Big Brother 11: Ep. 3 - Discussion

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Big Brother 11: Ep. 3 - Discussion
The Power of Veto Competition is held. Will Lydia or Chima be taken off the block? [CENTER][url=][img][/img][/url] [B]vs.[/B] [url=][img][/img][/url][/CENTER]
I'm not sure who I want to go home. Either of the two on the block would not be a big loss in my book. Not that I dislike either of them...
[quote=Bacchus;96106]I'm not sure who I want to go home. Either of the two on the block would not be a big loss in my book. Not that I dislike either of them...[/quote] I agree...there isn't anyone on the block this week that I hate or really care about. Honestly though I'd like to see Lydia stay as she might stir stuff later.
I don't think Lydia and Chima are big threats. But Lydia can potentially have power if she stays.
I feel bad for Chima. That would really be painful to have no one help you. I think that a Saaphyrii qoute fits perfectly here "she got a boob job and her tits still saggy" about Laura.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;96113]I don't think Lydia and Chima are big threats. But Lydia can potentially have power if she stays.[/QUOTE] I agree. No matter what happens, I just want it to turn out bad for Jessie. ;)
Since when was Laura in the alliance?
[quote=dplayer18;96113]I don't think Lydia and Chima are big threats. But Lydia can potentially have power if she stays.[/quote] Never know though down the road things could change...she might turn out to be a floater maybe.
Chima deserves to go home... Why would she pick a player from the other alliance? Is Natalie really going to save her?
Lydia's got a pretty badass necklace going on.
Chima is beginning to make to lean toward her going home haha But I don't think she will now.....depending on who wins POV and if it's used.
Couldn't they have come up with a more late night dinner friendly veto competition? And they have the oozing sound effects cranked right up. :D
Gross. Gross. Gross.
Do you think Russell realizes he's calling himself a penis?
I nailed my first impression of Russell and don't like him at all.
I don't want Lydia to go home. I like her the most, which means she's cursed to be sent home first. My early favorite always goes home first every season with the exception of last season.
Russell is a moron...
Russel is a douche. I think Jeff us funny.
I don't really like Russel and Jeff.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;96147]Russel is a douche. I think Jeff us funny.[/QUOTE] I am glad Jeff bailed on that team of losers. I can't stand any of them.
"Everyone on my team can ____ off. Why don't you spell that for your word?" Best thing I heard all day!
That entire clique will probably end up getting booted out or at least some will try once the chance presents itself.
I kind of like Natalie.
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;96152]That entire clique will probably end up getting booted out or at least some will try once the chance presents itself.[/QUOTE] I agree. That will be funny.
Ut-Oh....Ronnie is in trouble! He should have kept his mouth shut.
Yeah, he should have. I'm starting to dislike him.
If the populars want to stay it would be in their best intrest to team up with the off beats.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;96170]Yeah, he should have. I'm starting to dislike him.[/QUOTE] He's a bit weaselly and thinks he is smarter then he really is, which is a sure fire death sentence in this game. Still, I think there are bigger fish to fry this week.
"It all comes down to what is going to benefit Russell the most." Anyone who speaks about themselves in the third person should be evicted immediately, lol.
Anyone who refers to themselves as the love muscle should be evicted immediately.
I am not a fan of Braden, but I want him to stay just to get back at the Athletes.
