Next Food Network Star

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Next Food Network Star
I am assuming I am the only one around here that is watching this Food based reality show, but I figured I would start a thread anyways and talk to myself (as I oft enjoy doing.) Quite simply, all these contestants suck and will never be stars. I have no idea how the casting process works, but they are obviously not looking for talented chefs or interesting personalities. It is almost like they cast this show to have a bunch of people that they can be ******** to! Hell, Bobby Flay had someone crying and it was only the first hour... [I](Bobby you mean *********] Seriously, these normally affable judges show no personality while in this venue and act like raging ********!...and stop with the "What is your culinary point of view" bullshit. We know you just ask that to make the contestants look stupid, lol. Last years winner [URL=""]Amy Finley[/URL] was horrible and her show, "[I]The Gourmet Next Door[/I]" was canceled after 6 episodes and she left the network (although the cover story was she could not keep with the demands of being a television star and turned down a future with the network to go live in the south of France.) The only star they have gotten out of this enterprise is [URL=""]Guy Fieri [/URL]whom I could tell was a star the moment I saw him (although I don't like any of his projects personally.) What I am getting to is that this series is made not to find the Next Food Network Star, but rather just to have a reality show where it looks like they are looking for the Next Food Network Star. It would be quite clear in doing interviews with these candidates that they were not ready for their own television shows and that would literally take a matter of minutes to flesh out. That being said, I think they made the right decision this week with sending Corey home and I'll be watching next week. I am a foodie with a reality show addiction and can't help myself....
You are not the only one watching. I can't help wondering how long any of these people would last on Top Chef, though.
[quote=V1man;14128]You are not the only one watching. I can't help wondering how long any of these people would last on Top Chef, though.[/quote] Top Chef did have a bad season (two) in which the cast couldn't boil water. They'd [I]still[/I] own any cast of The Next Food Network Star! These guys (and gals) are clueless. Alright, how many times in the next episode will Susie Fogelson say "culinary point of view?" I am going to go with a big fat 10, once every 6 minutes. ;)
My TV is on Food Network at least 3 hours a day! The kid's love Paula Deen, Rachel Ray, Sandra Lee, to name a few. I love the show's and the chef's! Guy Fieri was a great addition to the network. I wondered what happened to Amy's show, but I guess that is obvious now! I missed the episode..but will catch up on it!
Okay I watched, I didn't get to see last season so I was kind of looking forward to this seasons especially since Top Chef is coming to an end. I was very disappointed, the personalities sucked and they couldn't even cook three original dishes in 30 minutes, and they took the "culinary point of view" way too far, that absolutely drove me nuts! But, I'll be watching it again next week.
I cannot stand Lisa, aka Posh Spice's mom. I love Shane, though. No one else really stands out yet.
I loved the line where she said, and I did it wearing a beautiful dress and high heels.
Yeah. LOL She's the only one ever to wear heels and a dress on a cooking show. She's sooooooo original. I wonder if she also does her community service in heels?
well I'm sure she does because has the 3 "Cs" have taught us at least from her culinary point of view.
[quote=bratty;14622]well I'm sure she does because has the 3 "Cs" have taught us at least from her culinary point of view.[/quote] I cringed (just like Alton) everytime she went into her "3 C's." It was just horrible! I don't think the "Posh Cut" suits her either....
I don't think I ever got what the last "C" was because I was stuck on her community bs that she kept trying to sell because she thought it made her look like a better person, when anyone with half brain could look at her and said honey, you only might help the community if it makes you look good or helps you out in some way.
Exactly! That is what I was thinking the whole time. Charity work is to make *you* feel good as well as help others, not so you can brag about it ad nauseum. I could tell you what the third 'C' is, but I don't want to get banned. Here's a hint, though. It has four letters....
Is this still attracting a crowd? I watched again last night. I can't tell you how much I hate Martha Stewart. She is such a snob! Blah! Anyways, the cast as usual played the role of first year culinary students at best. I mean come on....seasoned salt? SEASONED SALT as your signature product! Even worse, Peanut butter rub, that has no peanut and is just salt and cayenne pepper. Geez, that is one bad *** secret recipe you have there! Of course, it is all about the Lets see, what about this episode was striking? Oh! I felt bad for annoying blonde chick. You could tell she has worked her entire life to be on this show. Hopefully she stops acting so damn fake! Nothing I dislike more than an obvious pitch. I was happy for Posh Spice haircut girl. She reveled in her victory and I thought she did a good job at not being too uber fine dinning in her mentality. I've worked in many a fine dinning restaurant back in the day and know all about chicks like her. They just need an Alton Brown (or a bacchus will do) to show them they really aren't all that fine when it comes to product knowledge. I think she has been set in her place and will grow as the show progresses. The harmonica dude was funny and had balls of steel to do that serenade to Martha. I think he is my favorite right now. Probably the only one that I might consider watching on the food network as the rest don't know any more and are quite boring to be honest. Alright, I lied. There isn't a chance in hell I'll watch any of these guys if they have their own food network show. Ya caught me... Next week my goal is to learn their names...
[quote=Bacchus;15930]Is this still attracting a crowd? I watched again last night. I can't tell you how much I hate Martha Stewart. She is such a snob! Blah! Anyways, the cast as usual played the role of first year culinary students at best. I mean come on....seasoned salt? SEASONED SALT as your signature product! Even worse, Peanut butter rub, that has no peanut and is just salt and cayenne pepper. Geez, that is one bad *** secret recipe you have there! Of course, it is all about the Lets see, what about this episode was striking? Oh! I felt bad for annoying blonde chick. You could tell she has worked her entire life to be on this show. Hopefully she stops acting so damn fake! Nothing I dislike more than an obvious pitch. I was happy for Posh Spice haircut girl. She reveled in her victory and I thought she did a good job at not being too uber fine dinning in her mentality. I've worked in many a fine dinning restaurant back in the day and know all about chicks like her. They just need an Alton Brown (or a bacchus will do) to show them they really aren't all that fine when it comes to product knowledge. I think she has been set in her place and will grow as the show progresses. The harmonica dude was funny and had balls of steel to do that serenade to Martha. I think he is my favorite right now. Probably the only one that I might consider watching on the food network as the rest don't know any more and are quite boring to be honest. Alright, I lied. There isn't a chance in hell I'll watch any of these guys if they have their own food network show. Ya caught me... Next week my goal is to learn their names...[/quote] We're still watching. I still like Shane. His product's name was stupid, though (cherry-gac?). I am getting really sick of that mashed potato pizza (???) hag. If she keeps talking about how everything she does in life is for her daughter, Lyric ( :puke:) I'm going to scream!
I was happy to see Nipa go. She was just awful. If you can't stand to touch fresh fish, I doubt you are going to make a good Food Network Chef! Also, her food always looked horrible (although she seemed to get mixed reviews from the panel.) Loved Michael Simon. I first saw him on an episode of Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations (in the otherwise boring Cleveland episode) and then he made his way on to the Next Iron Chef (which was good.) He is a great Chef and quite entertaining. Actually, his Iron Chef episodes are the only ones that I watch these days (besides Bobby Flay's.) As for the cast, my three favorites at this point are Annoying Blondie Chick, Posh Spice Haircut Girl and Babyface Shane.
Another week, another disaster. They really don't want to see these people succeed now do they? The main task was impossible and just asking for trouble. You would needed Iron Chef capable Chefs in order to have anything of value served. I am surprised that Bon Appetit is actually featuring anything out of that pile of garbage that was produced. Speaking of Iron Chef: Why can't they do this show with the type of Chefs that they get as competition (like from The Next Iron Chef?) Why does the challenge have to be waffle cook caliber talent with no chance of ever hosting a viable show on the Food Network? This series would do much better and [I]be[/I] much better if they actually got people that could cook! This is the first cooking show I have ever watched that I have to actually turn away multiple times per episode because I can't take the embarrassment...
I'm still watching this train wreck of a show every week. I like it though because it makes me feel better about my own cooking skills. It's just one disaster after another. Of course that is why I watch it. Posh girl still cracks me up, the episode where she slipped and spilled the gravy all over herself was just classic, I could watch that over and over again.
[quote]Posh girl still cracks me up, the episode where she slipped and spilled the gravy all over herself was just classic, I could watch that over and over again. [/quote]Glad to see you have adopted my naming conventions, lol. Yes, I like Posh girl too (Also Shane and annoying blonde girl. )They all did the best this episode and I think there is a good chance they will be the final 3. Aaron might be a good cook, but he would never make it as a show host and crazy dude can't boil water - so I think things are fleshing out really quickly at this point. My money is on Shane, because he has a good head on his shoulders and I think he could be trained.
What a cop out! They didn't eliminated anyone last night because they wanted to get rid of comedian dude and he did the best! Aaron bombed so hard I had to fast forward through it..... It was painful to watch. His food also sucked. Posh Spice girl was a freaking robot and she [I]burned[/I] her food. Her promo was bad and I actually wasn't much of a fan of her singing. Across the board suckage. Comedian guy nailed the promo and had awesome food, but that didn't seem to matter. They raked him across the very coals he used to cook the food.... Obviously he is not going to win. They keep saying he needs to prove himself with his food and he keeps proving himself, but nobody is home at the judges table... At this point I'd say there is no question that Aaron is going to walk away with this thing. Even when he makes a horrible presentation, Bob says how awesome it is! This goes to show that they will change the rules to get the result that they want.
I don't know, Posh Girl has been growing on me, but I agree its obvious they want Aaron to win. I like Aaron too, but you're right the comedian did the best and has improved but they don't want him. I don't know as much as I hate to admit it, I think I want Posh to win.
[quote=bratty;23128]I don't know, Posh Girl has been growing on me, but I agree its obvious they want Aaron to win. I like Aaron too, but you're right the comedian did the best and has improved but they don't want him. I don't know as much as I hate to admit it, I think I want Posh to win.[/quote] Actually, Posh Spice girl reminds me of an ex and actually she is kind of like the girls that I end up going for (minus the mini-bob) I do like her to some extent. I would not be disappointed if she won. Still, I am holding out for comedian guy as I truthfully feel he would have a show I might actually watch on the Food Network (which is what this is supposedly all about.) Aaron is qualified, and if he wins - not all is lost. The finalists are 100x better this year. Last year was an unmitigated disaster!
I happened to catch Aarons new show today, Big Daddys House. I don't generally watch cooking shows, but had to check it out since I had watched the Next Food Network Star. Today was geared towards cooking with and for your kids and talked about his boys favorite dishes.
Was it any good? I have to admit that after Aaron won, I was more disappointed than I thought I would be because his pilot was the worst out of the three (by far.) He was just not comfortable in front of the camera. Then I saw him on the Today show on Saturday and I thought he was awful, using the same annoying phrases over and over (Big Daddy Style!) He might be a good cook, but he doesn't belong in front of the camera, at least not beyond a cable access share. That being said, maybe with time (and many, many more takes) they can make a star out of him, although he is not the kind of chef that I will watch on the Food Network. I already hate Rachael Ray and Guy, so why would I tune into an inferior version of this same dumbed down, "lets teach you to boil water" style of educational cooking? I posted something on the Food Network blog about needing to bring in "Top Chef" caliber talent next year instead of glorified Denny's cooks and waiters with a few recent culinary grads, but my comment was deleted. I also said that Aaron was picked to win weeks before the finale and that the last 2 competitions obviously did not matter. Deleted as well. FN doesn't stand much for criticism! In the end, I am more disappointed with the series than the fact that Aaron was picked as the winner (I wish him well.) If only they would take what is a fun show and make it great by bringing in quality, real, chefs. There are plenty of great chefs out there that would love a Food Network show and there is no excuse to avoid in not bringing them into the fold beyond the fact that they have dumbed down their talent pool to equate to the skills of the perceived audience (i.e. I can make a baked potato and want to be on TNFNS too!) That doesn't make me feel good about what they think about me!
You are absolutely right as always Bacchus, that is why you know everything. I knew Aaron was going to win, but I was still disappointed by the win, because I felt the other 2 did a better job.
Another season of The Next Food Network star starts tonight. Let's hope they don't cop out with the winner like last year.
Did anyone catch the The Next Food Network Star last night? I actually think there are a few hopefuls that could do well with a show of their own, although they will summarily be eliminated leaving the talentless goofballs in a few weeks. One thing I will say about this series is that there are many moments that are hard to watch and I end up fast forwarding through. The editors use lots of "dead silence" pauses to give a dramatic "fail" to a given presentation and I can't help but feel embarrassed for the contestants. Still, it does have its moments and I'll probably be watching this deep into the summer.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;82525]Did anyone catch the The Next Food Network Star last night? I actually think there are a few hopefuls that could do well with a show of their own, although they will summarily be eliminated leaving the talentless goofballs in a few weeks. One thing I will say about this series is that there are many moments that are hard to watch and I end up fast forwarding through. The editors use lots of "dead silence" pauses to give a dramatic "fail" to a given presentation and I can't help but feel embarrassed for the contestants. Still, it does have its moments and I'll probably be watching this deep into the summer.[/QUOTE] There are some interesting personalities, and the usual collection of losers who will soon go home. I like the mom whose apple tarts won praise, but the tall guy with the crazy hair has real camera presence.
[quote=V1man;82552]There are some interesting personalities, and the usual collection of losers who will soon go home. I like the mom whose apple tarts won praise, but the tall guy with the crazy hair has real camera presence.[/quote] Yes, the tall guy with crazy hair looks like a pro in front of the camera. Definitely an early favorite.
I really like this show, but I end up watching it in the same general manner that I watch horror movies (i.e. with my hand shielding my eyes while cringing.)
Has anybody been keeping up with this show? I keep watching, but the channel always get's changed before eliminations. I am not even sure what all their names are...haha! I will never forget Guy though...LOL!
[QUOTE]Has anybody been keeping up with this show? [/QUOTE] I have been watching. They made the right choice last night. The best two TV personalities are still in the game. I'd say Melissa is the clear favorite because she is, middle America. That being said, I much prefer Jeffery. I'd probably even [I]watch[/I] his show!
