The Real World London

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The Real World London
Okay which guy is which on this page in the picture: [url=***************************************************]The Real World: London - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/url] and what does everyone think of the season who saw it?
I wish someone would post this season on youtube or something..I really liked the season
There are several scenes up around the web. Like when they went to Kenya.
I liked the season a lot.
[quote=Zachary;76332]There are several scenes up around the web. Like when they went to Kenya.[/quote] Where's that site at?
Here's the MTV site with the cast bios: [url=********************************************************]The Real World: London | Meet the Cast | MTV[/url] I liked London. I was about 9 when it came out and to see Neil go on stage and get his tongue bitten was CRAZY for me! haha I think most people thought it was pretty boring and that having RW overseas hasn't worked out as well as when it is in the states. I grew up loving and watching the old seasons though so the first 10 RW casts have probably had the most impact on me. It is pretty hard to air after a season like RW SF though, they had big shoes to fill.
Sydney worked. Paris and London haven't. And Cancun has yet to air if you can even call that overseas to begin with, lol.
[quote=Charmqn;76337]where's that site at?[/quote] I'll PM you.
Does anyone have any idea where I can watch this, and was it any good?
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