
[QUOTE=MarcoSanchez;106231]Washington DC is also a very racially divisive city. There are certain areas where minorities are treated like crap just for being a minority. Dupont Circle just happens to be one of those areas along with Georgetown. I wonder how the residents are responding to Ty's presence in the neighborhood. Afterall, the area where the cast resides isn't particularly diverse.[/QUOTE]
I've lived in DC my whole life and attend university in the Dupont Circle/Georgetown and I can say as an African American that that is simply NOT true. And so what if MTV doesn't cast a stereotypical African American female man or woman? I actaully think it's kind of nice that they don't. I can't relate to most of the people I watch on BET but I can with a lot of the African American women on Real World. It's nice to not see the stereotype of an African American person for once on tv when it's everywhere on other shows and movies.
And why because Ty does not seemingly have many African American friends/none in DC make him a self hater? That makes no sense to me. Last time I checked people based their friendships off of personalities and not race. Who cares what color their skin in?
This all being said, I hope I like Ty when he's on the show. I feel I will be able to relate to some of his race issues because I, too, attended a majorly white prep school and have had people accuse me of self hating because most of my friends are are not African American. (which is not because I am selfhating- I'm just around white people a lot more)
[quote=lhutch22;106311][B]I've lived in DC my whole life and attend university in the Dupont Circle/Georgetown and I can say as an African American that that is simply NOT true.[/B] And so what if MTV doesn't cast a stereotypical African American female man or woman? I actaully think it's kind of nice that they don't. I can't relate to most of the people I watch on BET but I can with a lot of the African American women on Real World. It's nice to not see the stereotype of an African American person for once on tv when it's everywhere on other shows and movies.
And why because Ty does not seemingly have many African American friends/none in DC make him a self hater? That makes no sense to me. [B]Last time I checked people based their friendships off of personalities and not race. Who cares what color their skin in?
This all being said, I hope I like Ty when he's on the show. I feel I will be able to relate to some of his race issues because I, too, attended a majorly white prep school and have had people accuse me of self hating because most of my friends are are not African American. (which is not because I am selfhating- I'm just around white people a lot more)[/quote]
Last time I checked, Georgetown WAS unfriendly to minorities. Maybe the establishments that you visit are tolerant, but the majority are not. Ask any Hispanic or Black person about their treatment at some of the establishments in NW DC and they will tell you about their horrible experiences. Ex. A couple of friends of mine who are African American had dinner at a restaurant in Georgetown and everyone in the restaurant stared at them like they weren't supposed to be there. If that isn't cold treatment then I don't know what is.
A lot of people pick their friends based on race. People usually pick friends based off common interests and most minorities generally share the same interests. So this illustrates what I was explaining earlier. Now back to the issue at hand. My issue with Ty is that he seems to be going out of his way to prove that he's disconnected with his culture. I guess that makes him "safer" for people outside of his racial reference group. I really don't understand why minorities like Ty feel that they have something to prove by abandoning their peers in their racial category. That just screams self hate and superiority. Now, if he wasn't a self-hater he would have at least one African American friend in the city. In my experience, most self-hating minorities usually go out of their way to avoid members of their own race. Ty is essentially discriminating against his own race.
Ok guys, this conversation is going nowhere, and frankly it's toeing the line.[B] PLEASE KEEP THE DISCUSSION IN THIS THREAD TO RW: DC CAST MEMBER TY RUFF.[/B]
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;106316]Ok guys, this conversation is going nowhere, and frankly it's toeing the line.[B] PLEASE KEEP THE DISCUSSION IN THIS THREAD TO RW: DC CAST MEMBER TY RUFF.[/B][/QUOTE]
Well said...and PS: get a grip folks, DC is an amazing place. Get over your self loathing.
[QUOTE=MarcoSanchez;106314]Last time I checked, Georgetown WAS unfriendly to minorities. Maybe the establishments that you visit are tolerant, but the majority are not. Ask any Hispanic or Black person about their treatment at some of the establishments in NW DC and they will tell you about their horrible experiences. Ex. A couple of friends of mine who are African American had dinner at a restaurant in Georgetown and everyone in the restaurant stared at them like they weren't supposed to be there. If that isn't cold treatment then I don't know what is.
A lot of people pick their friends based on race. People usually pick friends based off common interests and most minorities generally share the same interests. So this illustrates what I was explaining earlier. Now back to the issue at hand. My issue with Ty is that he seems to be going out of his way to prove that he's disconnected with his culture. I guess that makes him "safer" for people outside of his racial reference group. I really don't understand why minorities like Ty feel that they have something to prove by abandoning their peers in their racial category. That just screams self hate and superiority. Now, if he wasn't a self-hater he would have at least one African American friend in the city. In my experience, most self-hating minorities usually go out of their way to avoid members of their own race. Ty is essentially discriminating against his own race.[/QUOTE]
Foremost: what DC are you talking about, because it's clearly not the DC my world exists in (Yes, 99% NW and G'town).. Actually, don't answer that--it's off topic.
Aside from the fact that you obviously have some paranoia and self esteem manifestations about perhaps being so uncomfortable in your skin that you're looking to see discrimination everywhere although you competently illustrate that you've got a host of self-fulfilling race issues, I have to ask: how the heck do you have ANY opinion of what Ty does or does not do or like...?
Hang out with or at least meet these people before you make ridiculous claims on a forum to the tune of those you articulate above.
[quote=lhutch22;106311]I've lived in DC my whole life and attend university in the Dupont Circle/Georgetown and I can say as an African American that that is simply NOT true. And so what if MTV doesn't cast a stereotypical African American female man or woman? [B]I actaully think it's kind of nice that they don't. I can't relate to most of the people I watch on BET but I can with a lot of the African American women on Real World[/B]. It's nice to not see the stereotype of an African American person for once on tv when it's everywhere on other shows and movies.
LOL, WHAT?? I never heard that before. Also what is Ty doing now? Is he a free agent like CJ or MJ?
Marco is really out of line to say that Ty is being someone he's not.
But what some people were saying is that a lot of the black roommates seemed to only fit into white America. And such statements stem from looking at who these people were attracted to. It hurts to hears that a black man "exclusively" dates non-black women as UKnow stated. When you premeditate who you are attracted to based on something like skin color specifically one not of your own, people may judge you as having some self-hate issues.
and i guess i could say that i fit Ty's type of being surrounded by white people and identifying with them versus my own race. but as i got i older (months ago lol) i found that the white people i was surrounded with couldn't identify with being black nor did they care to, so i had to distance myself from them and i guess get in touch with my roots.
and that person that i [I]used to be[/I], i could easily see and identify with on the real world, but now the person who i [I]am[/I] can't identify with many of them. and i believe that needs to change.
my $0.02 on that though.
[quote=wiggyndc;107059]Foremost: what DC are you talking about, because it's clearly not the DC my world exists in (Yes, 99% NW and G'town).. Actually, don't answer that--it's off topic.
Aside from the fact that you obviously have some paranoia and self esteem manifestations about perhaps being so uncomfortable in your skin that you're looking to see discrimination everywhere although you competently illustrate that you've got a host of self-fulfilling race issues, I have to ask: how the heck do you have ANY opinion of what Ty does or does not do or like...?
Hang out with or at least meet these people before you make ridiculous claims on a forum to the tune of those you articulate above.[/quote]
I agree 100% with wiggy. I have met TY and he is a very cool guy. He knows he is a black male and is proud of it.
As for the off topic DC discussion. I love georgetown and it consist of people from all over. most of the people in Georgetown I see are "black". So Thank You Wiggy for educating a young mind.
[quote=Sir Nigel;107467]
But what some people were saying is that a lot of the black roommates seemed to only fit into white America. And such statements stem from looking at who these people were attracted to. It hurts to hears that a black man "exclusively" dates non-black women as UKnow stated. When you premeditate who you are attracted to based on something like skin color specifically one not of your own, people may judge you as having some self-hate issues.
and i guess i could say that i fit Ty's type of being surrounded by white people and identifying with them versus my own race. but as i got i older (months ago lol) i found that the white people i was surrounded with couldn't identify with being black nor did they care to, so i had to distance myself from them and i guess get in touch with my roots.
Well put. This is exactly what I was trying to say when I posted a few days ago.
Can I please just say this (this isn't directed to the people who have met him, and this is the point I was trying to make throughout the entire discussion a few days ago): YOU DON'T KNOW HIM. So why are you making assumptions based on the fact that he went to an all-boys private school and the way he dresses? Don't judge a book by its cover, please, and give him the benefit of the doubt until you see him on the show. That's what I'm doing, and I want to like him because he's from Maryland.
[quote=Sir Nigel;107467]But what some people were saying is that a lot of the black roommates seemed to only fit into white America. And such statements stem from looking at who these people were attracted to. It hurts to hears that a black man "exclusively" dates non-black women as UKnow stated. When you premeditate who you are attracted to based on something like skin color specifically one not of your own, people may judge you as having some self-hate issues.
and i guess i could say that i fit Ty's type of being surrounded by white people and identifying with them versus my own race. but as i got i older (months ago lol) i found that the white people i was surrounded with couldn't identify with being black nor did they care to, so i had to distance myself from them and i guess get in touch with my roots.
and that person that i [I]used to be[/I], i could easily see and identify with on the real world, but now the person who i [I]am[/I] can't identify with many of them. and i believe that needs to change.
my $0.02 on that though.[/quote]
Well said. Thats sad to hear you had to leave them though. But I guess whatever works for the better.
[quote=Sir Nigel;107467]Marco is really out of line to say that Ty is being someone he's not.
But what some people were saying is that a lot of the black roommates seemed to only fit into white America. And such statements stem from looking at who these people were attracted to. It hurts to hears that a black man "exclusively" dates non-black women as UKnow stated. When you premeditate who you are attracted to based on something like skin color specifically one not of your own, people may judge you as having some self-hate issues.
and i guess i could say that i fit Ty's type of being surrounded by white people and identifying with them versus my own race. but as i got i older (months ago lol) i found that the white people i was surrounded with couldn't identify with being black nor did they care to, so i had to distance myself from them and i guess get in touch with my roots.
and that person that i [I]used to be[/I], i could easily see and identify with on the real world, but now the person who i [I]am[/I] can't identify with many of them. and i believe that needs to change.
my $0.02 on that though.[/quote]
Alright, this is the last thing I will say on this subject since once again it doesn't pertain to the thread. I grew up in Europe and moved here for college. My mom is German, my dad American. When I moved here the biggest problem I had was a checkbox in which often you are asked for "race". I always select other or decline. I think the fact that phrases like "my race" are still uttered is so sad in the year 2009. Also, on attraction: you cannot help who you're attracted to. BUT AT THE SAME TIME, I know what physical attributes I am or am not physically attracted to. That's not racism nor is being honest about that. I think you need to stop equivocating racism with other generalities. I'm a dual citizen, to include the USA, but this country is many, many centuries behind many parts of the world in this respect...and utterances such as the ones some of you have made reenforce that notion.
Who cares who Ty is attracted to? That's his biological, social and emotional inclination and 100% his right without needing to justify it. People. Really now....