The Real World: Future of Internet Casting

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The Real World: Future of Internet Casting
With the failure of [I]he who shall not be named[/I] being picked for Hollywood and the cast of Cancun not wanting Aiiiya to be there; what is the likelyhood of a 3rd internet casting? My personal opinion is that MTV and BMP will NOT do internet casting for any future seasons of The Real World! Also with Talpa Media taking over BMP who knows what plans they may have for show. What is everyone's opinion on internet casting? Like or Dislike
Highly doubt that they will stop it. Losing Ayiiia would surely hurt the show. I think Internet Casting is easier for them, since they don't necessarily have to cast 8. But you bring up a good point that Talpa could change this all. I like the idea of Internet Casting.
[quote=Dartagnan;103073] Losing Ayiiia would surely hurt the show. I think Internet Casting is easier for them, since they don't necessarily have to cast 8.[/quote] I am not so sure Ayiiia would hurt the show. Also I dont think internet casting is easier, after reading one of Jim Johnston's Blog on the Dailies website. I believe it was this season, Johnston mentioned that having an internet castmember was harder bc the producers are not able to interview them or get down to the nitty gritty of thier lives.
I'm neither for nor agaisnt internet casting. On one hand, it seems to generate interesting cast members. On the other, there have been a lot of scandals surrounding internet casting (not necessarily for the RW though.) Random question- Why do people always refer to that guy from Hollywood as "he who shall not be named?" Every time I see that I start to think of Harry Potter.
[quote=iMichael;103104]I'm neither for nor agaisnt internet casting. On one hand, it seems to generate interesting cast members. On the other, there have been a lot of scandals surrounding internet casting (not necessarily for the RW though.) Random question- Why do people always refer to that guy from Hollywood as "he who shall not be named?" Every time I see that I start to think of Harry Potter.[/quote] It's all here: [URL][/URL]
I think internet casting could have been very successful, but it's kind of backfired on them both times they've done it. I think BMP may realize that it's better for them to pick all 8 cast members instead of leaving the last one up to the fans, because I feel like maybe the rest of the cast naturally harbors a resentment for the internet winner because the internet winner didn't have to go through the same grueling casting process that they did.
[quote=behindme;103111]I think internet casting could have been very successful, but it's kind of backfired on them both times they've done it. I think BMP may realize that it's better for them to pick all 8 cast members instead of leaving the last one up to the fans, because I feel like maybe the rest of the cast naturally harbors a resentment for the internet winner because the internet winner didn't have to go through the same grueling casting process that they did.[/quote] No way! You can't say the internet casting has made the show more boring. It wasn't like an internet castmember disappeared into the woodwork ala Matt from Hawaii. And [I]wow[/I], Ayiiia is interesting and emotional...that makes her a bad choice? It's kept the show interesting. And what "grueling casting process"??? Why hasn't the so-called "grueling casting process" given us another Dan from Miami or Melissa from New Orleans?? Instead this process has given us Bronne - who, god love him - really isn't that charismatic or deep. Ayiiia actually has a head on her shoulders.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=snarkaholic;103150]No way! You can't say the internet casting has made the show more boring. It wasn't like an internet castmember disappeared into the woodwork ala Matt from Hawaii. And [I]wow[/I], Ayiiia is interesting and emotional...that makes her a bad choice? It's kept the show interesting. And what "grueling casting process"??? Why hasn't the so-called "grueling casting process" given us another Dan from Miami or Melissa from New Orleans?? Instead this process has given us Bronne - who, god love him - really isn't that charismatic or deep. Ayiiia actually has a head on her shoulders.[/QUOTE] I agree with all of that! I am definitely NOT a fan of the first internet winner, but I don't think Ayiiia should be put into a category with him. It is unfortunate though that the other cast members seem to have such a problem with it. Jealousy, perhaps? :)
[QUOTE=snarkaholic;103150] And [I]wow[/I], Ayiiia is interesting and emotional...that makes her a bad choice? It's kept the show interesting.[/QUOTE] Ayiiia is everything a good cast member should be. I think the fans made the right choice. On another note, is gone (MTV sloppily redirected it to The Real World Brooklyn main page.) So I am not sure if we should derive anything from that, but it is probably not a good sign.
[quote=bsteve;103081]I am not so sure Ayiiia would hurt the show. Also I dont think internet casting is easier, after reading one of Jim Johnston's Blog on the Dailies website. I believe it was this season, Johnston mentioned that having an internet castmember was harder bc the producers are not able to interview them or get down to the nitty gritty of thier lives.[/quote] I love Ayiiia and I think she may have been casted without the internet casting had she done it through video, but I am not for internet casting. That last sentence is what is wrong with internet casting. You're essentially putting someone into a mix of people that were picked by professionals for certain reasons.
[quote=snarkaholic;103150]No way! You can't say the internet casting has made the show more boring. It wasn't like an internet castmember disappeared into the woodwork ala Matt from Hawaii. And [I]wow[/I], Ayiiia is interesting and emotional...that makes her a bad choice? It's kept the show interesting. And what "grueling casting process"??? Why hasn't the so-called "grueling casting process" given us another Dan from Miami or Melissa from New Orleans?? Instead this process has given us Bronne - who, god love him - really isn't that charismatic or deep. Ayiiia actually has a head on her shoulders.[/quote] not being a DQ, but the casting process IS tiresome and can be a little grueling. If you haven't been through it, you shouldn't comment.
Everyone who goes through casting does say that it is very deep and grueling.
[quote=emilee;103199]not being a DQ, but the casting process IS tiresome and can be a little grueling. If you haven't been through it, you shouldn't comment.[/quote] Wow, I don't doubt the process is tiresome/grueling (everyone should check out [URL=""]Milo Frontel's take[/URL] of how cast members are chosen) All I'm saying is that I'm sure there's a bit of formulaic groupthink within BMP that can be limiting in the cast selection process that internet casting could solve. That said, I didn't realize internet casting was such a controversial issue in which people took sides. To throw you a bone, I'm only against it if it leads to more cast members like that guy from RW Hollywood.
I personally don't like the internet casting process. I do not like he who must not be named. Ayiiia on the other hand is not so bad. I will admit I do not love her, but I don't hate her. I feel she is interesting and brings drama but at the same time I don't know. I feel like with casting on the internet, there are always problems and stuff. I remember I actually tried doing it and it wouldn't let me upload videos and some votes wouldn't go through. Also there is no doubt about it that people were cheating. I mean, the first day the casting site went up, some people had over 1000 votes. That's bull****. Also I loved when I saw people who had more votes than profile views. Don't you have to go to their profile to vote? I also found out that you can vote for someone more than once in a day without making a million different login names. I went on the site, went to my profile, and clicked vote. Then I x-ed out my whole Internet Explorer and went back on the site without logging in and hit vote and it gave me another vote. So people can just do that. I just feel that the internet process isn't the best because someone who can be so boring can somehow cheat their way to the finals. Even with the interview part, it's very easy to lie. I think they shouldn't do it anymore and stick to the process they usually do. I will admit that if I was on the show and some person who was voted in to the house was there, I would be a little annoyed because I had to travel around and do interviews while they sat at home cooking up a BS story to get in the house This is my personal opinion and I'm not expecting everyone to agree lol.
I think Internet casting should continue because everything is going digital anyway and it's probably more cost effective to comb through videos that people submit for free. It is pretty interesting that the two cast members casted via the Internet were very unpopular in their season. Maybe because the cast members who had to go through the long, nail-biting casting process probably felt on a higher level than the person who got on the cast by pure luck and popularity? In he [I]who shall not be named's[/I] case, he doesn't seem like a real person. I'm convinced he was some sort of actor hired by the producers to cause drama because he was too much! Or maybe he just put on an act the whole time to become known as some sort of infamous reality villain like Omarosa and have his career take off from there. Ayiiia seems real and I'm glad she was chosen. The house must bring out her bad qualities like she said in confessions because you'd think that somebody who had everybody and their mom vote for them to be on the show would be a very cool and sociable person who doesn't cause drama ...
Anonymous's picture
I don't dislike Ayiia at all... However, I know a lot of people... I could get cast on one of these shows too... lol I think the "powers that be" should be more hands on with casting.
[quote=bsteve;103067][I]he who shall not be named[/I][/quote] Sorry I had forgotten about that!
I think Aiiiya would have been cast this season specifically bc of the location only! I almost wonder if she was assisted in the online casting by production bc of her ethnicity and she can speak spanish. Now with that being said I dont think she was singled out from the beginning but when it got down to the top 25 she had to have had an advantage. The 13 castmembers that have been cast as apart of internet casting seaons would probably agree that they wished those winners were not cast. Now I cant confirm that since I am not 1 of the 13 or know any or all of the 13 but I am going out on a limb and getting my info from watching the seasons! I just say NO more internet casting is nessacry!
The producer's wrote a blog on Ayiiia, and they stated that she would have been cast either way. They said she had tht glow, etc. I think that the Internet casting proved right with her, so it could very well be rehashed.
[quote=Dartagnan;103386]they stated that she would have been cast either way.[/quote] Cause of the location!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=bsteve;103392]Cause of the location![/quote] No, although I don't care for her edit at times, she was a GREAT casting choice. Ayiiia just screams controversial.
[quote=bsteve;103392]Cause of the location![/quote] [FONT=Tahoma]"The Real World Cancun was the second time we let internet users choose a roommate for the house. Our winner was San Diego native, [B]Ayiiia[/B]. At the time of the internet contest is was not revealed that we were going to Cancun, but ironically she is of Mexican descent, and speaks fluent Spanish.[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]The casting process for The Real World is an extensive one for those who make to the final audition. Over the course of several months the potential roommates go through a series of probing interviews that explore everything about them -- from their personal beliefs to the intimate details of their lives. Each individual is forced to come to terms with themselves – a self realization process that is very much like visiting a therapist.[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]But in the case of Ayiiia, she was picked through the internet contest and did not go through the same rigorous set of interviews. In her final audition interview, the only interview she really did with us, she was glowing and open and simply wonderful. We all believed she would have been cast for the show anyway if she had made to the finals. Still, as producers, we don’t know her as well as the other roommates; there could be behaviors or elements of her past that will surprise us. [/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]Our first internet winner was [B]Greg[/B], the self titled “Chosen One” from The Real World Hollywood. Greg was an outsider from the first moment he walked into the house; and eventually he left the show early when he missed a performance of the improv group the cast was required to participate in. I don’t think the experience was not a good one for Greg as he refused to participate in the taping of the reunion special.[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]So the question is did Greg have two strikes against him because he was the internet winner? Was there a feeling of being different than the others that made him an outcast? And will Ayiiia have this same feeling in the Cancun house? Can she overcome the label of “Internet Winner”? "[/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]" [/FONT] [FONT=Tahoma]By Jim Johnston himself, so maybe this will stop the location nonsense.[/FONT]
I agree with BS on the location thing. I do see what your saying though Dart. But I have to point out BS's point of production knew where this season was going to be.
I just read on a message board that Season 25 is going to have Online/Internet Casting! The season is going to take place in Toronto, CA!
V2Men, where did you read that? Can you link us? Also, season 25 would be two seasons after DC, unless you mean season 24. While I don't doubt that they would have online casting again, I find it hard to believe that they have a location picked out already when they're still filming DC.
Yeah it was 24! Mistake. I found it on Joker's but I dont know how to link something.
Just browse to the page that you found it on and copy the address that's in your address bar into a post here. I'm curious to see what it says!
I didn't know they told everyone where the season was going to take place before casting...I thought they kept that a secret until the finals for casting. I think that if Ayiiia wasn't on the show, there wouldn't be any drama, like Joey stated. Then we'd just be watching Joey have his "girl of the week" and CJ trying to get some and Bronne just doing what he does best. Doesn't really sound like good tv to me. It strives on drama.
[quote=Insider;103292]I don't dislike Ayiia at all... However, I know a lot of people... I could get cast on one of these shows too... lol [B]I think the "powers that be" should be more hands on with casting[/B].[/quote] Yeah I agree.
I agree as well. I have a bunch of friends who have friends and could get me on the show. I was on both times, and I should have put more effort into getting people to vote for me. It could have been completely easy then.
Yeah I agree. I have a huge family and a lot of friends (some of which go to different colleges so they could get THEIR friends to vote for me) and a school with 40,000 students...I could easily ask people to spread the word and get on the show merely by that.
