The Challenge: Create Your Own

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i second that
Battle of the Seasons 2: 2 person teams from any given season, just like the origional, until the midway point of the challenge where it would become an individual game. This would add a new dynamic to alliances (when to carry other people weight, when to cut off a same season castmate, cross season alliances). Fresh Meat 2: Same format as origional FM however use challenge rookies as the fresh meat. This could add a new spin on the vets vs rookies by pairing up a vet with someone who has not yet competed in a challenge. Fresh meat could include the latest RW cast and cast members from the many seasons past who have not yet competed in a challenge.
^I loved that idea.
i have some ideas for eliminations King of the Hill- both players start at the bottom of a small pyramid that has stairs to the stop. only a couple of stairs. at the start of the horn they will quickly race to the top of the pyramid. the object of the game is to stay at the top of the pyramid. while you are at the top with your whole body on top of the pyramid you will gain points per second. also you have to be at the top alone. if the your opponent is at the top with you then no player gets any points. first to 100 points wins. Knock Off- a simple jousting game. two players on separate platforms try to knock eachother of the platforms. first to fall 3 times loses. Stuck on me- Both players are attached to eachother by a very short rope. the will start on their knees facing eachother. on the sound of the horn they will quickly try to run to their flag and grab it. first person to get to their flag 2 times wins. this will be similar to reverse tug of war but instead of a long rope, its shorter meaning you can grab your opponent and personally drag them across the field lol Double Dash- both players will start on opposite sides of the arena. between them in the arena will be platforms scattered around. the object of this game is to get across to your opponents side using the platforms by jumping on them. theres a catch, both players can jump on a platform that their oppoent is on which means the players can try and knock eachother off. if a player is knocked off or falls off then they must return to their side and start again. while returning to their side they are not allowed to try and knock off their opponent until they get back to their side. Pole Push- this is basically taken from the gauntlet 3. the pole push mission would be this elimination but instead of alot of people on each side it will only be one on each side of the pole and the object is to push your opponent out of the circle using the pole 3 times. Hold Your Own- both players will be harnessed into a weight belt that connects to a contraption like a pulley system. at the end of their ropes that are connected to them is a basket. it will be empty at first. the host will read of some trivia questions that are about the cast, challenges, the show, etc. each player will have a buzzer in their hand so if they know the answer, they will have to hit their buzzer. if they get the question right, their opponent gets 5 pounds added to their basket. if they get it wrong, then that player that got it wrong gets 5 pounds in their basket. the first player that has their basket touch the floor loses. Endzone- both players will start on opposite sides of the arena. they will flip a coin to determine who gets the ball first. after that is decided the game begins. the player with the ball will start at their endzone and must try and get passed their opponent and get to their respective endzone to gain a point. if their opponent knocks them down or knocks the ball out of their hand then their opponent becomes the offender and gets the ball. however where ever your opponent takes you down is where they get to start with the ball. the first player to get 3 points wins Ball Buster- taken from the island. both players will start on opposite sides of the arena. their will be a big ball in the middle. the players must get that ball into their oppoents goal.
Totally awesome. I love each of the eliminations.
Here's my idea for a challenge, and a [kind of] realistic cast. For now I am going to call the challenge the Chiller. The format is similar to the Inferno. There will be a total of 15 challenges, and there will be a prize for winning each challenge. The theme of this challenge is revenge. Teams are 12 VS. 12. On the first day there will be an individual challenge with a male and female winner. The winners get to become captain and select their teams. After the first challenge, the team will nominate two people to go into the Chiller (there will be male and female weeks). The opposing team will choose one of those people to go into the Chiller. After the second challenge, the Chiller will occure. During this challenge, players will be able to get a Lifesaver. The winner of the Lifesave can save the person on their team going into the Chiller. However, the opposing team now has the ability to select any player of the same sex to go into the Chiller except for the person who was saved. Here's the catch...each week 2 people must go home. If you lose the Chiller, you are going home. If you win, then you must select someone of the same sex from your team to go home. The final challenge has a $240,000 prize and each member of the winning team gets $60,000. The losing team will split $60,000. Here's the cast: Males: JD (Brooklyn) Joey (Hollywood) Isaac (Sydney) Johnny (Key West) Danny (Austin) Karamo (Philadelphia) Frank (Las Vegas) Dan (Miami) David (Viewer's Revenge) Abe (South Pacific) Shane (Campus Crawl) Kenny (Fresh Meat) Females: Baya (Brooklyn) Trisha (Sydney) Paula (Key West) Coral (Back to New York) Tonya (Chicago) Ruthie (Hawaii) Tori (Viewer's Revenge) Cara (South Pacific) Rachel (Campus Crawl) Veronica (Semester at Sea) Susie (Australia) Linette (Fresh Meat)
[quote=iMichael;73009]Here's my idea for a challenge, and a [kind of] realistic cast. For now I am going to call the challenge the Chiller. The format is similar to the Inferno. There will be a total of 15 challenges, and there will be a prize for winning each challenge. The theme of this challenge is revenge. Teams are 12 VS. 12. On the first day there will be an individual challenge with a male and female winner. The winners get to become captain and select their teams. After the first challenge, the team will nominate two people to go into the Chiller (there will be male and female weeks). The opposing team will choose one of those people to go into the Chiller. After the second challenge, the Chiller will occure. During this challenge, players will be able to get a Lifesaver. The winner of the Lifesave can save the person on their team going into the Chiller. However, the opposing team now has the ability to select any player of the same sex to go into the Chiller except for the person who was saved. Here's the catch...each week 2 people must go home. If you lose the Chiller, you are going home. If you win, then you must select someone of the same sex from your team to go home. The final challenge has a $240,000 prize and each member of the winning team gets $60,000. The losing team will split $60,000. [/quote] im confused lol....maybe its just because im tired =]
[CENTER][U][B]Battle Of The Seasons 2[/B][/U] Scott & Sarah (Real World Brooklyn) Nick & Brittini (Real World Hollywood) Dunbar & Kelly Anne (Real World Sydney) Johnny & Svetlana (Real World Key West) Wes & Johanna (Real World Austin) Landon & Sarah (Real World Philadelphia) Brad & Robin (Real World San Diego) Theo & Tonya (Real World Chicago) Coral & Mike (Real World Back 2 New York) Derek & Tori (Road Rules Viewer's Revenge) Derrick & Ibis (Road Rules X-Treme) Abe & Tina (Road Rules South Pacific) Darrell & Rachel (Road Rules Campus Crawl) Yes & Veronica (Road Rules Semester @ Sea) Timmy & Emily (Road Rules USA-2) Evan & Evelyn (Fresh-Meat) Rules: After a mission, the winning team gets immunity from the "Chamber." The other teams pick a team to go into the chamber with them and they compete. The winning team stays (and is immune from the next chamber.) The loosing team goes home. Episodes: Mission; Deliberation; Chamber (16 Teams Equals 14 episodes) (Finale missions its two teams head to head and the twist at the end is every man/woman for themselves) 1. Man $200,000 1. Woman-$200,000 2. Man-$0 2. Woman-$0 [/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
Duel 3 Females: Rachel (RR CC) Veronica Tina Jodi Kina Ev Kellyanne Ruthie Both Holly from RR Coral Kate RW:Brooklyn Devyn Julie Susie Cara Piggy Mallory Christina (from inferno 1) That will truly determine who is the best girl on these challenges.
[quote=DaCollegeKid;73283][CENTER][U][B]Battle Of The Seasons 2[/B][/U] Scott & Sarah (Real World Brooklyn) Nick & Brittini (Real World Hollywood) Dunbar & Kelly Anne (Real World Sydney) Johnny & Svetlana (Real World Key West) Wes & Johanna (Real World Austin) Landon & Sarah (Real World Philadelphia) Brad & Robin (Real World San Diego) Theo & Tonya (Real World Chicago) Coral & Mike (Real World Back 2 New York) Derek & Tori (Road Rules Viewer's Revenge) Derrick & Ibis (Road Rules X-Treme) Abe & Tina (Road Rules South Pacific) Darrell & Rachel (Road Rules Campus Crawl) Yes & Veronica (Road Rules Semester @ Sea) Timmy & Emily (Road Rules USA-2) Evan & Evelyn (Fresh-Meat)[/CENTER] [CENTER]Rules: After a mission, the winning team gets immunity from the "Chamber." The other teams pick a team to go into the chamber with them and they compete. The winning team stays (and is immune from the next chamber.) The loosing team goes home.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Episodes: Mission; Deliberation; Chamber[/CENTER] [CENTER](16 Teams Equals 14 episodes)[/CENTER] [CENTER](Finale missions its two teams head to head and the twist at the end is every man/woman for themselves)[/CENTER] [CENTER][B]1. Man $200,000 1. Woman-$200,000[/B] [B]2. Man-$0 2. Woman-$0[/B][/CENTER] [/quote] Wow, now that is a kick in the ***.
[QUOTE=producer88;75165] That will truly determine who is the best girl on these challenges.[/QUOTE] Wouldn't the only way to [I]truly[/I] determine who the best girl is is to have them ALL compete?
[quote=DaCollegeKid;73283][CENTER][U][B]Battle Of The Seasons 2[/B][/U] Scott & Sarah (Real World Brooklyn) Nick & Brittini (Real World Hollywood) Dunbar & Kelly Anne (Real World Sydney) Johnny & Svetlana (Real World Key West) Wes & Johanna (Real World Austin) Landon & Sarah (Real World Philadelphia) Brad & Robin (Real World San Diego) Theo & Tonya (Real World Chicago) Coral & Mike (Real World Back 2 New York) Derek & Tori (Road Rules Viewer's Revenge) Derrick & Ibis (Road Rules X-Treme) Abe & Tina (Road Rules South Pacific) Darrell & Rachel (Road Rules Campus Crawl) Yes & Veronica (Road Rules Semester @ Sea) Timmy & Emily (Road Rules USA-2) Evan & Evelyn (Fresh-Meat) [B]Rules: After a mission, the winning team gets immunity from the "Chamber." The other teams pick a team to go into the chamber with them and they compete. The winning team stays (and is immune from the next chamber.) The loosing team goes home. [/B] Episodes: Mission; Deliberation; Chamber (16 Teams Equals 14 episodes) (Finale missions its two teams head to head and the twist at the end is every man/woman for themselves) 1. Man $200,000 1. Woman-$200,000 2. Man-$0 2. Woman-$0 [/CENTER] [/quote] So the remaining teams get to pick 2 teams to go into the chamber right?
[quote=Zachary;75167]Wow, now that is a kick in the ass.[/quote] Lol Zach I almost spit out my gum from laughing..I have to agree though..I'd be backstabbing like a ***********!
yea that would be some good *** drama lol esp the fact second place goes home with nothing as well
i was really bored and decided to make a rough draft of wat my challenge "the arena" would look like. this would be the logo [IMG][/IMG] wat u think??
Thats nice! It looks very medieval-like haha.
im having alot of fun making these, so this next pic if for the Inferno 4 is they had one, these are just for fun and might suck but w/e lol, enjoy [IMG][/IMG]
Anonymous's picture
Those are so cool.
I love the INFERNO 4 one!!!
Anonymous's picture
It would be cool if you had pictures of the cast underneath the picture.
Nice artwork.
thanx everyone. any other ones you want me to make? give me some ideas and il try and make them. give me the title of the challenge and the theme so i can see what i can do =]
heres the next picture for the Gauntlet 4.....enjoy [IMG][/IMG]
Anonymous's picture
Thats different..but cool. lol.
Wow! I really like that Gauntlet one. Btw, steven I sent you a pm.
I like your little artwork. It is nice to see.
[quote=steven712;78596]heres the next picture for the Gauntlet 4.....enjoy [/quote] IN the Words of Peter Griffin....THAT IS AWESOME!
Here's my idea for a new challenge format.. it's kind of "I Love Money"-ish but I think it would bring out a lot more drama than the boring Duel 2 format. - 2 teams, either RW vs. RR or something new (no vets/rookies, good/bad, etc) - After each challenge, the winning team picks 3 people (either men or women depending on the day) from the losing team to go into the gauntlet (we'll call it that for now, I'm not creative enough to think of a new name) - These 3 people compete in a gauntlet game and the winner is safe, but unlike the old challenges, the loser does not automatically go home - Instead, the person who won the gauntlet gets to choose between the 2 losers who goes home. After so many rounds of this (probably 10ish with the way they are doing hour long episodes now) the remaining players would compete in the final challenge, blah blah blah. Yay/nay?
so this next logo is actually for my own challenge that i am hosting in the summer for all my friends. its called the brawl and i have mentioned it a few times in other threads. the challenge will be about 20 people. 10 boys and 10 girls. each day they will compete in a challenge(s). there are team challenges and individual challenges. team challenges are basically where the players will have to split into 2 teams. the teams dont always have to be the same and the teams will be selected in numerous ways such as 2 team captains picking teams or even just having the players decide the teams themselves by talking amongst themselves. individual challenges will be where all the players are by themselves and there will be 1 winner or 2 if there is a guy and girl winner. after each challenges is done and a winner is determined there will be a brawl. a brawl is where 2 players will vs eachother in another game like a gauntlet, inferno, duel , etc. if the brawl is same sex like boy vs boy, or girl vs girl, the brawl will be physical and require physical contact. if the brawl is boy vs girl then the game is more mental or endurance. now to determine who will be in the brawl is different each time. sometimes there will be a selection process like the duel, teams voting in players, players choosing opponents, etc. after the brawl is over, the loser is sent packing, and the winner goes back to the game. only one player can win the prize. b4 the game begins each player will put in 20 dollars and all the money they put in will be grand prize. also i am making all the players t-shirts with logo on the front and their names on the back. also they will have different colors uniforms which they picked themselves. anyway here is my logo, wat u all think? any questions? [IMG][/IMG]
[quote=k3nk3n;78724]Here's my idea for a new challenge format.. it's kind of "I Love Money"-ish but I think it would bring out a lot more drama than the boring Duel 2 format. - 2 teams, either RW vs. RR or something new (no vets/rookies, good/bad, etc) - After each challenge, the winning team picks 3 people (either men or women depending on the day) from the losing team to go into the gauntlet (we'll call it that for now, I'm not creative enough to think of a new name) - These 3 people compete in a gauntlet game and the winner is safe, but unlike the old challenges, the loser does not automatically go home - Instead, the person who won the gauntlet gets to choose between the 2 losers who goes home. After so many rounds of this (probably 10ish with the way they are doing hour long episodes now) the remaining players would compete in the final challenge, blah blah blah. Yay/nay?[/quote] Yay. If they ever do an Island 2 it should be somewhat like this.
