The Duel 2: Finale - Episode Discussion

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[quote=V1man;83374]They didn't show it. Between rounds Landon pushed his shoulder back into place. I think I recall being told that he did it up against the wall. It was obvious to everyone that he was hurt, but obviously BMP decided not to show it. The only indication is the way his left arm is hanging to his side when he shakes hands with Brad.[/quote] I'm sad they didn't show that. I think it should have been put in. I hope it is addressed at the reunion. Good for Brad, and good for Anessa making it to finals on this duel challenge. Um, I guess I'll go for Brad or Mark, Rachel or Brittini to win. Brad's never won one, so it would be so good for him to win. I wouldn't mind Anessa winning, either. I think I am OK with the girls left, at least. Neither one is one of my very favorites, but I'd like to see Rachel prove to people more that she is a good competitor, Britt has done well enough for her first challenge and I'd like her to prove herself as well. Anessa winning would be big since she's done multiple challenges and never won.
Diem soooo won that Duel
[QUOTE=gamer73;83383]Diem soooo won that Duel[/QUOTE] Ummm no...she soooo didn't. Do you see her in the finals? Because I don't. [QUOTE=Eagle;83381]This "pick somebody to go into the duel" thing was ********, and a slap in the face to everything top players like Landon, Brit, Rachel, and Mark worked for this entire Duel II challenge.[/QUOTE] They all agreed to it, so I don't understand why would you say it was that way.
[QUOTE=molds13;83379]I actually think she had the right idea considering that Brittini was coming at her the same way as the last round. It just didn't play out in the right way for her.[/QUOTE] Diem was also playing on a dinged ankle. I'm told the injury was shown in a prior episode where she and Tori were practicing Push Over inside the house. Like Landon, she didn't complain about it, which is admirable.
What I like about this is they all win some money. So atleast I know Brad will win some money finally. lol. Cool to see Britini, a rookie kick *** on her first challenge and make it far.
omg omg omg I am so excited to watch what happens
Bye Bye Lando...:crying:
[quote=RW561015;83382]I'm sad they didn't show that. I think it should have been put in. I hope it is addressed at the reunion. Good for Brad, and good for Anessa making it to finals on this duel challenge. Um, I guess I'll go for Brad or Mark, Rachel or Brittini to win. Brad's never won one, so it would be so good for him to win.[/quote] I don't think I would've been able to watch. I have a lot of problems with my shoulder too, and the pain I feel when it's dislocated is second (and a really close second) only to labor pains. He's a helluva lot stronger than me, there's no way I would've been able to finish after that.
Lando was the probably the last true competitor that we will ever see. (I know Mark, and Darrell) but he was a good competitor.
Again, (after hearing about Diem having an injury as well) it's a shame BMP didn't put the injuries into the last duels. It would have made things more interesting, and maybe more heart wrenching. [quote=TheQuietOne;83393]I don't think I would've been able to watch. I have a lot of problems with my shoulder too, and the pain I feel when it's dislocated is second (and a really close second) only to labor pains. He's a helluva lot stronger than me, there's no way I would've been able to finish after that.[/quote] I was scared to see it, but I felt it was a big thing that should have been factored into the show. He is very strong to have gone through that and kept going (Nick was strong with the broken hand and continuing as well). I'm really sad he didn't make it. And with a bike ride as well in the final! That would have SO be up his ally. That is, if he would have been stable enough to go to the final. I guess with the injury, him not being in the final is not really bad if you think about it in the "he's very injured" way.
But Mark it isn't about passing Rachel, you are still behind the guys.
LOL!!! Wow Evan...
LOL at Evan! What rules did he read?!
That trail that they're riding looks BRUTAL.
I propose a drinking game. Every time Evan says "This sucks!" everyone would take a chug. You'd be drunk after 10 minutes.
Evan is speshul. Rachel definitely has it right to just keep a pace instead of trying to get the biggest lead possible. P.S. LOVE Michael Cera wearing the Snuggie in the Year One promos.
LOL. When I saw Evan carry his mountain bike, I thought "What the HELL?! BMP expects them to do THAT? Jee-zus! This final is no joke."
What? Do they switch partners again?
[quote=molds13;83404]Rachel definitely has it right to just keep a pace instead of trying to get the biggest lead possible.[/quote] Yeah, she would've been panting and heaving if she'd biked all the way up that mountain as fast as she could. [quote=molds13;83404]P.S. LOVE Michael Cera wearing the Snuggie in the Year One promos.[/quote] It could also be a Slanket.. or just a backwards robe.. oh, wait..
Now now's just $100 G's...
OMG, no Evan did not yell at Brittini like that. What a jerkish move! UGH!
[quote=molds13;83384] They all agreed to it, so I don't understand why would you say it was that way.[/quote] They all agreed to it because it had to be a majority decision which worked against the top players. What is fair to the group is not fair to the top players. It's also just a really anti-climatic way to have the final elimination.
My building respect for Evan has just crashed right onto the floor...
[quote=RW561015;83411]OMG, no Evan did not yell at Brittini like that. What a jerkish move! UGH![/quote] Like that's a big surprise.
[quote=V1man;83387]Diem was also playing on a dinged ankle. I'm told the injury was shown in a prior episode where she and Tori were practicing Push Over inside the house. Like Landon, she didn't complain about it, which is admirable.[/quote] Yes, that was in the dailies--and it looked like Diem and Tori were trying to make sure no one else saw that she was hurt.
Anybody else think Brad's first point was kind of lame? TJ blew the horn like he was going to stop play and restart them, and he ran over and clipped his thing on while Landon stood around.
baby steps
[quote=blanky667;83413]My building respect for Evan has just crashed right onto the floor...[/quote] I know. He kind of went through a dormant stage for a while for me in this challenge, and now this. I can see him yelling at her to hurry, but he had to yell out those words to her. I like that Mark did not yell at Anessa. It was funny when Anessa said she wasn't wearing any pants.
Ending on elevator? That's BRUTAL.
I wonder who is going to come in third? LOL
