Big Brother 11: Live Feed Updates & Discussion - Week 3

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I really hope that Jeff is just pretending to be so nonchalant about the PoV competition. He told Natalie that he was going to take a prize because it doesn't matter who wins PoV. If he doesn't try for the veto and save Jordan she is as good as gone. The ideal would be for Casey to win it and take Jordan off, so in the very least Michele goes home. Jesse is not going to put up Ronnie. He told his side that Jordan, Casey, or Michele is going home and he doesn't care which one. They've been on indoor lockdown since yesterday so it looks like the setup for PoV is going to be pretty elaborate.
I believe that the POV competition is taking place right now. The feeds are on trivia. I hope Jordan wins!
Feeds are back. Michelle won POV.
Thanks Phoenix! I've been watching the feeds trying to figure out who won POV, but just saw them showering,lol. I wonder who Jesse will put up now...I just hope Jordan does not go home this week.
Good for her! I am glad she is proving herself as a player. I guess that means Casey is going up. Unfortunatly, I have to root for him to go. I like him but I like Jordan more. Hopefully Jessie will do the safer thing and nominate Ronnie. I highly doubt it, though.
It looks like Jesse is trying to cut a deal with Michelle. He told her they "can work together".
Is he trying to convince her not to use POV?
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;102274]Is he trying to convince her not to use POV?[/QUOTE] No, he's trying to tell her who they'll put up. Then they were talking about if she won next time.
If I see Lydia and Jesse go at it again...blahhhh :P Anyway Casey probably be on his way out if things go to plan. Michelle definitely will use the POV...she'd be stupid not to.
Does anyone watching the feeds know what Jesse said about Renny and her husband? Her facebook status said the following: Renny Martyn : Jessie, you need to watch your mouth, I have a stinger on the end of this famous ***! My husband Patrick says "He'd send you to sleep in a hurry with one right hook!!!!!!!! Bye Bye!!!!!!!!!!
dang! Renny is one fiesty lady! I never heard him say anything.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;102988]Does anyone watching the feeds know what Jesse said about Renny and her husband? Her facebook status said the following: Renny Martyn : Jessie, you need to watch your mouth, I have a stinger on the end of this famous ***! My husband Patrick says "He'd send you to sleep in a hurry with one right hook!!!!!!!! Bye Bye!!!!!!!!!![/quote] He was talking about how Renny was supposedly drunk at the BB10 warp party, and was screaming at her husband. Jessie "felt embarr***ed for him." Renny = <3
who cares if she was drunk. I bet that 99 percent of fans would have voted for Renny over Jessie
Michelle used the veto to save herself (of course). Casey was put up as the replacement.
This sucks! I don't want to but I have to root for Casey to go home.
I'd rather see Casey go home than Jordan. Hopefully she can stay.
All the wrong damn people are either being nominated or evicted. I love the cast, but the game has gotten very anticlimactic and predictable. That said, I've never really cared for Michele. She's very pretty, but something about her personality just bugs the hell out of me.
It seems that Casey might be the one going home and Jordan might once again be staying in the house. Sadly though Casey is probably the most likely to go after the other side.
It's a damn shame how tedious this is. There's clips from the feeds are put on YouTube sporadically because the house is boring, Joker's Updates and BBDish are lagging because the house is boring and GW's post is the first in damn near a whole day...because the house is boring. AllyG, [U][I][B]this time[/B][/I][/U], America needs you to rig something, and rig it well.
I agree, literaly nothing has happened in the past few days. The most "drama" we have is Lydia and Natalie fighting over Jessie, and [B][U]noone[/U][/B] wants to see that.
[quote=Gucci Mane;103830]I agree, literaly nothing has happened in the past few days. The most "drama" we have is Lydia and Natalie fighting over Jessie, and [B][U]noone[/U][/B] wants to see that.[/quote] Nor does anyone care. I hope the "big announcement that will turn the game upside-down" (like we don't hear that every season) is that these stupid-ass cliques are broken up. That's keeping all the wrong people on the show. I hope this becomes a BB5 'start slow, end big' situation.
