Real World DC: Ty Ruff

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Yep I called it. Chooses to identify more with the non-black culture. What's with the casting of blacks on RW who seem to only date non-blacks (both the guys and girls)? Nothing wrong with interracial dating but when you purposely deny one race, then I have an issue with it. I'll be interested to see the reasons behind Ty's choice.
I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but I was watching this video on youtube and I was reading the comments. Someone pointed out that Andrew said "I knew you were gay", to Ty while the cast was getting out of the hottub.
[U][COLOR=#003366][url=]YouTube - Real World DC 2009 June[/url][/COLOR][/U] [COLOR=#003366]Here is the video. It occurs at 0:17. Could this mean that Ty really is gay? Of course, Andrew could've just been joking. [/COLOR]
It seems like they were joking and he doesn't appear gay.
I think they were joking. When the cast was first revealed, it was thought that he was gay. Then it was confirmed that he was straight.
Anonymous's picture
Yep but he still has that homosexual appeal on the first pic on page one, lol.
Maybe he is just metro. Hahaha, oh how I hate labels.
Yeah he kind of strikes me as metro. Although he isn't gay I think he might be like Stephen from Seattle.
Hahaha Slapping Stephen..... Hopefully he is nothing like him.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=dplayer18;103060]Yeah he kind of strikes me as metro. Although he isn't gay I think he might be like Stephen from Seattle.[/quote] Hardly. Stephen turned out to be a big oh queen post show/post challenge.
[quote=Alexa;103558]Hardly. Stephen turned out to be a big oh queen post show/post challenge.[/quote] Did Irene call it or what?
Anonymous's picture
Not really. Stephen TOLD Irene he was gay or they had discussed it prior to that specific episode.
[quote=Alexa;103573]Not really. Stephen TOLD Irene he was gay or they had discussed it prior to that specific episode.[/quote] [I]Really?[/I] He seemed pretty shocked about the insinuation here: [url=]Vintage Real World: Seattle's Stephen & Irene In "The Slap Heard 'Round The World" - Top - Jezebel[/url]
Anonymous's picture
From what I remember, he did deny it till the end. Or at least until the RW 10 yr reunion, or was it the awards bash? Something like that.
It doesn't take a rocket science to figure out Stephen is gay.
[quote=ErinMichelle;102974]Yep I called it. Chooses to identify more with the non-black culture. What's with the casting of blacks on RW who seem to only date non-blacks (both the guys and girls)? Nothing wrong with interracial dating but when you purposely deny one race, then I have an issue with it. I'll be interested to see the reasons behind Ty's choice.[/quote] i strongly agree. That guy Will from hollywood was different though. he dated that girl from a previous real world season who was black/latino. i expect the first episode to show the roommates asking the typical questions that white people ask black people. assuming this person fits the stereotype. but then be appalled when he reveals he's republican and such. i figure i'm gonna have a love/hate thing about this coming season and how it portrays black people.
Yeah Will from RW Hollywood was the exception, he seemed like the type of guy who loves all types of girls. IMO there haven't been many "real" black people cast on the show. This statement might be controversial, but most of the blacks cast on the show only represent maybe 10 percent of the demographic. And I'm not saying they should cast the most "hood" person or the most "fight the power" person. But I'd be interested to see somebody from a historically black college come into the house. Like the kids cast on BET College Hill. Those castmembers represent the majority of the college-educated black demographic IMO.
Stephen from Denver went to Howard University. Despite the fact that he was gay, I think that Karamo from Philly was a good representation also.
Stephen from Denver was gay? Or are you talking about Stephen from Seattle?
[quote=blanky667;105771]Stephen from Denver was gay? Or are you talking about Stephen from Seattle?[/quote] He was talking about Karamo. I [I]LOVE[/I] Karamo. As for Stephen, Stephen was not a good representation of the Black community, but just another clown who reinforces the stereotypes against us: homophobic, ignorant and too attached to a specific set of religious beliefs to really get a good view of the world. I re-watched my Denver tape, and the mere utterance of, "Now, I'm going back home to the people I actually care about," in response to the Katrina boys (having evacuated New Orleans from Katrina myself) had me ready to hang him like swine at a meat market. I know that was a but much, but that's the truth. He sucked. It's ironic that the gay-looking, gay-acting (my feelers still tell me something), semi gay-hating P.O.S. was the holier-than-thou hypocrite. Will was another loser. Whine, whine and whine while taking zero responsibility for anything. He just sucked for an array of reasons, and this is one of many cases for me where his looks, as A+ as they are, just don't make up for it. Karamo/Jasmine 2016. Vote or die!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=jjlucash;105818] Karamo/Jasmine 2016. Vote or die![/quote] Whattttttttttt? ****ing hilarious.
OK, two gay guys. Again, looking for more 'real' African Americans lol
[quote=ErinMichelle;105757]... [B]there haven't been many "real" black people cast on the show. This statement might be controversial, but most of the blacks cast on the show only represent maybe 10 percent of the demographic. And I'm not saying they should cast the most "hood" person or the most "fight the power" person. But I'd be interested to see somebody from a historically black college come into the house. Like the kids cast on BET College Hill. Those castmembers represent the majority of the college-educated black demographic[/B] IMO.[/quote] I agree with what you said 100%. MTV needs to follow the BET casting directors choices when it comes to casting the black people for the Real World. MTV obviously has a small amount of expertise when it comes to this. I'm not trying to be offensive, but it would be nice to have some inter-group diversity on the show.
What I don't understand is how he isn't a REAL African American? To me it makes me seem like you guys are thinking all African Americans are the way there "stereotype" is. And that is not true. He is obviously a REAL African American is he not?
I'm not saying that he isn't a real African American. I hope I'm not offending anybody here, but the African Americans that MTV casts seem to be a little off base when it comes to their culture. The African Americans on BET's College Hill seem to be a little more real and not putting on an act. Like ErinMichelle, the African Americans on BET represent the majority of the college educated black demographic, while the African Americans on MTV represent only a very tiny percent of the college educated black demographic.
What is a college educated African American? How do we know that Ty isn't? You guys seem to feel as though every African American is that certain way that we see on BET.
Dartagnan, I agree. There are all different types of white, Latino, Asian, Indian, Middle Eastern, etc. people and the same goes for black people. I mean, take a few Latinos who have been on the show recently--it's not like Jose, Derek and Willie are anything alike personality-wise--they're all different people and I think it's unfair to expect people to perpetuate a certain stereotype or personality just because of their race. And the flaws people are mentioning in Will and Stephen are personality flaws, which aren't dictated by one's race the last time I checked. In my opinion, the Real World is diverse because it's meant to be a representation of the real world, which is extremely diverse, obviously. Most of the time race doesn't make someone whiny, homophobic or religious. Belief makes people religious, fear makes people homophobic and god knows what makes people whiny. These are all [I]personality[/I] traits. It's not like Trisha made white people look bad even though she was a sucky b****. She made herself look bad because she was a sucky b****. That's like someone looking at me and saying, "Oh, she's Persian so she's automatically supposed to perpetuate a super conservative religious stereotype and be a complete prude," none of which are true about me at all. There are people of every personality type in every race.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Dartagnan;105899]What is a college educated African American? How do we know that Ty isn't? You guys seem to feel as though every African American is that certain way that we see on BET.[/quote] I know, and it ****** me off.
Not to mention the fact that Ty [I]is[/I] a college educated and prep school educated African American.
I'm sure Ty is a nice guy, but MTV should have cast an African American guy that is similar to Brandon from BET's College Hill. He wasn't too ghetto, but he wasn't trying to imitate the kids at Abercrombie and Fitch either. He was just a normal African American guy. They should also look for more African American guys like Karamo, Will, and Stephen (Denver), but steer clear of people like Adam (RW Paris). They would probably draw in some new minority viewers if they cast people who they could identify with. My point is that MTV should be a little more realistic when they cast for their shows. Most of the college educated African Americans that I have met attend/ attended HBCU's. What's wrong with casting African Americans from HBCU's?
